Angel in Disguise


Skylar smiled as she closed her cell phone and tossed it down on the hotel bed. Today was her final day in Finland. The final day of her celebration of graduation. She had graduated college two weeks ago, and to celebrate her parents had sent her to the one place she wanted to visit more than anywhere in the world. Helsinki, Finland. She didn't know what her obsession with the winter land was. She just loved everything about it. She believed it was because some of her favorite bands originated from Finland.

She ran a hand through her curly hair as she glanced into the mirror. Her eyes were lined in black eyeliner, and her lips held a hint of red gloss, making her brown eyes pop. A brown beanie was over the top of her head, hiding her ears away from the cold, and she had a tight fitting black jacket over her torso. She sighed, as she grabbed her purse and headed out of the hotel room.

The sight seeing was over, and tonight she just wanted to enjoy a drink at a small bar she had saw a few nights ago. She wasn't big on drinking, but she did want to have at least one Finland drink before she left. She walked the few blocks down, and walked inside the small bar. She made her way over to the bar and ordered herself a bloody Mary.

Ville sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he waited on Jussi to show up. He was meeting his fellow Finnish musician in a popular bar that he used to be a regular at. It was weird coming here now that he was sober. He tapped his hands against the table of the booth as he turned his direction towards the door. A stunning woman walked in. Her long flowing blond hair, and angelic face reminded him of an angel. He watched as she walked over to the bar and ordered herself a drink. Once she got her drink she moved over to a booth near the window. He watched as she sipped away on the beverage as she starred out the window.

The ringing of his cell phone brought him out of daze of watching her. He quickly answered his phone, hoping to not distract the other customers. Jussi's voice greeted him and let him know that he wouldn't be able to make it. He had a family issue he needed to attend to. Ville wished his friend well, and hung up the phone. He knew he should just get up and leave since his friend would no longer be joining him, but he couldn't quiet make his legs move.

He licked over his lips as he allowed his eyes to travel back over to the girl once again. She still hadn't finished her drink. She seemed to only be taking small sips at a time, which led him to believe she wasn't a very big drinker. He thought about walking over and introducing himself, but then she would just assume that he's hitting on her. He also realized she might notice him, and a crazed fan was not something he wanted to deal with. Especially when he already had a certain image of the way she would act burned into his mind. He pictured her as a down to earth girl, who could care less if he's famous or not.

Skylar looked around the bar to take in some of the scenery when her eyes landed upon a pair of bright green ones. She knew who it was without even thinking about it. Those green eyes could not be mistaken for anyone else. It was Ville Valo. The lead singer of HIM, and one of her many celebrity crushes. She decided to remain cool, and just look away. Clearly, if he had come to a public place, he didn't want the attention of some fan. Plus, she thought going crazy over celebrities was a bit much. They were just normal people, just like her. She did however flash him a soft smile, upon noticing that he was making eye contact with her.

The smile melted his heart as he watched her advert her eyes to somewhere else. She seemed to be studying every detail of the Finnish bar, and he quickly found himself asking why. He decided that he wasn't going to get any of his questions answered, unless he ask her. He tipped the glass of water up to his mouth and swallowed the contents before heading over to her table. He didn't know where the sudden courage come from, but he knew it might not last unless he acted on it.

"Hello, is this seat taken?" He asked, trying to come off as a gentlemen.

She looked up into his green eyes, and allowed a light scarlet color appear on her cheeks, "No, please have a seat." She said.

He grinned as he sank down in the booth. He watched as she tucked a piece of her golden blond hair behind her ear, and allowed her brown eyes to burn into his.

"My name is Ville."

"Skylar." She said, extending her hand.

He shook it and smirked as he realized how much smaller her hand was than his. He then recalled her height when she entered the bar. She wasn't the tallest woman in the world. She probably stood no taller than five two. He also noticed her accent. She was American.

"What brings you to the bar?" Ville asked.

"I'm just visiting, and it seemed like a nice place."

"You're from America." He stated.

She nodded, "My accent give it away?"

He chuckled, "Of course. Have you enjoyed your vacation?"

"Very much so." She smiled.

Skylar couldn't believe she was sitting and chatting with Ville Valo. It was many girls dreams including hers, and it was happening. She reminded herself later to squeal out when she was behind closed doors. This thing just didn't happen to normal people.

"Did you come alone?" Ville questioned.

She nodded, "Yeah, I've been here a week by myself."

"And why didn't someone accompany a beautiful lady like yourself?"

She blushed, "I don't know. I guess the trip just didn't seem exciting, or maybe I'm just not that exciting."

He laughed, "I'll care to argue that."

She smiled and found herself forgetting all about Ville being a celebrity. She was not chatting with some rock God. She was chatting with an every day average Joe, who just so happen to do music as his career. Not once in their conversation did he hint to being famous. He carried on conversation with her like a normal guy would.

As the night progressed he got to know her a bit better. He learned that she had just graduated college and was soon going to be taking job at the local hospital in her town as a nurse. He was impressed that such a beautiful young girl had a great mind on her as well. She was intelligent and enjoyed talking about things that interested him. He also loved the fact that she had no idea who he was, or at least he thought she didn't.

She sighed, "It's been wonderful, Ville. But I must be going."

"Why love? We were having such a good time." He smiled.

She giggled softly, "That we were. . . but," She said pointing to the clock, "It's nearing two in the morning and I have a plane to catch tomorrow morning."

He frowned, realizing she would be leaving Finland tomorrow morning.

"May I walk you back to your hotel then?" He asked, remembered she had mentioned being only a couple of blocks up.

She smiled, "I would love that."

They walked the few blocks down to her hotel in silence. Ville didn't really want this night to end. He hadn't had this good of a time in awhile. She turned around to face him as she stopped in front of the hotel.

"It was nice meeting you." She said.

"You too." Ville said.

She smiled, as she tip toed up and pressed her soft delicate pink lips against his. He was shocked by her cold lips, and regretted that he didn't act upon the kiss. She pulled away from him, blushing, "Goodnight, Ville." She whispered, walking inside the hotel.

He stood there like a deer caught in head lights. Did that really just happen? He met an amazing girl, and now she was gone. Life didn't seem far to him. He sighed, knowing he would probably never see the girl again. He tried to shake it off, as he walked down the streets of Finland, but he just couldn't do it.

She was so different, and even though the kiss she had placed upon his lips was so innocent and short, it felt so right. He didn't even know if it meant anything to her, or that was just her way of saying goodbye. Everything about her seemed right, but how could it be so right when she was leaving tomorrow morning? He groaned out. The last thing he needed was a girl on his mind when his band had so much coming up.
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I had no intentions of posting the first chapter until tomorrow, but I've already received THREE amazing banners, and I just wanted to start showing them off.

The other delicious banners will be posted in the next updates! I'm so excited to show them off guys! Big thank you to frostedxpink(banner above) and xXButterflyXSkullsXx(next two banners).