Angel in Disguise

Cold And Empty

Ville's eyes snapped open, and he looked around the room he was in. White walls, with pictures hanging. A strong smell of Cinnamon filled the air, and he could feel a body near his. He looked down and saw Skylar half on top of him, half on the couch sleeping with her head on his chest. He smiled as he wrapped his arm tightly around her and brought her closer to him. She moved a little, but didn't wake up.

He frowned as he looked over at the clock on the entertainment center and saw it was already ten in the morning. He would need to meet up with the guys by six, and then head out on the road again. He wished the tour was over so he could just stay with Skylar. He needed to be near her. He needed to win her heart. He had never felt this way about a woman in his life, and he wanted so desperately to just see where they could go.

He looked down and smiled as he watched her eyelids flutter opening revealing the brown eyes he adored so much. She smiled softly, and then moved her body from his and sat up on the couch. He felt cold and empty as he body no longer touched his. She ran a hand through her long blond hair and looked over at the clock.

"We slept in late." She giggled nervously.

He chuckled, "Yes we did."

She looked back towards him and smiled as she stood up and stretched her arms above her head. Her shirt raised up and revealed her stomach. Ville couldn't help but to think of how could it would feel to have his hands touching any part of her bare body. He licked over his lips as he watched her walk into the small linked kitchen and turn the pot of coffee on.

"What are you wanting for breakfast?" She asked.

"I don't care, love."

"Oh come on. I'm sure you've not had a good breakfast in awhile. What do you want? I'll fix anything."

"I'm really not picky." He replied.

She huffed and walked over to her refrigerator. He walked into the kitchen to watch her. He jumped up on a stool by her counter, and studied her as she began to place several things on the counter by the sink. She was cracking eggs, opening packages of bacon, getting out bread. He had no clue what she was going to make for him.

Skylar knew Ville was on the road for a long time, and knew he probably wouldn't be getting a big home cooked breakfast for a long time. She decided to fix french toast, sausage, scrambled eggs, and bacon.

Ville smiled as he watched her run back and forth through the tiny kitchen. He had never really had a woman cook for him like this. Jonna never really liked cooking. She would always toss something in the microwave, but that was about as much as she could do. Soon, Skylar was placing a large plate of food in front of him. It was enough to feed ten men, and she expected him to eat it.

"Eat up." She smiled, as she sat in front of him with a much smaller plate.

"You expect me to eat this much?" Ville laughed.

"Yes! It might be awhile before I can cook for you again."

He frowned at that thought. It would be a long time before she could cook for him again. At least two months. He groaned mentally, and shoved a piece of french toast in his mouth. Two months without seeing her smiling face. Two months without her. He didn't know if he could honestly hang in the tour and finish or not. The only thing he wanted to do was be with Skylar.

"I wish the tour was over." He said, as he took one final bite.

"Me too." She sighed, "But maybe it'll pass before you know it."

"Two months will drag by," He sighed, "I'm not going back to Finland though." He reminded her, "I want to spend some time with you first."

She smiled. It made her insides tingle when he talked about coming back to New York after the tour. It just showed that he was serious about possibly making a relationship between the two of them work. She began feeling bad about how she thought about long term relationships. Maybe, if the two of them put enough effort into it, then they could make this work.

Ville noticed her starring off in space and his brows met in the middle, "What are you thinking about, love?"

"Just how we could possibly make a relationship work." She replied honestly.

He smiled, just knowing she was thinking about it was a good sign, "Just give me time, okay? Let me finish this tour, and I'll show you we can." He smirked.

She giggled, and nodded her head. It was insane to her that this was even happening. She was actually considering having a relationship with a man she had only hung out with on two occasions. A man who she had admired from a far for years. A man who lived on the other side of the world.

After they finished breakfast, then she cleaned up and then turned around to look at him. It was now nearing noon, and she knew they only had a few precious hours to spend together.

"What do you suggest we do today, Mr. Valo?"

He smiled, "I think we should just stay in and sit on the couch. I don't want to waste any time with you."

She grinned, "I would like that a lot."
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