Angel in Disguise


She laughed as he told her about hanging out with Bam. It seemed like whenever he mentioned Bam, she couldn't help but to laugh. She could tell Ville and Bam were extremely close friends. He also began telling her about all the past tours around the world.

"So, how long have you been a fan?" He asked.

"About six or so years."

His eyes widened a bit. He didn't expect her to be a fan that long. He licked over his lips and starred at the woman in front of him. Why did he have to wait so long to meet her. If she had been a fan of his for six years, then why couldn't he have met her then? He was positive they would be married with kids by this point.

He then noticed what he had just thought. He never really pictured himself married with kids, and now here he was picturing Skylar growing round with his child, and walking down the aisle in white. He swallowed hard as he realized just what this meant. This meant he was finally serious about a woman. Finally ready to take that plunge. Finally ready to grow up. He just needed to take his time and make sure that was also what she wanted.

"I can't believe you've been a fan that long." He chuckled.

"Believe it. I've had a heartagram tattoo for like five years."

"You have a heartagram tattoo?" He questioned.

She smiled, as she pulled her hair to one side, and then tilted her head back. He could see a black design behind her ear. He looked closer and saw a small black heartagram. He smirked as she let her hair fall again, covering up the design.

"You have a heartagram tattoo." He said pretty amazed.

"I do." She smirked, "I wanted a bigger one, possibly on my hip, but I'm a big chicken." She giggled.

"I like that one." Ville smiled.

Skylar smiled upon seeing him smile. She was now regretting that they weren't already considered a couple. He made butterflies swarm around in her stomach. She slowly leaned over, and Ville seemed to know what was coming, considering he moved in as well. She took in a deep breath of air, as he closed the distance between their lips, and molded his soft lips against hers.

He moved his hands up and cupped her face, and she moved hers and placed them on his shoulder's. Their tongues danced together in a battle of dominance for several minutes. Neither of them wanted to pull away. Nothing else in the world seemed to matter right now.

But it seems like all good things come to an end. Especially when someone is knocking on the door.Ville pulled away from her and sighed softly, as he leaned his forehead against hers.

"You might want to get that, love." He whispered.

"They'll go away." She murmured, placing her lips close to his again.

He chuckled as he leaned back down and captured her lips with his. The battle once again picked up, only to be ruined by the same knocking once again. Skylar pulled away with a groan. Her lips were extremely red due to having Ville's crushed against them only moments earlier, and her face was a soft pink color. She told him she would be right back and walked over to the door. She pulled it open quickly, plastering a very annoyed expression on her face. She had told EVERYONE she knew that she was busy today.

"Hey Sky! I didn't know if you were home or not." Jason stated.

"Jason. . ." She mumbled, "Yeah. I'm home." She sighed.

"Are you busy today? Do you want to go out to lunch or something?"

Ville appeared behind her after hearing a male's voice. He saw the guy and immediately noticed him as the guy from the picture. Her ex boyfriend. The one who thought was out of the picture.

She turned around and smiled softly at Ville. "Ville, this is Jason. Jason, Ville."

"Hello." Jason stated with the fakest smile Ville had ever saw.

"Hi." Ville said.

"I can see you're busy. . . Maybe I'll come back later, Sky."

"Ok. Bye Jason."

She closed the door and shook her head. What was up with him showing up all the time now? She sighed, as she turned around and faced Ville. He didn't look too happy.

"He's been showing up randomly the past week or so." She announced.

"But, you don't have feelings for him, right?" Ville asked.

She shook her head. She didn't think she had feelings for Jason anymore. They had been broke up for a long time, however they tried to keep a friendship.

"Skylar, if you have feelings for him. . ."

"I have feelings for you." She cut Ville off before he could finish his statement.

He smiled, and then stepped forward and cupped her face in his hands. "Good." He said, leaning down and pressing his lips against hers.

They spent what time they had left together, making the most of the day. Skylar drove Ville to meet up with the bus and kissed him several times before she said goodbye. As soon as he stepped onto that bus, her heart felt hollow and empty. She felt like he had took it with her.

She knew she needed to do something about the Jason situation. Clearly, he wanted something if he was so damned determined to catch up with her. She decided that she would make plans to hang out with him and figure out what's going on with him.
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This update is for tomorrow.