Angel in Disguise

Blown Away

Skylar was sitting at work a couple of days later. She had missed Ville more than she ever thought possible. She knew that once he came back to New York she was going to make them a couple. She regretted not making him her boyfriend the other night. Even with all of her hard feelings against long distance relationships, she planned on making this work. She had to make it work. Everything about Ville just seemed so right.

"Sky?" One of her co workers, Eva said.


"Could you hook Mrs. Slone up to her chemo?"

"Yeah. I'll get right on it." Skylar said, and walked into the room where the elderly woman was waiting.

She flashed the woman a brilliant smile, and then began hooking her up to the machine that would give her the medicine to hopefully save her life. She asked the woman if she needed anything before she left. The woman shook her head, and sipped away on a diet Coke that was in her wrinkled hands. Skylar walked out of the room and sighed as she walked back into the blood room, and poked yet another patient.

Ville licked over his lips as he starred at the portable DVD player laying on his lap. It was his down time on the tour bus. The time he could rest up for the next show. The time when he couldn't stop thinking about Skylar. He smirked, just knowing that in a matter of weeks he would once again be with her. Holding her in his arms, and hopefully calling her his.

Every time he thought about her he felt happy. Though, sometimes his happiness faded when he thought back to Jason. He didn't know why, but he had a horrible gut wrenching feeling that the kid was up to something more. He knew that he and Skylar were broke up, and she had said she didn't have feelings for him. But that didn't mean he still didn't have feelings for her.

Ville tried to remind himself that Skylar had made it pretty obvious that she liked him. She had also done her best to convince him that Jason was nothing more than a friend. He just cringed, knowing that once open a time they had been more than friends. What if he wiggled his way back in while Ville was on tour?

Skylar walked into her apartment after an extremely long day at work. She was tired, and starved. All she wanted to do was eat some dinner, talk to Ville a little, and then go to bed. Before she could even walk into the kitchen, there was a knock at her door. She sighed softly, as she walked over and pulled it open.

There was no shocker on who it was. She was almost expecting him to stop by.

"Hi Jason."

"Skylar! Tell me if it's a bad time, and I might just give up."

She sighed, "It's not a bad time, come in."

He walked inside the apartment and looked around. She turned to face him and noticed he wasn't talking. He was just starring around.

"Did your boyfriend leave?"

"Huh?" She asked, and then remembered he had saw Ville. "Oh, Ville. He's not my boyfriend, well. . . not yet."

"He looked familiar. . . But yet, he's older than us. . ." Jason said, digging for details.

"Uhm, Ville's in a band. . .HIM." She stated.

"Never heard of them." He stated.

She nodded her head, "He's not here now." She stated, "He's on tour again."

"Tour? So, you're talking to some famous guy who spends most of his time on the road?" Jason asked, "That doesn't seem like you, Sky."

"Ville's a great guy, Jas."

"I'm not saying he isn't. He seemed very nice." Jason said, plastering the fakest smile ever across his lips. "I'm just saying that you never used to go for long distance relationships. We called our relationship of two years off because you didn't think you could handle it, remember?"

"I know." She whispered, "Things have changed."

He sighed, "I guess I'm too late."

"Too late?"

He nodded his head, "I transferred back here. I only had one year left anyways. I couldn't do it anymore. I just. . . I missed you, Sky."

"What?" She asked dumb folded.

Jason had been gone for three years. They hardly spoke, unless he was in town visiting. She didn't understand how he could miss her.

"I missed you Skylar. I was kidding myself when I thought I could go away to college and actually endure it. I can't endure anything without you by my side. I feel so empty!"

"Jas. . ."

"I know I messed up. I shouldn't have left you. I should have never even considered going away for college. I didn't think we'd break up when I applied! I thought we would be fine, and by now I thought we would be married, with at least a kid here, or on the way! I never wanted my life to turn out this way. I never wanted a life without you by my side!"

She was completely blown away. There wasn't even a word in the dictionary to describe the amount of shock he had placed on her. She had always thought he was okay with the break up. She had no clue that he felt this way about it.

It was too late though. She had developed feelings for Ville.

"Jason, I'm sorry. . ."

"I'm not giving up, Sky. I'm winning you back. I don't care if I have to compete with a rock star. I won't give up."


"I love you." He said, stepping forward.

Before she could even protest, he had cupped her face in his hands, and pressed his lips against hers. She could faintly feel sparks, but it was nothing compared to what she felt when Ville kissed her. He pulled away and sighed.

"Just think about it, okay? You still owe me dinner. We need to catch up. Just. . . don't shut me out, Sky." He said, and with that final sentence he walked out of her apartment.

She didn't know what to think. She didn't know what to do. She felt like she had betrayed Ville by even talking to Jason, let alone kissing him-- even though she didn't technically kiss Jason. Her head was swimming with a thousand thoughts and she really didn't know what to do about anything.
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