Angel in Disguise


Skylar paced through her living room as different ways of telling Jason flooded her mind. She was waiting on Ville to call so she could tell him she was going out with Jason tonight. She didn't want to hide things from Ville. She wanted to remain as honest as she could in the relationship. Her phone began ringing and she rushed over and quickly picked it up.


"Hey Love. What are you doing?"

"I'm uh. . . I'm getting ready to go out." She sighed.

"With Maggie?"

"No. . ."

"With whom?" He asked.

"I'm going to dinner with Jason-- Before you think anything, it's just a dinner to tell him that he's fighting for nothing. I just want him to know that I'm serious about you, Ville."

"Oh. . . Okay. Couldn't you tell him over the phone?" Ville asked.

"That seems kind of. . . I don't know, not right. Jason has been a good friend for a long time. I want to do this proper."

"So, going to dinner and doing it. . . That's proper?" Ville asked.

She groaned, "I don't know! I just thought it would be easier this way. He insisted that we hang out. I figured I wouldn't go back on my word, and still get my point across." She rambled on.

"I understand." He sighed, "Just be careful, okay? I have a bad feeling about him." Ville admitted.

Skylar laughed softly, "You have nothing to be worried about."

There was a knocking on her door, and she sighed, "That's him, Ville. I gotta go. I'll call you after I get home, okay?" He told her that would be fine and they ended their phone conversation. She grabbed herself a light jacket, and her purse, and then opened the door and walked out of her apartment. Jason was standing there waiting on her with a smile upon his lips. She instantly felt like a horrible person.

She was going to be breaking this guys heart.

She walked out to Jason's car in silence. He opened the passenger door for her and allowed her to climb in. She smiled over at him as he started up the vehicle. She licked over her lips when she noticed he wasn't driving towards town.

"Where are we going for dinner?" She asked.

"I figured we could go to my place." He said softly, "I prepared dinner for you. I just wanted some alone time, like we used to have."

She swallowed hard and thought back to their relationship. Alone time with Jason meant sex. She didn't know if he was implying they have sex tonight or not, but he always used to refer to alone time in the past as sex. She ran a hand through her hair, and touched her jean pocket. She felt her cell phone and then reminded herself that she needed to call Ville as soon as all of this was over. She was well aware that he would be worried to death the entire time she was out with Jason.

"So, did you tell that guy you're going out to dinner with me?" Jason asked.

"Yeah. I told him you and I were going to dinner."

"What did he say?"

"Nothing." She replied.

"Oh come on." Jason laughed, "I know he had to say something. I'm taking the girl he wants out on a date."

She swallowed hard. Jason thought this was a date? She had merely said she wanted to go to dinner. Hang out. She didn't want to 'go on a date', and she didn't like the idea that he thought this was a date. She knew she was in deep now. She thought about just asking him to pull the car over and to talk to him on the side of the road. Clearly, he had thought she meant something else by her asking him to dinner.

"Jason. . .I didn't really think this was a date." She said.

"Well, what is it?" He asked.

"I just thought we would have dinner. . . and hang out."

"Normally when a single guy and a single girl share dinner. . . and hang out, it's considered a date, Sky."

She sighed, and could see his reasoning. She just licked over her lips and starred out the window. She really had no idea where he lived now. She knew he just moved back to town, and since he had drove many miles outside of town, she knew he didn't live with his parents.

About twenty minutes later they pulled into a run down apartment complex. He frowned towards her, "It's only for the time being." He said.

She smiled softly, and got out of the car. She followed him to the door and he proceeded to unlock it. She walked inside the small cramped apartment and was immediately hit with the scent of food. He had cooked for her. She began feeling guilty for what she was going to do tonight.

"Dinner and then conversation?" He asked.

"Yeah. . ." She sighed, "That would be good."

She wasn't looking forward to the conversation part of the night.
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