Angel in Disguise


She sat down on the couch with her hands in her lap. She didn't really know how to start this conversation with Jason. She didn't even know what he would think about it. She looked up when she heard Jason nearing her. He had two glasses of red liquid in his hands. He smirked as he handed her a glass. She didn't even know if she wanted to drink it. She was already feeling sick.

"It's red wine." He said.

She smiled, and accepted the glass. She knew it wasn't enough to get her drunk, so she began sipping away on the contents. She was hoping the wine could calm her down a bit and relax her. She really needed to figure out how she was going to approach this topic. She continued to sip away on the glass, and before she really knew it, she had finished the entire thing before the first word had even been spoke. She looked over and Jason had a wide smirk placed upon his lips.

"I need to talk to you about something." She said softly.

"Anything." He said, the smirk never leaving his lips.

"I uh. . . I know you thought this was a date, Jas."

He frowned, "Isn't it?"

"Jason, I invited you to have dinner tonight because well. . . I just wanted to tell you that you don't need to waste your time on me. . ." As she spoke every word, she noticed her head began to feel weird. She didn't know if it was because she was in the process of breaking Jason's heart, or if it was just something else. Could it have been something she ate? Drank? "I really like Ville, Jas. . ." She said, and then she noticed her vision becoming blurry. She closed her eyes and reopened them again. Jason looked very angry.

She watched as he slammed his glass of wine down on the coffee table. She slightly jumped, and then watched as he quickly stood up. She noticed her head was beginning to hurt even more. She raised her hand up and massaged her temple slowly, hoping to ease some of the pain that had suddenly started.

"What more do I need to do, Skylar?" Jason yelled.

She slammed her eyes shut upon hearing him yell. Due to her sudden headache, it was like his voice was ten times louder than normal. She was also starting to feel sick to her stomach. Her entire body was actually starting to feel different.

Jason watched her and knew the substance that he had placed inside her drink was finally kicking in. He had placed it in her drink at dinner, and then in the wine as well. He could tell it was finally taking a toll on her body, and now he could finish up with his plan.

He was well aware that Skylar wasn't going to take him back. At first he had no bad intentions. He really did come back to win her heart again. He wanted her to motivate him to clean up his act. He wanted to be good for her. He wanted to better himself for her. He knew she was the only chance for him to straighten his life out.

But she was too caught up with Ville and impressing him. That angered Jason and he knew he needed to do something. He knew if he drugged Skylar, and then took advantage of her then it could possibly work in his favor.

He watched as she slowly closed her eyes and he knew it was now time to take her to the bedroom and take advantage of her before she completely went unconscious. He helped her up off the couch, and wrapped his arm around her waist and tugged her into the bedroom.

He tossed her body down on the mattress, and then smirked as he began stripping clothing from himself. As he ripped the shirt from his body, the cell phone in her jeans started ringing. She was too far out of it to even notice what was going on. He placed his hand inside her jean pocket, and pulled out the ringing device.

He smirked when he read the name "Ville" on the screen.

He flipped the phone open and then brought it up to his face. This couldn't be better timing.

"Hello?" Jason breathed into the phone.

Ville swallowed hard as he heard a male's voice. A familiar male's voice. A male voice of trouble. His hands clutched into fist, and then he had to remind himself to stay calm.

"Where is Skylar?"

"She's kind of. . . ohhhhhh. . busy right now. Can I take a message?" Jason asked, making Ville think something else was going on.

"Let me talk to her."

"I told you." Jason laughed, "She's busy right now. She can't really talk. She has a mouth full."

Ville shook his head and flipped his phone shut. He couldn't believe her. How could she do this to him?

Jason smiled as he heard Ville hang up. Things had gone better than he thought. He didn't even need to take advantage of her. He licked over his lips, as he crawled inside the bed and laid next to Skylar. His intentions were going to be sleeping with her, hopefully getting her pregnant, and then stealing her away from Ville. But it looks like Ville is already out of the picture. So he can play the good guy card in the morning, and act like he's there to save the day.

He smirked as he thought about how well tonight had worked out. Things couldn't have timed themselves any better.
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