Angel in Disguise

No Memory

Skylar's head was hurting as she opened her eyes. She didn't even remember what had happened. She slowly raised up and looked around, realizing she wasn't in her bedroom. She looked to her side and saw Jason laying in bed next to her shirtless. She quickly stood up and looked down at him with fear spread across her face.

What the hell had happened? Why couldn't she remember anything?

Jason stirred and raised up on the bed as he looked over at Skylar. He knew it was now time to put on an act for her. Ville had believed every word he said, and now it was time to make her believe.

"Sky, you alright this morning?" Jason asked, acting concerned.

"What happened?" She asked.

"You and. . . Ville? Is that his name. . . well, you two had problems last night."

"We what?" She asked, confused.

She couldn't even remember talking about Ville. She didn't recall anything about him. She searched her mind over for anything that happened last night. The last thing she remembered was feeling sick at dinner, and drinking the wine. She really didn't know what was going on. Had she hit her head? Why couldn't she remember?

"What happened?" She asked.

He sighed, "I don't want you to cry anymore, okay? He was an ass. It's okay now, Sky."

"What happened, Jason?" She asked, growing annoyed.

"He phoned you drunk. . ."

"Ville doesn't drink anymore. He's been sober---"

"He got drunk last night. I know all about him being sober for awhile. He got drunk last night, and ended up having a threesome. He called you in the middle of it, Sky. He told you he wanted nothing to do with you. He said you were just a tease and he didn't want a relationship with someone like you. . . I'm sorry."

Her mouth was dropped. She couldn't believe Ville would do that. Her eyes began swelling with tears as she looked at Jason. He slowly raised up out of the bed and walked towards her. He wrapped his arms around her and ran his hands up and down her back.

"It's okay, sweetie." He whispered, "It's okay. You're going to be fine. I know he's an asshole for doing that to you. I'm here though, okay?"

"Why. . . can't I remember any of it?" She asked.

He sighed, "You downed the entire bottle of wine after, and then you cried and had a fuss for awhile. I eventually got you calmed down and brought you to my bed. . . I was so scared you would get sick, or wake up and start crying again so I laid beside you. I must have fell asleep. I was so worried, Sky." Jason rambled on. "You might have just blocked it from your mind. You said you wanted to forget everything about him."

"I just. . . I don't understand."

Jason sighed, and released her from the hug. He tucked a piece of her blond hair behind her ear, and leaned forward and placed a kiss upon her forehead. He knew she might not believe it, so he needed to think of something.

"I know you might not believe me. . . you can look on your received calls list and see his call from last night."

She did just that. She swallowed hard upon seeing his number. She didn't have any memories from the night before. The only thing she could go on was Jason's word, and since he had proof of the call, she believed him. She felt her eyes burning with tears as she shook her head.

"Why would he do this?" She asked.

"I don't know, hun. He's an asshole."

"I think. . . I need to call him and talk to him. I need to know why."

"You don't need to know why, Skylar!" Jason groaned, "Don't be stupid. He told you why last night. He said it was because he didn't want you. Don't give him the pleasure of hearing from you again. He didn't care about your feelings last night so why should you care about his today?" Jason scolded.

She sighed, and looked over at the clock and realized she had to be at work in a couple of hours. It was six in morning and she had to be at work by eight. She licked over her lips.

"Jas, can you take me home. I gotta be at work in two hours."

"Yeah. Let's go." He said grabbing his keys, "Can I stop by your house later? I don't want you to be alone. You were so bad last night, Sky. I'm so sorry he done this."

She nodded her head, not knowing anything else to say. Apparently Jason had taken care of her last night, so she didn't want to tell him he couldn't stop by tonight. He just didn't want to think about anything right now. She wanted to go home, get ready for work, and bury herself in that for the day. She couldn't believe how quickly things had changed.

Ville lay in his bunk starring a hole through the wall. He truly couldn't believe she would do that to him. After promising him that she didn't have feeling for Jason, and telling him that she was going to tell him that they couldn't be anything more than friends.

He rolled over on his side and debated on calling her and giving her a piece of his mind. It wasn't nice to toy with someones feelings. It wasn't nice to lie to someone, or drag them on making them believe that you were going to be with them when you weren't.

She didn't seem like the type to do this, but Jonna had never seemed like the type to cheat on him either.

It seemed like he just had bad choice in women. He shook his head, and decided to just move on. After the tour he would go back to Finland and forget all about Skylar.
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