Angel in Disguise

A Week Passes

A week passed and Skylar didn't hear from Ville, nor did she attempt to call him. She had buried herself in work. Maggie kept telling her that she needed to talk to him. She said something didn't add up, but it all added up perfectly. If it wasn't true, then he would had called. He hadn't called since that night, so she knew it was true. She knew something was wrong. She had a gut feeling that something just didn't click together properly, but she just assumed she felt that way because of what happened.

Jason had been over every night for the past week. She really didn't mind that much. He was company. He hadn't put a move on her, or done anything out of the way. He had just offered his shoulder for her to cry on. She was thankful that she had him in her life at the moment.

Maggie had been no help this past week. She had told Skylar she was stupid for not contacting Ville and seeing what really happened, especially since she still had no memories of the night. She couldn't bring herself to contact him. She would rather not hear the truth. She thought maybe it was a good thing that she had no memories.

There was a loud pounding on the door and she knew who it was. She sighed softly as she raised up from the couch and walked over to the door. She pulled it open and smiled softly at Jason. He was holding a large pizza box in his hands and a smug expression across his face. She moved out of the way and allowed him into the apartment.

"Figured you were wore out from work and didn't wanna cook." He said.

"Yeah, thanks."

"You still like mushrooms, right?" He asked.

She nodded her head and walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed a cola. She popped the top and then gulped back some of the contents before walking over and grabbing a piece of the cheesy treat. Jason was also munching away by this time. He looked different, but she couldn't put her finger on it. She knew it was something about his eyes, but she just couldn't figure out what.

"Would you like to watch some movies tonight?" He asked.

"Sure, Jas. Whatever you want." She replied.

He smiled, "I just want to make you feel better. You've been feeling so blue all week, darling. It's time to cheer up."

She half smiled at him and knew he was right. She did need to cheer up, but how could she cheer up when her heart was feeling so broken? She felt like it had literally been ripped from her chest, and consciously stepped on.

Ville walked off the stage after one of his worse shows. He just couldn't get into the music and he hated that he was letting his fans down. He walked straight on the bus and retreated to his bunk. His last week had been hell. He hated not being able to talk to her. He hated thinking about her being there with another man.

Where did he go wrong?

When he had left everything had been so picture between the two of them. Even before she left that night, everything was still perfect. What had changed? Had he done something? had she been playing him all along?

He just didn't understand how everything changed in such a short amount of time. He had thought the two of them were serious about their feelings.

He was going to move to New York for fucks sake! He was going to be with her. He was going to find a way to make it work. She seemed so interested in him. She had promised she wasn't interested in her ex.

He just didn't understand. He wanted so badly to phone her and ask what the hell happened. What had changed her mind? Why did she choose Jason? Why didn't she even give him a chance?

He sighed. He still had another month or so left on this tour. He needed to finish it up. He needed to give his fans their money worth. He decided that he would just stop thinking about Skylar until the tour was over. Then when it was over, he could focus on what he wanted to do.

Even though he knew it may be wrong. He still wanted to fight for her. He wanted to be with her.

He was going to go after her.

Skylar yawned as she watched the zombies run across the screen. It was past eleven and she was very tired. She had worked a long shift, and hardly slept the night before, which equaled exhaustion.

"I think I need to hit the sack."

Jason frowned, "Okay. I'll see you tomorrow." He stated.

"Okay." She said.

"Sky--" He said, before he got up from the couch.


"Would you go on a date with me?" He asked, and then chuckled, "I know it may be too soon, and you may not be ready. But I really want to see if we still have it."

She half smiled. She hated to turn him down with everything he had done for her lately, but she just wasn't ready.

"How about this. . . I'm not going to tell you no. . . but I do need more time. As soon as I'm ready, I'll let you know okay?"

Inside he was angry, but outside he was remaining calm. He needed her to be with him again. He sighed and stood up. "I'll wait for you forever." He said, pulling her into a hug. She hugged him back and he rolled his eyes.

The only thing he needed from her was a paycheck to pay for his dope. He wasn't interested in her love anymore. He wasn't interested in any ones love. He just needed help. Everyone else had turned their backs on him, and he was in deep trouble. He needed someone he could manipulate, and he knew the only person that would fall for his games was Skylar.
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