Angel in Disguise


It had been a week since Skylar had returned back from her Finland trip. It was one that she would remember for the rest of her life, especially the kiss she had with Ville. Even though it was just a peck, and she wasn't sure if he even wanted it or not, it meant something to her. It would be a secret she would carry with her for years to come. A secret she would never tell anyone. Who would honestly believe her anyways?

As she climbed inside her car, she smiled as she glanced at the air freshener which happen to hold the popular heartgram symbol. It was no secret to anyone that she was a huge fan of the band. She had all their albums, and listened to them religiously. She even had a small heartagram tattoo behind her ear. It was mostly hidden to the world since she wore her hair down all the time, but it was still there to show her support.

As she arrived outside the hospital she grinned widely. She had been working there for two days now, and it was the most thrilling experience of her life. There was nothing better in the world than her job. She loved helping people, and seeing them smile because of her. She worked in a cancer center. At first, she had thought she would be working in just the emergency room, but then she received a call and said they needed a new nurse on the cancer floor. She didn't hesitate to take the job. Her grandmother, had beat cancer just last year, and she wanted to be able to support and help others along their battle against the disease.

She walked up the stairs instead of taking the elevators. She vowed that any bit of extra exercise was good to keep her body in shape. She smiled at a few passing by nurses, and then walked inside the place that was slowly becoming her home away from home. Her fellow co-workers all seemed to be very nice and friendly. Everyone strived for one goal, and that was to make the patients happy.

"Hello Skylar." A co worker, Megan welcomed her.

"Hello Meg."

Skylar moved on to the room where she would began taking blood from patients. She had an important job. She needed to get the blood, so they could check it to make sure their blood count was high enough for the patient to receive chemo. She walked inside the room and looked at the charts already on the table. The first patient came in with a smile on her wrinkled lips. There was a younger girl pushing her in a wheel chair. Skylar assumed this was her grand daughter. The old woman began telling her about how she was feeling good today, and Skylar knew from that moment it was going to be an amazing day.

Ville puffed away on his cigarette as he waited for Bam to show up. He didn't know why he was sitting at a bar in the middle of West Chester when he should have been home preparing for his up coming tour. But something told him he needed to get to America soon. He looked towards the door and saw his American best friend walking in. He looked like hell recently, but that wasn't anything new. He had been like that since he married his 'child hood sweet heart'.

Bam sunk into the booth and smiled over at his friend. He had no clue why Ville decided to visit America all of a sudden, but he really didn't mind. Any excuse to get away from Missy, and see a friend was good.

"So, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be getting ready for the tour?"

"The tour doesn't start for another month, Bam."

"Exactly. You usually stay in Finland the entire month or two before the tour."

"I just thought I would visit America for a bit. Is that such a bad thing?" Ville asked, putting his cigarette out in an ash tray on the table.

"Not a bad thing. Just out of character for you."

"There's a reason for that, Bam."

"And that reason would be?"

Ville sighed, "I met a girl."

"Oh God. If you tell me you're dating another anorexic model then I will seriously slap you silly."

"I'm not dating anyone." Ville sighed, "I just said I met a girl."

"Who is she?"

Ville groaned, "That's the bad part. I only know her first name and the fact that she's from America."

"Wait a second. Back up. What are you saying?" Bam asked.

Ville spent the next thirty minutes talking about Skylar. He explained how she entered the bar, and caught his attention immediately. He then told Bam how they spent the entire night talking, and how he walked her back to her hotel, and then she planted a soft kiss upon his lips before leaving him. He also told Bam how she had been plaguing his mind for the past week.

"Let me get this straight," Bam said, "You met a girl named Skylar, from America. You talked to her all night. She kissed you, and then pretty much left Finland. Now you can't get her off your mind?"

"Pretty much."

"What do you expect, Ville? Surely, you don't think you're going to find her!"

"I don't think I will ever find her, Bam. I'm not even sure if she's real," Ville admitted, "I'm beginning to think she was just my imagination. Possibly, an angel in disguise."

"You know you sound crazy, right?"

"I'm well aware of how utterly insane I sound, but if only you saw her, if only you spoke to her, if. . . She was just so different."

"Sounds like you got it bad. . . bad for a girl you don't even know. Ville, come on. You don't even know what state she lives in, let alone what her last name is."

"I know she just graduated college with a nursing degree, isn't that a start?" Ville snapped.

Bam's eyes widened, "A start, Ville? Surely. . . Wait, You aren't going to try to find her, are you?"

Ville sighed, "I have a month before the tour. I don't think I'm going to get any work done, until I know if she's real or not. I haven't even been able to sleep at night without picturing her in my dreams."

"This is crazy." Bam said, running his hands through his curly locks.

"I know how crazy it may seem, Bam. Which is why I've come to you for help."

Bam laughed, "How. . . how would we even start?"

Ville sighed, "You've got friends all over the states. Surely, you could spread the word and have a look out? Possibly say something on radio Bam?"

"You know how stalkerish you're going to sound right?"

"At this point, I could care less." Ville sighed, "I need to find her. There is just something about her. I tried to function for a week, and I haven't been able to do anything without picturing her in my life."

"Okay, Man. I'll help you out, but I'm not promising any results."

Ville nodded his head. He knew it was a long shot, but he wanted to look for her. He needed to look for her. He couldn't stop thinking about her, and just needed another night with her. A night to find out if she was truly an angel in disguise, or just the perfect woman.
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