Angel in Disguise


Skylar tapped her nails against the table as she waited on Maggie to arrive. She was having lunch with her best friend. She desperately wanted to have some girl talk. Over the past few weeks, she had regretted her decision on not calling Ville to talk things over. Every time she had brought it up it had been to Jason, and he had talked her out of calling him. She hadn't really been able to ask Maggie for advice due to her working doubles at the bar.

Her friend walked in and she smiled lightly at her. As Maggie walked over she shook her head as she looked at Skylar. She had large black bags under her eyes, and she looked as if she had lost at least ten pounds in the past couple of weeks. Maggie knew it had been to lack of sleep and appetite due to worrying about Ville.

"You look like hell." Maggie said.

"I feel like hell." Skylar stated, "I just. . . feel so drained all the time."

"Have you spoke to Ville?"

Skylar shook her head, "No. When I think about calling him, Jason tells me I'm stupid."

"Jason is just trying to wiggle his way back in. I just don't think Ville would do this to you, Sky."

"He did. . . I just want to know why." Skylar sighed.

"Well, you should make the call. Isn't the tour ending soon?"

"It's suppose to end next week, I think. I don't even know. I'm so out of the loop."

"I really think something else is going on. I've been keeping tabs on Ville as well. I've been reading interviews and stuff, and he doesn't seem like his old self either."

"I just. . . don't know if I'm prepared for the truth. Do you think it's a good idea to call? I mean-- Jason keeps--"

"That's the problem right there." Maggie scolded, "You keep listening to what Jason has to say. Of course he doesn't want you to call Ville. He wants you to be with him. He doesn't want you guys to talk or work things out."

"If he done that. . . there is no working it out." Skylar said.

Maggie sighed, "You don't even remember what happened that night. How do you even know you talked to him? You said you don't remember anything after dinner. How do you know Jason didn't slip you something, Sky? I've heard things about Jason. Things that aren't very nice."

"Like what?"

"Just that he was involved in drugs and such. I don't know for sure. You know how rumors fly."

Skylar nodded her head and decided that until she spoke to Ville then this wasn't going to change. She needed to talk to him and find out a reason behind doing so. She ate with Maggie and then decided to go straight home and call him. As she pulled into her parking spot, she noticed a police cruiser parked next to her apartment. She burrowed her brows together as she stepped out of the car and walked over to her door.

The cop walked over to her and flashed her an unsure smile.

"Can I have a word with you ma'am?"

"Sure." She said.

The man handed her a picture of Jason. She was shocked to see it as a mug shot. She looked back up at the cop with wonder in her eyes.

"Do you know this man?" He asked.

"Yes. . ." She said, looking down at him again, "He's my ex boyfriend."

"His name is Jason Slone, correct?"


"Have you saw him lately?" The officer asked.

"Just last night." She replied.

He nodded his head, "Do you know where he is right now?" The cop questioned.

She shrugged her shoulder's, "Possibly working. . . I'm not sure." She replied.

"Is something wrong?" She asked after the cop nodded his head.

"Yes. I need to find Jason soon."

"I can show you where he lives. . ." Skylar said, "Is he in trouble?"

"He's in a lot of trouble." The officer said, "Would you come with me and show me where he lives?"


She didn't know what he had done wrong. She didn't know if it was a misunderstanding or if he had really committed a crime. She just knew that she wasn't going to lie or get involved in anything.

"Do you know how long he's been back in Pennsylvania?"

"He started showing up around my apartment about a month and a half ago." She replied, "He said he had transferred back to school here to finish up his last year."

"Has Jason ever been violent towards you?"

"No." She said, "I don't understand. Has he done something?"

The cop sighed, "Jason is wanted for two cases of rape in Florida. He's also got some drug charges against him, along with a few harassment charges. He was on probation, but ended up leaving Florida awhile back."

Her mouth dropped. Jason-- the guy who she had thought was a saint, had raped girls? She couldn't believe what the cop was telling her. She shook her head, as she gave him the directions to his apartment. She was surprised to find two other cop cars at the location.

"I'll be right back." The officer said.

Skylar watched in fear as the five cops entered the apartment. She could hear screaming, and then there was silence. She then watched as Jason was brought out of the apartment in handcuffs. She starred into his blue eyes as he was placed in the back of a police cruiser and drove away.

The first officer came back out and got inside the car again. He told her thanks for the help, and drove her back to her place.

"How did you know I knew him?"

"I didn't. I brought the picture into your apartment owner, and she let me know she had saw him hanging around your apartment lately. Then I decided to wait for you there. We've been looking for him for three weeks here."

She nodded her head, still in a state of confusion. The officer dropped her off at her house, and the only thing she wanted to do was get some sleep. The call to Ville would have to wait for the morning. Right now she needed to just deal with all these new facts about Jason.
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