Angel in Disguise

Huge Misunderstanding

Skylar woke up the next morning and needed to get to work, but she also knew that the minute work was over she was phoning Ville. She wasn't going to stall it any longer. She wanted to know the truth. She still couldn't believe the night before with cops and learning everything about Jason. It just seemed so unreal to her. He had sat in her living room practically every night for the past month.

The work day was long and exhausting. The main nurse seemed to be having a bad case of PMS, and ended up bitching at everyone. It also didn't help that they had over booked patients. Skylar chewed nervously on her bottom lip as she worked as quickly as she could to get blood, and move along to the next task.

By the time her shift ended, she was exhausted. All she wanted to do was go home and crawl in bed, but she knew she couldn't do that. She needed to call Ville. She needed to know the truth about what had happened.

Ville sighed as he looked at his band mate Gas who was talking to his loved ones back home. Ville wished he had someone to talk to. Someone to tell he loved them. He thought back to Skylar and felt a pang of pain hit his heart. It tightened anytime he would think about her. She was really the girl he thought he would spend the rest of his life with. She was so sweet and so perfect in every single day. He just didn't know where he went wrong.

Tour was ending in a week and he had originally thought he would be renting a place in New York, but since he and Skylar had lost their chance to be together, he just assumed he would be heading back to Finland.

Ville yawned as he rolled over in his bunk and closed his eyes. He figured he could catch up on his sleep. It wasn't five minutes into trying to fall asleep when he felt his phone vibrating from his jean pocket. He reached his hand inside and pulled it out. He was really surprised to see the blinking name on the screen. He never expected to hear from her again.

Skylar bit down nervously on her bottom lip as she waited for him to pick up. She really didn't know what she would say. Where were they suppose to begin? She didn't even know if he would want to talk to her.

"Hello?" His musical Finnish voice said.

She breathed in deeply, "Hi Ville."

"Skylar." He sighed, "What are you doing?"

"I'm not doing anything. . . How are you?"

"I'm fine. You?"


She could tell that he was angry with her. She didn't know what she had done though. Shouldn't she be the one who was angry with him? She decided she would just be blunt with her conversation. She needed to get to the bottom of this.

"So, about what happened. . ."

"Yeah, tell me what changed." He said.


"Tell me when you changed your mind." He stated.

"What are you taking about, Ville?"

"When did you decide to just. . . damn it, Skylar. Why are you acting stupid?" He asked, "I called you and you were pretty much giving Jason head." He spat.

Her mouth dropped. What the hell was he talking about?

"What the hell are you talking about, Ville? I called to ask you about the threesome you had and called me during."

"What the bloody hell?" He asked.

She sighed, "Someone. . . wait, who did you talk to that night?"

"I spoke to Jason. He said you were busy with your mouth full and couldn't talk." Ville muttered.

"So you didn't talk to me at all?"

"No, Why are you asking me this? Don't you remember?"

"I don't remember anything!" She groaned, "I just remember waking up and not knowing what had happened after I drank my wine."

"So. . ." Ville said, not really knowing what to think about what she was saying, "You and Jason didn't. . ."

"No!" She said quickly, "I wouldn't do that! I told you I cared about you Ville! He said I was so hurt that I cried myself to sleep. When I woke up I couldn't remember anything and he said you called and said you didn't want anything to do with me, and had a threesome."

"You believed him?" Ville asked.

"I didn't know who to believe! I couldn't remember anything! And he said to look on my phone if I didn't believe him. . . and your number was there. . ." She rambled on.

"Because I was worried!" Ville sighed, "It was getting late and you hadn't called. I decided to call and make sure you were okay."

"So you didn't have a threesome and say you didn't want anything to do with me?"

"No!" He nearly yelled, "I never said or done anything."

She felt warm tears begging to escape her eyes. She had trusted Jason and he had lied to her. Ville heard her crying and told her to calm down. She quickly began to explain what had happened last night with the cops.

"I knew something was up with him. He was just way too shady. He didn't try anything with you did he?"

"No." She mumbled, "I am so so sorry. I didn't know. He had me believing you had. . ."

"Don't worry about it." Ville sighed.

He was just so happy that it was a huge misunderstanding. He felt so complete now that he was talking to her again. She kept apologizing and he had to convince her that this wasn't her fault. They had both been played.

"I'm coming there in a week, okay?" He said.

"You're still gonna come back?" She asked.

"Of course. We need to work things out. I'm not giving up on you. Even before you called, I was going to come and see if we could fix things. I am so happy that you phoned me and we figured out it was just a misunderstanding."

"Me too."

She just couldn't wait for the week to pass. She needed to see Ville again. She couldn't believe she had allowed Jason to keep them apart for this long.
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