Angel in Disguise


Skylar couldn't get over how stupid she had been. Why in the world would she believe Jason to begin with? She felt like the biggest idiot on the earth. No body in their right mind would have believed him. They would have phoned Ville and found out first hand. She shook her head as she continued to clean around her apartment. Ville's tour was officially over today, and he would be in New York tomorrow. He was going to stay with her until he found himself a place. She truly couldn't wait to see him.

She felt horrible for not calling him. She kept apologizing to him, but he reminded her that they had both been tricked. She just couldn't believe Jason had changed that much over the years. In the past week, she had began hearing a lot of things about him. She heard his mother and father no longer had anything to do with him because they couldn't control him. She had also heard that after six months of college he dropped out. She just couldn't believe she had actually fell for all the lies. She knew his intentions with her weren't innocent. He probably had a lot more things in mind for her. She was just glad she got out when she did.

She took the laundry from the dryer and began folding it. She had been trying to catch up on all of her house work so when Ville arrived she could spend every possible minute with him. She just couldn't believe she had wasted so much precious time.

Once the laundry was done, she walked into the kitchen and began washing the dirty dishes. She still had a lot to do before his arrival.

Ville stepped off the plane and smirked. He had caught the first flight into New York and planned on surprising Skylar tonight. He knew their relationship would take a lot of work.They would defiantly need to work on their communication skills before they tried to have anything serious. But he was so determined to have a relationship with her. He knew he had met her for a reason, and that reason was to be with her.

He caught a taxi and gave them her address. He was just glad he remembered to store it in his phone. He tapped his fingers against his knees nervously as the cab drove him down the streets. He was so anxious to see her again. He didn't know if they would pick up from where they left off, or if they would have to start over.

He paid the man once he arrived at her apartment. He grabbed his suit case of clothes, and then stepped out of the taxi and began walking towards the door. He was extremely tired, due to catching a flight instead of sleeping. He just hoped she was happy to see him.

She was in the process of scrubbing her stove when there came a knocking at her door. She glared towards the door and huffed as she tossed the dirty cloth down on the floor. She looked horrible at the moment. Her face probably had filth scattered across it from cleaning all day. She was wearing a huge baggy shirt, and a pair of jogging pants. Her hair was tossed up into a bun and hadn't been washed since the previous day.

She opened the door, expecting to see her neighbor or someone insignificant standing there. Her mouth dropped upon seeing Ville standing there, looking exhausted but handsome. He had a smug look on his face that slowly faded into a smile.

"Surprise." He stated.

She giggled softly, and then tossed her arms around him and pulled him into a hug. Right now she could care less with the way she looked. The only thing she cared about was the Finnish man standing in front of her.

Ville chuckled, as he wrapped his arms around her and held her close to him. It seemed like things were picking up exactly where they had left off. He could have held her there forever. He actually wished they could have stayed in that position forever.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" He laughed.

She smiled, "I can't believe you're here."

She allowed him in the house and shut the door behind him. He smirked at her, and she sighed as she looked down at what she was wearing. She couldn't believe he had stopped by a day early. She wasn't exactly looking the best ever.

"I look horrible." She stated.

"You look fine."

"Ville, I'm covered in dirt and my hair hasn't even been washed."

"And yet you're still beautiful." Ville smiled.

She rolled her eyes playfully, and then sighed deeply. She was on cloud nine. The past month or so of pain didn't seem to matter. She couldn't believe she had even though that Ville was capable of betraying her like that.

"I'm sorry." She said, looking into his green eyes.

He groaned, "Will you stop apologizing? I thought we were over that."

She giggled, "I just wanted to apologize in person."

He smiled as he walked towards her. He couldn't delay the moment any longer. He bent down and pressed his lips against hers.

"You don't need to apologize anymore."

She smiled up at him, and then went in for another hug. She just couldn't believe she had even went a day without talking to him. She pulled away from the hug and sighed. She knew she needed to desperately get a shower if she was going to spend some time around him.

"I need to shower."

"I just got here!" He laughed.

She smirked, "And you'll be here for awhile. I won't be long, I promise. After the shower we can catch up. I wanna hear all about your tour."
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