Angel in Disguise


Warning, contains slight sexual content

She showered quicker than she ever thought possible. After her shower, she quickly changed into some lounge pants and a tank top. She placed her hair up into a high pony tail, although it was still wet. She didn't bother with any make-up. Ville had seen her at her worse considering he had saw her when she first woke up last time he was there. She walked out of her bedroom and saw him sitting on her couch with his hands in his lap. She could tell they were defiantly going to need to work on their relationship.

Ville looked up and smiled upon seeing her standing there after a shower. She licked over her pink lips and walked over and sat down on the couch next to him. He looked over at her and grinned widely, as he tucked a piece of his hair behind his ear. He made a mental note to get it cut again. It hadn't been cut since he left for the tour, and it was growing out quite long.

"I need to go looking for an apartment tomorrow." He said, breaking the silence.

She frowned, "You could stay here for a while if you wanted." She offered.

He smiled, "Are you sure?"

She nodded, "I would like that actually. I feel like I've lost some time with you, and I want to make it up."

He laughed, "You don't have to make anything up. We both fell for it. We should have been a little bit smarter and trusted each other."

"I'm really sorry." She said for the hundredth time.

He shook his head as he turned around so he was practically facing her. He lifted his hand up and placed it under her chin, and made her look at him. Her brown eyes practically burned into his and he smiled softly. She had nothing to apologize for. They had both been completely stupid.

He gazed into her eyes for a long time before he began moving his face towards hers. Soon their lips were touching and it was like electricity shooting through their bodies. Ville didn't know what had come over himself or Skylar, but soon she was on top of him and her lips were all over his neck. He wasn't going to protest though. He needed this from her. He needed her to show him that she cared about him.

Skylar didn't know what had came over her, but she suddenly felt closer to Ville. She felt as if they had been dating for years, and were finally taking their relationship to the next level. Nothing felt wrong, as she allowed him to pull her shirt up over her head. He had done it so smoothly and perfectly, making the moment feel romantic and sexy all at the same time.

He knew where this was heading, and he hoped she didn't stop it from continuing. But before they went to this level in their relationship, he wanted to make sure they were in a relationship. He breathed in, and then decided to just ask her.


She stopped her assault on his neck and looked up at him. His green eyes were filled with an emotion she couldn't quite put her finger on. She licked over her lips wondering if she had done something wrong. Did he not want to do this?

"What?" She whispered.

"I want to be with you." He said, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

She smiled as she leaned down and pressed her lips against his. He chuckled into the kiss, and raised his hands up to cup her face.

"You owe me an answer."

She giggled, "Yes, yes, and yes. Now let me finish kissing you."

He chuckled softly before her lips collided with his. It was a good feeling knowing that he finally had her. They picked up right where they left off, and Ville knew it was only a matter of time before things got to a point of no return.

"Bedroom?" She questioned through kisses.

"Let's go." He breathed.

She raised up and took him by the hand and led him into her bedroom. She laid back on her bed and he fell on top of her. She giggled as he slowly began to pull her lounge pants down off her legs. He kissed her stomach and down her thighs as he tossed them to the ground.

Clothing started disappearing in record time, and Ville worked his way back up to her lips, kissing every inch of skin that he could.

"Protection." He cursed.

"Birth control." She pointed over to the small white container on the night stand.

He smirked as he leaned down and kissed her softly and brought one of her legs up and hooked it around his waist. He disconnected their lips and looked deep into her eyes.

"Are you sure?" He asked softly.

"Positive." She smiled.

He leaned down and kissed her softly again as he thrust himself inside her small body. She moaned out in pleasure through the kiss, and he gave her a second to get used to him before he picked up the pace.

It felt so right to both of them. They felt like they matched together like missing puzzle pieces. They just fit.

Ville knew he never wanted to be with another woman as long as he lived. He had been with many in his past, and none had felt this good. This just led him to believe even more that she was meant for him.

Once the deed was finished, they lay in bed together catching their breaths. Ville looked over at her and smiled as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her softly on the cheek.

"Goodnight love." He whispered, pulling the covers up over their naked bodies.

She murmured a good night and closed her eyes knowing she was in heaven.
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