Angel in Disguise


They went to the shopping plaza that was just about twenty minutes from her apartment. It wasn't very large, but it had enough stores that they could easily browse for hours. Skylar was giddy the entire time due to Ville holding her hand, and opening doors for her. He was being a complete gentlemen, which was something she had never had before.

"Let's go in Victoria's Secret." Ville said.

She giggled, "Why, you need some sexy outfits?"

He laughed, "I don't, but I may just purchase my girlfriend some, which ultimately means they're for me." He said, pulling her into the store.

She rolled her eyes playfully at him, but allowed him to pull her through the door and straight to the section of the store his heart desired. It didn't take him long before he was sorting through outfits, and asking her which ones she wanted. She really wasn't the type of girl who usually bought sexy little outfits. She never had anyone to buy them for, but clearly Ville liked them, so they would be something she would need to shop for often.

They spent almost an hour in Victoria's Secret buying everything from undergarments to perfumes and lotions. Skylar had tried to drag Ville out before he purchased the entire store, but he was stubborn. He also wanted to spoil his girlfriend. He smirked as she pulled her trunk open and allowed him to put the many bags inside.

"Why didn't you just buy the store?" She said sarcastically.

He smirked, "Would you have rather I done that?"


He laughed, "Let's go grab some dinner, love."

She shook her head and laughed as she walked over to the driver's side and climbed inside. She and Ville discussed many different places they wanted to eat at, and finally decided on a fancy Italian one just outside town.

"We're going to visit Pennsylvania this weekend, right?" Ville said.


"You finally get to meet Bam." Ville smiled.

She laughed, "You think I can handle him?"

"I don't know. We'll only be around him during the days. I figured we could find a hotel in town. I wouldn't stay with him if he paid me." Ville chuckled.

"Why not?" She asked.

"His wife isn't. . . well, the friendliest person alive."


They didn't discuss Bam anymore. She was soon parking her vehicle in the parking spot. She licked over her lips as she glanced over at Ville. He smiled, and slowly leaned over and brushed his lips against hers softly. The day had been going so perfectly. She was waiting for something to come along and screw it up. That seemed normal in their relationship.

"Let's go. I'm starved." He said.

She laughed, and then climbed out of the car. She adjusted her shirt, and then walked inside the restaurant with Ville hand in hand. A woman seated them near the back, and then took their drink orders. She handed them a menu and promised to return in a few minutes. They both quickly picked out the dish they wanted and then smiled at each other.

"I'm glad we're here." She said.

"Me too." Ville sighed, "We should have been here a long time ago though."

She frowned, "I'm---"

He cut her off, "Don't even say it." He chuckled, "I'm not talking about that. I'm just saying, we should have met a long time ago. I wish you were in my life years ago."

"How come?" She asked.

"Because, I would be where I want to be in life by now."

Her eyebrows arched in confusion. Was he not where he wanted to be? She didn't really understand what he was talking about. She was going to open her mouth and ask him, but the waitress came back over and took their orders. Once she left, Skylar turned her attention back to Ville.

"Where do you want to be in life right now?" She asked.

He sighed, "I'm thirty three years old, Skylar. . . I at least expected to be married with a kid or so."

She nodded her head softly, seeing where he was coming from. Most men had already completed their family by that time, Ville hadn't even started his. She never thought he would be the type of person who would want kids. He was a busy musician, and he honestly didn't come off as a kid person.

"So you want the whole family scene?" She asked.

He nodded his head, "Doesn't everyone?" He questioned, "Of course I want the beautiful wife, and little hellions. Music won't be there forever, but a family will. One day, I'm going to wake up and realize that my fans have moved on and forgot me, but a family will never forget me." He stated.

She licked over her lips and thought about his reasoning. She knew his fans would never forget him. He was such an amazing musician, she didn't know how anyone could forget him. But she did know that one day, people would probably move on and become interested in a different sound. Times were always changing, and so were people. Ville was also not going to do music for the rest of his life. He was eventually going to retire. What would he retire to if he didn't have a family? A lonely tower in Finland. That didn't seem like such a good idea.

She didn't know if he was making a hint towards her that he wanted to make their relationship serious or not. It was very early to start talking about marriage and children. She wasn't going to discard the idea completely, but she just didn't know if she was ready to take that leap just yet.
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