Angel in Disguise


Skylar woke up to the loud sounds of her alarm clock. She groaned, as she slowly reach over and turned it off. She sighed, as she looked at the sleeping man next to her. Seeing him laying there brought back the vivid dream she had the night before.

She couldn't remember the entire dream, but she did remember pieces of it. From what she could remember she could see herself smiling a lot. She also saw Ville in her dream with a little boy sitting on his lap. The boy looked identical to him, sharing his facial structure and beautiful green eyes. The dream then shifted scenes and she found herself laying in a hospital bed. Ville was holding the little boy up in his arms, as the two starred down at her and a small baby wrapped in a pink blanket in her arms. From that scene it began shifting quicker and showing her snippets of different events such as holidays and birthdays.

She knew the dream was a result of what they had talked about at dinner the previous night. Ville wanted the family scene, while she was unsure if that was what she wanted at this point in time. Though, if it was going to be anything like her dream then she wanted it. The entire dream was amazing, and she was smiling throughout the entire thing.

"Come back to bed." She heard a Finnish voice mumble.

She smiled over and giggled softly, as she leaned down and brushed her soft lips against his cheek. She couldn't go back to bed, no matter how much she wanted to. She needed to get ready for work.

"I've got work." She said.

His eyes opened and he looked at her with a pout. He sat up in the bed, allowing the covers to fall off his torso and reveal his tattooed chest. She couldn't help to blush. She didn't now if she would ever get used to seeing him shirtless.

"Stay here." He frowned.

"I can't, baby. I wish I could, but I have to go to work."

He sighed, "What am I suppose to do until you get home?"

"Rest, watch television, surf the net, write music, whatever you want to do."

He groaned, "Okay." He then laid back down.

She giggled softly and then got up and collected some scrubs and then retreated to the bathroom. She quickly showered and got ready for work. When she walked into the bedroom she smiled seeing Ville sleeping again. She grabbed her badge from the dresser, and then walked over and gave him one final kiss on the cheek.

"I'll see you a bit after four." She said.

"Bye, love. Have a good day." He mumbled.

She hated walking out of the apartment that morning, but she had to go to work. Upon arriving at the hospital she prayed for a quick day. She didn't care if they were swamped, she just wanted the day to pass quickly so she could return back to Ville.

As soon as she walked in she had a patient waiting for her. She quickly set up to take their blood and then greeted them with a warm smile. She hated poking people with needles, but checking blood was a big part of receiving chemo. If their blood count wasn't high enough then they couldn't receive the medication.

"Eleven point eight, very good." Skylar smiled, at the elderly woman.

The woman slowly stood up, grabbed her cane and then walked down to one of the rooms which were set up for receiving treatment. The day continued on like this until lunch. Then Skylar and a few co workers walked down to the cafeteria and ate. Once they ate, they then returned back to work.

The afternoon hours were ticking by slowly. Skylar looking up at the clock and tried to think of something she could fix for dinner. She was craving pasta and salad. She racked her brain to figure out if she had all the ingredients to fix it. After a few minutes of going over her kitchen by memory, she realized she would need to stop off and buy some dressing and carrots for the salad before going home.

She thought she would die before four o'clock got there. The end of the day just continued to drag by. When she was finally able to leave, she allowed a sigh of relief to come from her lips. She quickly found her car, and began heading home. She would stop off at a small convenient store to get the needed groceries.

As she was walking through the supermarket, she decided to call her home phone to see what Ville was up to. It took him a couple of rings, but he finally picked up.

"Hello." Ville's voice said.

She giggled, "Hi baby."

"Skylar." He sighed with relief, "Tell me you're coming home." He laughed.

"I'm picking up some things for dinner and then coming straight home. Do you need anything?" She asked.

"Just you."

She smiled, and then hung up the phone and she quickly continued her shopping. She grabbed a few extra things that she hadn't originally planned on. She checked out as fast as possible, and then retreated to her car to go home. She was happy that she had the evening with Ville to look forward to.

She walked inside the apartment and was greeted with a kiss on the cheek and helping hands. She smiled as she and Ville packed the groceries into the kitchen. She put away what needed to be, and then began making dinner. Ville sat on the stool and watched her as she prepared it. He loved watching her cook. She looked so adorable running back and forth in the kitchen.

"I missed you." He said, as they finally sat down and enjoyed the food.

She smiled, "I missed you more."

He chuckled, "I doubt that's possible."

She grinned at him and the two of them finished dinner. Skylar could see herself doing this everyday. Coming home from a days work, fixing dinner for the two of them, and then just enjoying her free time with Ville.
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Some people may have noticed, but I've changed around my updating schedule a bit. I'll probably start updating Sunday-Thursday. Before I go to bed most likely. I'm trying to keep updates as normal as possible, but I have A LOT going on right now.

New stories coming soon:

Fading Memories/Bam Margera
Girl Next Door/Synyster Gates
Tied Up/M Shadows

If you want information on my stories, you can find that on my profile.
