Angel in Disguise

Bam's House

The drive down to Pennsylvania was proving to be more difficult than Skylar thought. She was horrible with directions, so she was counting on Ville to show her the way. He wasn't the best ever with directions either, and her car didn't have a GPS, so they were annoyed and frustrated when they finally arrived at Bam's house, over three hours later than they were scheduled to.

"We're buying a map before we go home." Skylar sighed.

Ville grinned, "I agree, baby."

They were already in grumpy moods due to the extended trip, so Ville was praying Missy wasn't in a raunchy mood as he pounded on the door. Skylar's hand was in his as they waited for the door to open up. He hadn't saw Bam in awhile, and he was looking forward to seeing his friend, and also introducing him to the woman he planned on spending the rest of his life with.

Soon the door opened up and an older woman was standing there. She had medium length blond hair and the prettiest shade of blue eyes Skylar had ever saw. She smiled softly at the woman, as she pulled Ville into a hug.

"It's so good to see you!" The woman said, and then turned her attention to Skylar, "Who is this beautiful young lady?"

Ville smiled, "Ape, this is Skylar, my girlfriend."

"Aw!" Ape exclaimed. "She's adorable, Ville. Come in you two. I think Bam and Missy," She said rolling her eyes slightly, "Are upstairs in the living area. I'm just here cleaning and cooking some dinner."

Skylar and Ville began walking up to the living area where they heard voices. Skylar smiled when Bam Margera came into view. Ville introduced the two of them, and then introduced her to Missy. Missy seemed rude and taken back by Skylar's visit.

Missy left the room after the guys started talking, leaving Skylar alone with the two of them. She didn't talk much, she gave him time to catch up. It had been awhile since they had saw each other. She spent her time wondering why Missy wasn't the one cleaning and cooking. The house looked like a wreck. There was dust inches thick on top of the entertainment center. There was clothes everywhere in the house, and it smelled like cat urine. She just didn't understand how a woman could live in filth. Missy just came off as lazy and unkept to her.

"So, are we all going out to the note tonight, or what?" Bam smirked.

"I guess we could." Ville said, looking over at Skylar, "We need to go and check in our hotel though."

"You guys can stay here." Bam offered.

"No thanks." Ville smiled, "We're gonna get a hotel room."

'Are you sure?" Bam asked, "I have plenty of rooms upstairs."

"It's fine, Bam." Ville said.

Ville knew that Bam probably thought they wanted their privacy, but the truth was, Ville just couldn't stand to stay the night in a house where Missy was. She was rude and annoying, and he wasn't going to expose Skylar to her personality.

"So, we're gonna head to the hotel." Ville said, standing up. "But we'll meet you at the note around eight or so?"

"Sounds good." Bam said, "It was nice meeting you Skylar."

"Nice meeting you too." She said.

She and Ville walked out of his house and climbed inside her car. He told her the directions to the closet hotel, and thankfully they were the right directions. Ville walked inside and got a room.

"So," She said, as she looked through her luggage for something to wear, "Do you not like Missy?"

"You could say that." Ville chuckled.

"She's not very nice. Why doesn't she cook and clean instead of having his mother do it?"

"Because she's only with him for his money." Ville said, "She's drained Bam since the minute they entered a relationship. We've all tried to help, but he's pretty much a lost cause. "

"That's horrible. I don't even know her very well, and I dislike her."

"Everyone does." Ville smiled.

He walked over and pulled Skylar close to him. He kissed the top of her head, and smiled knowing she would never treat him like Missy treated Bam. She believed in taking care of her man. She believed in cooking and cleaning, and making sure he was happy. He was so glad he had found a woman like her instead of a leech like Missy.

"I'm so lucky to have found you." He said, bringing his lips down to hers.

"You consider yourself lucky/" She asked, pulling away.

"Why wouldn't I? I have the perfect girl."

She blushed, "I think I'm the lucky one."

Ville smiled, as he pulled her over to the bed and sat down. He linked their hands together, and he starred down at her hand. It looked so perfect with his attached to it.

"I'm really glad we're finally together." He whispered.

"Me too."

He smiled, as he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

"You wanna go out to eat before we go to meet up with Bam?"

"Sure." She replied.

"Get changed then. I'll take you to Duffer's."

She laughed, "Are you sure you know the directions to get there?"

He chuckled, "I am positive I know the directions, love."
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