Angel in Disguise

The Note

After they had a quick dinner at Duffer's, they headed off to the Note where they were meeting up with Bam. Ville held tightly onto Skylar's hand as they walked into the busy bar. People quickly began noticing he was there, and she could hear the gasps from fans. Bam maneuvered his way through the crowd and grabbed him and Skylar before anyone could corner them.

"We can head back here. It's cut off from the rest of the bar." He said.

She and Ville joined Bam and a couple of other people who she recognized to be members of the band CKY. There was a local band playing tonight by the name of The Moxy. Bam had discovered them and signed them to his record label. She had heard of them, and was now excited to actually hear them.

"So, this is the Skylar had her own little hot line." Chad laughed.

"Yep." Ville smirked, "This is her."

"I guess it's nice to meet you and shit." Chad said.

She arched a brow, and laughed as she nodded her head. She really didn't know what to say to these people. She was a bit shy, and a little star struck as well. She listened to all the guys talk for a while. Some other guys joined them and she was introduced to them as well. She didn't think any were famous. At least she didn't recognize them, so she assumed they weren't.

"Oh hell." Chad cursed, "The fucking bitch is coming." He muttered.

Skylar looked in the direction of where his brown eyes were looking and saw Missy and a couple of girls heading their way. Ville tightened his grip on to her hand as the thin woman came over and instantly began bitching at Bam. He just sat there and took the bitching. He didn't say a word. He just allowed her to yell at him in front of everyone, as he raised his beer up to his mouth and gulped by some of the contents. It was now obvious to her how miserable he was in the marriage. He was trying to fool people, but it couldn't work.

"Missy, just leave." He said looking at her, "I am trying to enjoy the night with my friends who I hardly ever see. You and I can talk later." Bam said, nearing his breaking point. He had dealt with her shit for far too long.

"No!" She snapped, "We need to talk about this right now. We need to make this work."

"There is nothing to make work!" He groaned, "I came out with my friends. Is there a fucking problem with that? You come out with yours all the time." He spat, and before she could say a word he stood up and looked at her with angry, "I am not about to sit here and argue with you. I don't get this opportunity much, and I'm going to spend the rest of my night with Ville and the guys. So if you can't handle it, then just fuck off."


"Don't fucking say a word!" He groaned, "Just go."

Ville stroked his hand across Skylar's. This was one of the situations he was hoping to avoid. He hated visiting Bam anymore due to Missy and her outbursts. He was actually glad Bam was finally standing up for himself this time. Ville watched as Missy spun around and walked down the stairs with her followers not far behind her.

Bam sighed loudly, and looked around at each of his friends. "I need a fucking divorce." He muttered.

"Yes! You do." Everyone agreed.

The next couple of hours were spent talking to everyone. It was deep meaningful conversation, especially for Bam who seemed to be the topic they were discussing. The guys had all told him how they felt about Missy.

"Why didn't you fuckers open up about her before?" He sighed, "I've been miserable for months! I thought everyone liked her!"

"No one likes her." Ville chuckled, "We tolerated her for you."

"Damn it!" Bam laughed, "You guys could have told me."

"Well, I guess you can divorce her ass now." Jess said.

"Most def. Then I might find myself a girl like Kel or Skylar."

Skylar looked up and half smiled. Ville clutched onto her hand tighter as he continued to talk to his friends. She was glad they had came down to West Chester. Even though she wasn't doing much talking, she was having fun. It was good just seeing Ville around some of his friends.

"You bout ready to go?" He asked as he placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

She looked at him and nodded her head, "Whenever you are. No rush though. Have fun with your friends."

Ville laughed, the guys were all pretty much wasted now and he wanted to get back to the hotel room. This wasn't his scene anymore. He adored and loved his friends, but drinking and partying was old to him. He wanted to settle down now. He wanted the family scene.

"Let me say bye to the guys and I'm ready." He said.

She watched as he hugged Bam bye and promised to call soon. He also hugged Chad and some of the other guys. After the hugs, he and Skylar made their exit from the bar and walked towards the car.

"We're heading back home tomorrow right, love?" He asked.

She smiled when he refereed to home as New York. She knew he was only saying that without meaning behind it. His home was and probably always would be Finland. She just couldn't see him uprooting himself from there.

"Only if you want. Sure you don't wanna stay an extra day with your friends?"

He nodded his head, "I'm sure. I think Bam has to deal with some things anyways."

She smiled, "Okay, baby. Whatever you want."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sadly, this story is ending on chapter 30. I'm disappointed in it and running out of ideas. I'll do another Ville one soon. I just need to think it out better. I only had the very beginning of this one figured out when I began posting, which turned out to be a mistake.
I'm also going to be putting out my new Bam Margera story(Fading Memories), and also my new M Shadows(Tied Up) story today!