Angel in Disguise


It had been a couple of weeks since they had returned from West Chester. Ville was still staying with Skylar in her small apartment. She had been working five days a week, and spending every other ounce of her awake time with Ville. He would write songs during the hours when she worked. She could tell he was getting slightly home sick, and she felt horrible. He was staying here in the states to make the relationship with her work. He was putting forth so much effort, and she wasn't giving up anything. She was beginning to think it was unfair.

Their relationship became more and more serious with each passing day. She was actually positive that she loved him and he was her soul mate. She bit down slightly on her bottom lip as she turned around and leaned against the counter. It was her day off, and Ville was taking a nap on the couch. She was trying to quietly get some cleaning done but her mind wasn't allowing her to do much of that.

Her thoughts wondered back to the dinner they had weeks ago. Ville wanted the family scene. He wanted the children, the marriage, and everything that came along with it. At the time, Skylar didn't know what she wanted out of life, but after spending some more time with him she realized she wanted that just as badly as he did.

How did she break the news to him? That wasn't just a topic you could just bring it. It needed to be approached and slowly brought up. She sighed, as she ran a hand through her long blond hair. She heard a yawn coming from the living room and half smiled as she began walking forward. She peeked over the couch and saw him opening his eyes to reveal those precious green orbs that she adored so much.

He smiled up at her, and then held out his arms for her to come join him. She giggled softly like an angel as she walked around and then laid down with him. Ville wrapped his arms around her tightly and placed a soft kiss upon her temple. He was in heaven when she was in his arms. She was his everything. She was also good inspiration for writing. He had already wrote ten songs since he had finished up the tour. Ten songs that he absolutely loved.

He ran his fingers through her silky hair as he thought about his band. He would need to go home to Finland soon and see what the guys were up to. It had almost been a month since the tour had finished. Sure, they planned on having some down time. But he also wanted to get back in the studio as soon as possible. He didn't want to waste this new inspiration he had.

"You're thinking about something." She said, looking up at him.

He nodded, "Just the band." He answered honestly.

"What about it?" She questioned.

"I just. . . I don't want to lose this inspiration, so I need to get in the studio soon."

She frowned, "And you can't do that while you're stuck here with me. Ville, I'm so sorry. I've been keeping---"

"Don't be silly." He said, "I want to be here with you. It's like my own little paradise. I want nothing more than for you to be wrapped up in my arms every single day."


"Don't but me." He smiled.

"But," She smiled, "You do need to go home, don't you?" She asked.

He sighed, "Sometime. . ."

"Ville, whenever you need to go home. . . You can. . . I'm going to miss you. . . but--"

He shook his head quickly, pausing her from finishing her statement. He couldn't leave without her. He wouldn't leave without her. She was the entire reason he had this inspiration. If he didn't have her with him, then it would be worthless leaving.

"I'm not leaving you here." He said.

She laughed, "Then how do you expect to go to the studio?"

He sighed, "You can come with me."

"But. . ."

"I've been thinking a lot about things." He said, "And I know you love your job, but. . . I love you." He replied with a toothy grin, "And you can find a job anywhere as a nurse. I'm not saying it has to be today or tomorrow," He replied, "But, I do want you to move with me."

"To Finland?" She questioned.

"Yes. . ." He sighed, "I know you have your family and friends here, but I promise I'll buy you a ticket anytime you want. You can come visit every week if you want. . . I just. . ."

"Ville." She said, "You told me you loved me."

He laughed, "Yeah, I did."

"You rambled on, and didn't give me time to say it back." She smiled, as she leaned up and pressed her lips against his, "I love you, and if you want me to move with you. . . then all you have to do is ask. I'm not saying I'll adjust easy, but. . . I'm ready to take risks with you." She said.

His eyes widened, "You're ready to take risks?" He asked.

"Yes." She smiled.

He chuckled, "Then will you move with me?"

"When?" She laughed.

"I don't know. . . Maybe in a couple of months or something?"

She nodded her head, "I'll follow you where ever you go."

"You don't need to worry about getting a job in Finland. . . You know I'll take care of you love."

She laughed, "Nonsense, I'm working."

He chuckled, "I'm not going to argue. . . As long as you move with me. I'll let you do whatever you want."

She knew this was a big risk. She knew it was really soon in their relationship. But she also knew she had messed up big once already. She didn't want to mess up again. She wanted Ville. She wanted to be with him, and she planned on doing just that.
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