Angel in Disguise

Radio Bam

Ville sat at the table, puffing away on a cigarette. It had been a week since he had been in America. Another week with plaguing images of Skylar. He hadn't even been able to sleep without having dreams of her, though his dreams were one of the things he enjoyed most at this point. Bam had spread the world to all of his friends across the globe, and tonight, Ville was going to make the announcement on Radio Bam. He was offering a reward for anyone who had contact information. He was going to fly them to any HIM show they wanted, backstage passes, and plenty of one on one time with him and the band. He was so desperate at this point, he didn't care what he had to do. He would sell his soul to the devil if it meant he could just have some time with her.

Bam shook his head as he looked over at his Finnish friend. It was obvious that Bam thought this was not only silly, but very pointless as well. Ville had no leads to finding her. There were probably thousands of girls named Skylar, who had just graduated college with a nursing degree.

Bam kicked off the show with his fellow jackass co star Ryan Dunn. They done a bit of self promoting for the new Jackass movie which starts filming in a couple of months, and then played a song. After the song, Ville would make his announcement to the world. He shakily brought the water bottle up to his lips and swallowed the cold contents. He was so nervous about doing this. What if Skylar heard it and thought he was a total freak show?

"We're back fuckers!" Bam announced, "And Mr. Valo here needs some help," Bam continued, "We've been spending the last week trying to locate a girl. She's American, and her name is Skylar. Ville met her in Finland about two weeks ago, had the night of his life, and now he can't find her. He doesn't know where she lives, her last name, or anything about her other than the fact that she's a fresh college graduate with a nursing degree, named Skylar, and lives somewhere in the states."

"Ville, you're fucked." Ryan Dunn laughed.

"I think I can find her. How hard could it be?" Ville said, hoping everyone couldn't tell how nervous he was.

"You're fucking kidding, right?" Bam laughed, "No one seems to know this girl, Ville! Are you sure her name was even Skylar?"

"I'm positive!"

"What did she look like?" Ryan asked.

"She had long golden blond hair. Big warm chocolate eyes that would melt any mans heart. Rather short, probably no taller than five foot three or four. Plump kissable lips. A beautiful complexion. . ."

"It sounds like you're fucking talking about some advertisement now." Bam laughed.

"I seriously need to find her." Ville said.

"Well, you heard it fuckers," Bam stated, "We're looking for a girl named Skylar. Blond hair, brown eyes, short as hell, fuckable, probably a nurse. If you have any information on this American chick then please call 1800PORNBAG. Ville is actually fucking giving out a reward if you can successfully get him in contact with her. He'll fly you out to any HIM show, give you back stage passes, and plenty of one on one time with him and the band. I can't even fucking wrap my finger around his reasoning behind it, but whatever." Bam laughed.

They talked to Ville a bit more, before playing one of his songs. As Bam and Ryan talked during the rest of the show, Ville couldn't help but to think about Skylar and what she could possibly be doing at this very moment.

Skylar tossed her hair up in a pony tail as she walked around her small apartment. She lived by herself, and sometimes it got rather lonely, but she dealt with it. Her parents begged her to move back home so many times, but she thought that just stole her independence away from her. During school she had worked her ass off at a bar during the nights to pay for her apartment and other living necessities. She had a scholarship which had paid for her schooling. She quit her bar-tending job the day before she left for Finland.

She popped a frozen meal into her microwave and then slide over to her radio. She loved having hard wood floors, and wearing socks. It was just fun to slide from place to place. At least, it was until she fell on her ass and caused a large bruise to form. She looked at the time and realized Bam's radio show would be on any minute. She never really missed an episode, hoping he would play some new music that would catch her interest.

As she popped the dinner out of the microwave the show began, she took a seat at her kitchen table. She propped her feet up in one chair as she began to cut up the turkey. Bam came on the radio, announcing who was with him, as he announced who was there, she tipped her diet coke up to her mouth.

When he said the name 'Ville Valo' she spit her drink across the floor, and cursed rather loudly. Ville was there? She starred at the black stereo, waiting for them to speak again. She couldn't believe Ville was there. He hadn't been on radio Bam in a long time.

Bam and Ryan talked about Jackass three, which Skylar honestly didn't care about. She was a major jackass fan, but how could she concentrate on Jackass when Ville was there? She chewed on her bottom lip as she waited for the song to end. He had promised Ville would be talking a lot more after the song.

The song finally ended, and Skylar breathed out some air, having no clue she had been holding it in the first place. She couldn't believe this man was having this sort of affect on her, but then again, he always did. She didn't know how she managed to control herself the night in Finland. Sure, she thought it was stupid to get all fussy over celebrities, but Ville was just. . . the most amazing man in the world. At least in her eyes.

She listened closely as Bam spoke. He talked about Ville needing help with something. She prayed nothing was wrong. Bam then started talking, and her mouth dropped in disbelief as she heard what Bam had to say. Once he finished talking, she didn't know if she was still breathing or not. Ville was looking for her. . . offering a reward. . . for her.

She listened to the rest of the radio show in pure disbelief. She just couldn't wrap her finger around it. Ville was looking for her, practically begging everyone in the United States to find her. She laughed lowly to herself, not knowing what to even think. Her celebrity crush was looking for her. She breathed in deeply, and tossed her complete dinner into the trash. She just didn't think she could handle food at the moment.

She thought about just phoning the radio show and letting Ville know where she lived. She wanted to say "I live in up state New York, come and get me!" But, something just told her that would be a bad thing to do. She didn't even know why he wanted to find her.

Did he enjoy talking to her? Or did he think she was just some American girl who would sleep with him? She didn't know why he wanted to see her. Why was he looking for her? Out of all the women in the world, why her? She was nothing out of the ordinary. She didn't even find herself all that attractive. She thought her nose was too big, and her eyes were too small and too close together. She didn't find her body all that attractive due to being over weight when she was younger. Some said she had 'ugly duckling syndrome'.

She clutched the cordless phone in her hand debating on if she was actually going to phone in or not. Then she looked over at her calender and noticed a date circled in red. It was about a month and a half away. She and her friend Maggie had tickets to watch H.I.M perform when they came to New York. Maybe she would wait until then. Wait to see if Ville still thought about her after some time passed, or if she was simply a girl he would forget as time went by.
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I have received so many beautiful banners! I'm excited to show you guys even more of them. Thanks to everyone whose made them, and if you haven't saw yours yet, I promise it'll be coming soon :)