Angel in Disguise


Ville sighed as he tapped his hands against his knees. It had been two weeks since he had made the announcement on radio Bam. He hadn't heard anything. He had even got so desperate he had took to HIM's website and also made a note about it. He couldn't get her off his mind. He was currently on a plane back to Finland. He needed to prepare for the US tour which was in two weeks. He was looking forward to it. He was looking forward to traveling to the states in hopes of seeing her angelic face.

He didn't know what it was about her. There was more to her than just good looks. She had a certain appeal to him, which he still hadn't figured out. He groaned out as he ran his hands through his hair. He knew he was going to extreme lengths in hopes of finding her, but he didn't care. He wouldn't stop until he found her.

Skylar picked up another article of clothing from the dryer and began folding it neatly. She had just got off work a couple of hours ago and she was exhausted. Her job made her feel like she was important and needed, but it also made her wore out and tired. She folded the last set of scrubs and placed them in a clean basket that she had in the corner of her small apartment. She walked into the living room, hoping to sit down and have some time to relax when a pounding came to the door. She groaned out, wondering who would be stopping by at eight at night. She walked slowly over to the door, and pulled it open. She was shocked to see her friend Maggie standing there.

"What are you doing here? I thought you had a date."

"I did have a date, but during my date I just so happen to check out some things online. Something caught my attention."

"Why would you be online during a date? Was he boring?"

"He went to the bathroom, and I just so happen to have my blackberry! That's not the point, Sky! Listen to me."

"I am listening." Skylar said, "Wait, where is your date now?"

"Who cares! I'm trying to tell you something." Maggie said, growing more annoyed by the minute.

Skylar zipped her lips and decided to just let her friend tell her whatever she needed to say. Clearly, something big was going on. She just didn't know what.

Maggie pulled her by the arm over the couch and basically pushed her down. She began pushing buttons on her phone, and soon she just handed the red phone into Skylar's hand with instructions to read. She glanced down at the small screen and squinted her eyes together.

"I can't even read it."

"Blind ass. Where's your laptop?"

"In my room." Before Skylar could even get the sentence finished, Maggie was off to get her phone. She came back and tucked a piece of her dark hair behind her ear as she began loading up the laptop.

By this time Skylar was extremely curious about what was going on. There was something that seemed to be important that she know. Maggie never acted like this. She was literally freaking out.

"LOOK AT THIS!" Maggie said, shoving the laptop in her face.

She moved it down to her lap, and her mouth dropped. On H.I.M's official website there was an announcement. An announcement about her. It said almost all the things she had heard on Radio Bam weeks prior. Ville was offering a reward for anyone who had saw her.

"He described you to perfection. Now tell me, how the fuck do you know Ville Valo?" Maggie asked.

"I. . . sort of met him in Finland."

"I figured that much! What happened? Did you sleep with him?"

"What? No! You know I would never sleep with a man I hardly know. We just talked, and then he walked me back to my hotel room."

"Did you know he was now looking for you?" Maggie questioned, "Wait a second. Why am I just now finding this information out?"

Skylar bit down on her bottom lip, "I don't know. I guess I kind of thought It would be my little secret."

"Apparently Ville doesn't want to keep it a secret. Did you know he was looking?" Maggie asked again.

Skylar nodded her head, "I heard him talking on Bam's radio show a couple of weeks ago."

"And why haven't you contacted that Finnish God?"

"Because! That would make me seem desperate!"

"You are desperate!" Maggie nearly screamed, "This is Ville Valo we're talking about. You know, the man who you 've loved for the past five years!"

"We'll be seeing him in a couple of weeks." Skylar reminded her.

"Yeah, but he might not see us! We've got shitty seats, Sky. You need to get in contact with this man."

"I want to give it time. If he's still looking in a couple of weeks then I will. . ."

"Why weeks?" Maggie asked.

"Because, if he's still looking then it means he's really interested.

Maggie huffed, "If he wasn't REALLY interested then he wouldn't be trying this damn hard to find you! Seriously, Sky!"

Maggie soon left the apartment, leaving Skylar with plenty of things to think about. Maggie thought it was stupid for her to wait, when he apparently wanted to talk to her. She sighed, as she ran her hands through her hair. She didn't even know how to get in contact with him, but she figured it wouldn't hurt to do so before the concert. Her original plan was to just wait and see if he was still looking at the concert, but she now decided that she would try to contact him. If he was actually trying this hard to find her, then she would come out and be found.
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