Angel in Disguise

Ville Help Line

Skylar looked down at the phone number she had gathered from the website. It seemed to be the same one Bam used for his radio show. She was wondering who would pick up if she ended up calling. She really didn't want to make an ass out of herself. She decided to just be an adult and make the call. She licked over her lips as she pressed her finger on the cold digits. She placed the phone by her ear and waited for someone to pick up.

Bam Margera was walking down the hallway of his house when he heard an odd ringing noise. It took him a few minutes to register what exactly it was. When he realized it was his radio line, which had also became the Ville help line he rushed into the room and picked up the ringing phone. He was hoping that whoever was on the other line could connect him to Skylar. Ville was driving him mad, and he just wanted to meet the woman who had managed to make Ville feel like this.


"Uhm, Hi." She replied nervously, "I'm calling about the uh. . . Skylar thing."

"Yeah, okay. This is Bam Margera. You know the mysterious girl?"

"Yeah, I do."

"What information can you give me about her?" Bam asked, grabbing a piece of paper down.

"Uhm, anything really. . . I'm her." Skylar said, slightly nervous.

Bam nearly dropped the phone to the ground, as his eyes widened. This was the girl? The girl was on the phone! He couldn't believe he was talking to the girl who Ville had thought might just be a pigment of imagination. He could see how Ville could mistake her as an angel. Her voice was velvety smooth.

"You're Skylar?"

"Yeah. I am."

"How can you prove that?"

"Uh. I don't know?" She laughed nervously, "Do I need to like fax you my driver's license or something?"

"Just tell me something that could prove you're really Skylar."

"I don't know what to say. My last name is Hamilton for starters. Ville and I met at a bar in Finland, where he had been waiting for a friend of his."

"What happened when he walked you back to your hotel?" Bam asked.

Ville had told Bam that they had shared a kiss. He hadn't told anyone else. Bam was waiting for her to tell him that. If she didn't say that, then he knew she probably wasn't really Skylar.

"I kissed him." She stated.

"Holy fucking shit." Bam sighed, "You're really fucking her."

"Yeah, I am."

"Shit. I need your number. Where the fuck do you live anyway?"

"Upstate New York."

"Shit. Okay. Let me have your number and shit. I'm calling Ville right now. Expect a phone call from him. Damn, I can't believe he fucking pulled this shit off." Bam mumbled.

Bam hung up with her after jotting down her information. She nibbled slightly on her bottom lip as she clutched the phone tightly in her hand. She She couldn't believe she had just had a phone conversation with Bam Margera. Hell, she couldn't even believe Ville was looking for her. All of this seemed like a dream. She was just wondering when she would finally wake up.

Ville tried to write down some new lyrics, but he couldn't concentrate. He ripped the paper from the note pad, rolled it into a ball, and tossed it across the room, missing the basket he had set up. He groaned out, and leaned back in his chair, placing his hands on the back of his neck. He still couldn't get her off his mind. It was as if she was haunting him. Every time he closed his eyes he saw her.

His phone began ringing from across the room, and he was thankful for that. He needed someone to clear his mind. He jogged over, and looked down. Bam was calling. He sighed, as he pushed the green button which would accept the call as he raised the phone to his ear.

"Ello, Bam."

"Ville! She. . Skylar fucking called."

Ville's heart began thumping loudly against his chest. He thought he was on the verge of a heart attack upon hearing Bam speak those words.

"She phoned?"

"Yeah. I just got off the phone with her. She told me she kissed you. Her last name is Hamilton. She lives in New York, and I got her number for you."

"What are you waiting for? Give me those digits!"

"Ville, are you sure about this? Sure about her?"

"Bam! I have fucking begged the world to find her, I'm not going to back out now that I have information about her."

"Okay, man. Good luck." Bam stated, as he gave him her number.

Ville starred down at the numbers scribbled across the top of a lyric sheet that had been tossed to the side earlier that day. He licked over his lips as he nervously grabbed his phone and walked over to the bed. He didn't know what time it was in America right now, but time didn't matter.
♠ ♠ ♠
Probably be the last update for a few days. I'll try to update again on Friday, if not then, on Saturday. <3