Angel in Disguise


Over the next two weeks, Ville and Skylar talked on the phone every night for at least a couple of hours. The two of them covered many different topics, and had got to know each other on a whole different level. She really couldn't believe how down to earth he was. He couldn't believe what an interesting and intelligent woman he had managed to find. He couldn't wait to see her in New York. He had already arranged for her to be backstage before and after the show.

Skylar walked out of the hospital after a long day of work. She was exhausted and couldn't wait to go home, give herself a pedicure, and speak with Ville on the phone. She groaned out when she realized traffic had stopped moving. She stuck her head out her window and noticed it was backed up a pretty far distance. She sighed and leaned back in the chair, fumbling slowly with the knobs on the radio, and allowing Ville's voice to fill the silence.

She smiled as she thought about him. The past two weeks had been very interesting. She now considered Ville just an everyday Joe instead of a famous musician. She sighed, as she heard the horns blaring in the line of cars. She didn't understand why people pressed on the horn. It wasn't as if the cars were going to go any faster. People really needed to get some patience.

Ville smirked as he placed his last luggage case by the door of his tower. He truly couldn't wait to leave for the tour. The quicker he got to the states and done the first few shows, the sooner he saw Skylar. Speaking to her on the phone was just a tease to him. He wanted to be near her. He wanted to be able to reach out and touch her cheek, or hold her hand. They hadn't even talked about each other in a relationship way, but he knew they wouldn't have to talk. It would just happen.

He walked inside the house and glanced at the clock. He changed Finland time to American and then decided to go ahead and phone Skylar. She would probably be off work by now, and possibly home. He knew she had tomorrow off, so they could sit up tonight and talk for however long they could stand it.

He got no reply from her home phone, and wondered if she had stopped off somewhere after work. He phoned her cell, and waited for a few minutes. It wasn't long before her angelic voice reached his ears, causing a smile to curve into his lips.

"Hello Love."

"Hey Ville."

"What are you doing?"

"Stuck in traffic. Two cars hit head on, I'm assuming. Ambulances and cops are up ahead."

"That's horrible. I hope everyone is okay."

"Me too."

The two of them chatted about their days until the traffic started moving. Skylar ended the phone conversation then, and told Ville to call her back in about an hour. That would give her time to get home, change clothes, pop her some dinner in the stove or microwave, and prepare herself for his call.

She felt like a giddy teenager as she quickly changed clothes, and placed some dinner in the stove. She decided to just heat up last nights left over pizza. She wanted something quick, so she could enjoy her night of talking with Ville. She didn't know what they would discuss together, but she knew no matter what it was, she was looking forward to it.

She blew on the hot slices of pizza, and chomped down on them quickly. Maggie had always teased her about being a slow eater, but now she had mastered eating quickly. As she gulped down the remaining contents of her diet coke can, she wiped her mouth and walked into the living room. She sunk back into the cushions of her comfortable couch, and grabbed the cordless phone.

It rang loudly, and she giggled as she pressed the on button and brought the phone up to her ear. She waited a few seconds and then heard his deep voice.

"Did you finally make it home?"

"I did." She giggled, "and am I glad. I'm worn out from work."

"Long day?"

"Extremely, I had a bad patient today. I couldn't get blood from her at all. I must have poked her at least five times. Another nurse tried as well, and she couldn't. They mentioned her getting a portal so she could receive her chemo through that. I felt so bad."

"There is nothing you can do about it, love. You done everything you could."

"It just breaks my heart, Ville."

Ville spent the next few minutes making her feel better. He knew it must have broke her heart to put that woman through the pain of having a needle shoved into her vein for no reason, but he also knew that Skylar would never do that on purpose.

"Your tour starts so soon." She stated.

"In two days I'll be in America."


"To see you." He laughed, "I've done these tours a million times. Seeing the fans are great. I'm really looking forward to my New York show."

She giggled, "I'm looking forward to that particular show as well."

"Will you come by a bit early so I can see you before the show?"

"Of course. It's still a couple of weeks away."

"I know." He groaned, "I wish I could see you before then."

"Where is your first show?" She asked.

"Philadelphia." Ville stated, "I think."

She giggled, "You're going to be exhausted for the first week, getting used to the traveling and performing all over again."

He sighed, "I hope time flies. At least until I get to New York, then possibly let it stand still for awhile."

She giggled. He was flirting with her and she thought it was adorable. She wanted so badly to stop time when he arrived in New York. She wanted more time with him than just a couple of hours. He was slowly becoming more than just a celebrity she had always crushed on. He was becoming a guy she was developing real feelings for.
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