Angel in Disguise


Skylar laughed at her friend Maggie as she explained what had happened at the bar she used to work out. Apparently there had been a big bar fight, and Maggie had been the one to break it up. She ended up getting a black eye from the fight, due to a drunk guy having bad aim and hitting her instead of the other guy.

"But at least I got a number out of the fight."

"You got a number out of it? Whose number?" Skylar laughed.

"The one who gave me a black eye." Maggie giggled, "He was super cute."

Skylar shook her head, as Maggie began explaining about the guy. She couldn't believe her friend was even considering going out with a drunk guy from the bar, who had bad aim, and ended up hitting her.

"So, how is the Ville thing going?"

"I guess good. He phones me every night."

"Are you two dating or something?"

"No. We're just talking."

"I can't believe he was looking for you. Sky, that is insane! It's like fate that he found you."

Skylar laughed, "It's not fate."

"Could be!" Maggie smiled, "I've never saw you so happy. I bet you can't wait until the show this weekend."

Skylar smiled thinking about the show this weekend. She would be seeing him for the first time in over a month. Seeing him for the first time since she left Finland. She chewed nervously on her bottom lip as she thought about what it would be like. Would it be different when they saw each other?

Ville sighed as he laid back in his bunk. They were on their way to do another show, and then they were headed to New York which was one place he was looking forward to. He couldn't wait to see Skylar's smiling face.

"So, we get to meet this girl soon, right?" Linde asked.

"Very soon. She's going to show up at the New York showing a little early."

"I'm sure she's great, Ville." Gas smiled.

Ville nodded his head. He knew she was great. He just couldn't wait to see her again. He couldn't wait to talk to her without having a phone attached to his ear. He couldn't wait to see her without having to search his memory over for her face. He couldn't wait to be able to reach out and touch her.

They were going to be in New York for two days, and he planned on spending every possible minute with her. He didn't know if she felt this way about him, but he was falling for her hard. He didn't even think it was possibly to feel this way about someone.

Never in his thirty three years did he think it was possible to feel this way. He had thought he loved Jonna, but clearly he was mistaken. He was falling in love with a girl he had only saw one time. He was falling in love with someone who he knew could never disappoint him. Someone who would always be there. He knew these feelings weren't normal. Things like this didn't happen. He knew they seemed rush, but he couldn't explain it. Skylar was so different than any other woman he had ever met in his entire life.

Skylar got out of the vehicle, turned around to wave goodbye to Maggie, and then began walking towards her apartment. Upon arriving at her door, she found something tapped to it. Burrowing her brows together, she grabbed the piece of paper and unfolded it. Wondering who had left it for her.


I'm back in town for awhile, and stopped by to see you. My phone broke and I've lost every ones numbers. Hoping to see you soon.



She smiled as she folded the note, and then unlocked her door and walked inside. Jason was her former high school boyfriend. He was one of the sweetest guys she had ever met. He would do anything for anyone. After high school he left to attend college in Florida, and the two of them broke up. Neither really wanted to have a long term relationship.

She placed the note down on the counter and smiled as she thought about Jason. He had always been a good friend of hers, and the two of them were a good couple. Many people always thought they would tie the knot.

As Jason faded from her mind, Ville popped in. She sighed, as she thought about the reason she and Jason didn't work out. She didn't like long term relationships. Moving forward with Ville would meant having a long term relationship all the time. She didn't know if she could handle that.

How do women date men who travel the world? She didn't know how some women could date business men, or just any man who traveled the world for their job. It seemed so insane to her. A man's place was home with his family, not running around the world. Or at least that was the way she was raised.

She ran a hand through her hair and shook her head. She really needed to stop thinking about Ville all the time. He was an incredible man, but he hadn't even talked to her about a relationship yet. She wasn't aware of how he felt towards her. He may have flirted on the phone and such, but she wouldn't know how he really felt about her until she saw how he acted when they saw each other again. She also didn't know if she was ready for a relationship, especially one with a rock star.
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