Angel in Disguise


Skylar ran around her apartment in a frenzy trying to make sure everything was in order for the concert. She needed to get dressed, but she couldn't decide on what to wear. She had never had this problem before. She was never the girl who pondered over an outfit for hours. But Ville made her feel giddy and child like again. She felt as if she was a teenager going on a first date.

She pulled open the doors to her closet and looked inside at the clothing on the hangers. She grabbed several shirts and placed them on her bed. She began mentally taking down the pro and cons of each shirt. She raised an eyebrow when she realized none of these shirts appealed to her. She groaned out as she walked back over to the closet and grabbed an arm full of more shirts.

She narrowed it down to three shirts, and then began trying on each one. She posed in the mirror and sighed as she tore the shirt from her body and tossed it across the room. She really didn't know what she was going to do if she didn't find a shirt that suited her.

She heard the door open from the living room and instantly knew Maggie had arrived. She continued to change clothes, knowing her best friend would be in her bedroom any minute, giving her opinion on what to wear.

"What are you doing?" Maggie asked as she entered the room, and looked at the mess.

"Trying to find something to wear." Skylar sighed.

"Why don't you just wear a HIM tee and some jeans?" Maggie asked.

Skylar then looked at what Maggie was wearing. She was wearing a CKY top, and a faded pair of ripped up blue jeans. Her black hair was hanging down straight, and her make-up was clean and fresh looking. She chewed on her bottom lip.

"I can't just wear a shirt and jeans!"

"What's wrong with a shirt and jeans?" Maggie asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

She groaned, "I'm trying to impress, Ville!"

"You've already snagged him, Sky! The impression stage is over. It's time to show the man what you're all about."

Skylar looked around her room at the chaos she had caused. It looked as if a tornado had came in and hit her bedroom, demolishing her closet, and sending clothing flying everywhere. She took in a deep breath, and realized Maggie was right. She didn't need to impress Ville. She grabbed a pair of jeans, and one of her many heartagram t-shirts. She changed quickly, and then began on her hair and make up.

She was done in about thirty minutes, and scolded herself for being so damn stupid to begin with. He was just an everyday guy. She slipped on some flats, and then walked into the living room where Maggie was waiting to meet her.

"You ready?" Maggie asked.

"Yeah, let me grab my phone." Skylar said.

As she slipped the phone in her jeans pocket, there came a knocking on the door. She burrowed her brows together as she walked over and opened it up. She was extremely shocked to see Jason standing there with a bouquet of red roses in his arm. He had a beautiful pearly white smile plastered upon his lips.

"Hey." He said shyly.

She grinned, "Hey Jas."

"I was hoping I would catch you."

"I was just heading out." She frowned.

He sighed, "I suck at timing, apparently."

"I'm sorry."

"It's no problem," He said, and handed her the roses with a grin, "These are for you. Maybe I can come back later and we can catch up? Or possibly go out some time?"

She smiled, "I would love to catch up sometime."

"Okay, bye Sky. Have fun tonight."

Skylar watched as he walked back to his vehicle and climbed inside. She waved him goodbye, and then turned around to go put the roses in some water. As she placed them in a vase and up on her counter, she looked over at Maggie who was shooting daggers towards her.

"What?" Skylar asked, completely clueless.

"You are not dating him again."

"Mags, I thought you were over hating on Jason?"

"I never stopped hating him. He just disappeared and I didn't need to rag on him for awhile. Come on, Sky! Don't let him weasel his way back in. You might be hitting it off with Ville Valo."

"He was not a bad guy."

"He was! You were just too blind to see it." Maggie said.

"I'm not having this conversation right now!" Sky said, "We have a concert to go to."

Maggie grinned, and then the two of them linked arms as they walked out and climbed inside a vehicle. Maggie was driving, and Skylar was excited in the passenger seat as she thought about seeing Ville again. She couldn't believe it had been so long since her Finland trip. She hoped he still felt the same way about her.

As good as it felt to be near Jason again, she couldn't deny the feelings she got when she heard Ville, saw a picture of him, or even when someone mentioned his name. There was just something about him that drove her totally insane.
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