Status: completed

I'll Gladly Drink the Poison

For The Kiss

Karen brushed her light brown hair, staring at her reflection in the vanity as she did so. She smoothed down her hair before taking a bobby pin to brisk aside her bangs, she opened up one of the drawers and pulled out her makeup container. Once it was placed on the desk, she started to apply it - a thin rim of eyeliner, an almond eyeshadow in her crease, some brown mascara, and a little face powder to even her tone.

She smiled at her reflection, somewhat satisfied with the out come. Karen walked to her closet and pulled out a red dress, she ran her fingers over the soft texture of the material before pulling down the zipper and stepping into it. Once again, she looked at her reflection, now feeling more complete.

She leaned over to pick up her silver hoop earrings, clipping them in as she looked for her blood red flats. She stepped into her shoes and grabbed her purse, walking out of her house with a simple wave at her parents.

This was the first party for senior year, and Karen needed to keep up with her middle class status; but she couldn't let the easiest year of high school cause her few grades to slip with all the parties she would be attending this year. She walked semi quick in the brisk air of the mid-September night, hoping to make it to the party on time.

Karen pushed back the door of the large house, immediately being brushed in against the crowd as she searched for her friends. That was the one thing she hated, being pressed up against so many people. But she walked forward, convincing herself that it wasn't as bad as it seemed.

Her eyes fell on one of her closest friends, Jerrick. They had been best friends since kindergarten, and all that time had caused their feelings to evolve, but neither one of them spoke up. She rushed over to him and enveloped him in her arms, pressing him firmly against her thin body.

"Hey Jer, how's the party so far?"

"Much better now that you're here, I couldn't find anyone."

Karen smiled and took his hand, "Thirsty?"

He nodded, following her as she weaved through the crowd to the kitchen. She placed her hand on the jug of water when Micheal shook his head, it was his house.

"I make the drinks, and water isn't going down anyone's throat until they've had several of my specialties."

"I didn't come to get drunk, Mike."

"Show us all that you're really a party girl Kare, you've always been so conserved. Let loose! It's senior year babe."

Being so thirsty, she obliged, drinking the alcohol slowly as she walked with Jerrick to the backyard. The two shared on of the empty lawn chairs, staring absently up at the bright stars. Karen turned when she felt his hand on her bare shoulder, she offered him a smile, encouraging him to speak.

"Do you want to dance?"

"I don't dance Jer, you know that."

He pouted slightly, "For me, please?"

Sighing, Karen stood up, holding out her hand for him to take. They moved in time with each other, ignoring the fast beat of the song that was blasting through the speakers, as they moved slowly, hip to hip. Jerrick brushed back her hair as the pin gave way, he smiled softly at her, moving his face a little closer to her's.

Karen pulled back, picking up her cup and drinking from it, unsure of why she did. She looked up at the stars again, trying to ignore the look of rejection on his face. She glanced at the time on her cell and offered him an uneven smile.

"My mom said I had to be home."

"But you just got here."

"I know, we have school tomorrow and all... you know how my mom is."

"It's because I tried to kiss you? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it awkward; just please don't leave."

She didn't reply, she just walked back through the sliding glass doors, pushing her way past all the bodies in the party. She walked slowly once she was out the front door, she was honestly in no rush to get home, she just felt so stupid for rejecting his kiss.

Karen rolled her eyes when she heard footsteps, "Jerrick, I have to be home, you can't convince me to come back to the party."

She turned and froze, she wasn't met by her best friend's face, but one of the bigger guys from the football team. He grabbed her arm and started to pull her towards on of the side streets, she stumbled along the uneven pavement, trying to pull free - realizing that wouldn't work, she screamed at the top of her lungs.

Jerrick was walking towards Karen's house slowly, his eyes down on the pavement as he thought of a way to apologize to her. But when he heard a scream, he looked up, running closer to the noise. It took him a couple minutes to catch up, but when he did, he didn't pause, he ran right at the guy who was holding her arm. He kicked the guy in the knee, causing him to fall to the ground.

"Jer, let's go!" Karen said grabbing his arm.

"No, this guy doesn't deserve to get off that easily."

"He's big, come on, if this is some stupid manly pride thing, forget it, I want you in one piece."

"Just go home!" he snapped at her, turning to the large guy on the ground.


Karen walked into school the next day, finding that there were more eyes on her then usual. She shook it off and walked towards her locker, where she usually found Jerrick, she found Keisha, his younger sister. The underclassmen appeared to be sad as she looked up at the taller girl.

"Where's Jer?" she asked.

The other girl swallowed, "He um, didn't make it home last night."

Karen's fingers froze on the dial of her lock, "What do you mean?"

"The police contacted us, they found him on Cree's Street, dead. They informed us that someone beat him then left him to die."

The pale girl pressed her forehead to her locker, shaking as she tried to support herself, "Tell me you're lying."

"But I'm not," Keisha said softly, walking towards her mother when her name was called, the principal standing next to her parents.

Karen stood up straight, she wasn't going to go on with out him, after all, it was her fault that he was dead. She walked to the science lab, going over to the cabinet that had a skull on it, and pulled out a random chemical. She uncapped the lid and stared at the poison in her hands.

"This is thy sheath; there rust, and let me die," she said dryly pressing the container to her lips.
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So not my best work, but I had to finish this before the contest ended... I didn't want to drop out. I looked up the lyrics to the entire song and mixed it in parts of the story... oh, and the last few words are from Romeo and Juliet.