Status: Complete

You Belong With Me...I Think

Chapter Eleven


"All passengers seated in the front part of the plane please exit here." A pretty blond flight attendant said with a thick accent.

I tried to keep it together while I picked up my purse and dragged my feet off the place. I walked along with many others to the luggage pick up.

I flew my hair out of my face as I waited for the luggage to descend. It gave me time to re-gain myself after the flight.

I did a lot of thinking during the flight. I didn’t have much else to do in an eight hour flight. Well I could have watched the cheesy movie playing but yeah no thanks.

I missed home. My own bed. My window. Most important what was outside the window.

I mentally sighed. Austin.

Wow…I’ve only been in this country for a couple minutes and I already miss him.


I snapped out of train of though when I saw my bright luggage tag hidden deep with all the other luggage. I pushed through people and grabbed my bag. Literally using all my strength to haul it off. This is going to be the time where I regret packing so much. I only had a few seconds to re-cover before my next one came down.

I took hold of both handles on the suit cases and rolled them threw the crowd to the pick up area.

Everyone around me was specking different languages. French, Spanish, Chinese, Latin (WOW) it made my head spin.

I thought I was going to faint from the lack of air around me before I heard me name.

"Miranda! Over here!" I heard a voice.

I whipping around and saw my Aunt Alice waving her arms around.

"Auntie Alice." I yelled pulling my luggage over to her.

"Your here!" She said and threw her arms around me.

"Yeah, I am." I said hugging her back.

Let me tell you a bit about my aunt. She is basically my mother. At least I hoped when I was little that she was. She treated me like her own too. Since she never really wanted kids. I always hung out with Aunt Alice when she lived near me. We went shopping and hung out like mother and daughter. Of coarse I really knew she wasn’t my mother even when I was a child. But when she got married to Uncle Adam, who was visiting America when they met, Aunt Alice moved to England to be with him. Which left me by myself, again. Aunt Alice called of coarse to keep in touch. Her and I would gossip on the phone for hours on end. I can tell her anything, I knew she wasn’t going to judge me or think of me differently. Sometimes I wondered if Aunt Alice was really related to my mom.

"I’m so glad your here!" She said letting me go. "Let me look at you."

She looked me up and down and smiled. "Your so grown up. And look at that chest! Yours is bigger than my own." Aunt Alice said and giggled.

"Thanks, I think." I said and looked over her shoulder. "Where’s Uncle Adam?"

"Oh he had to work. He wanted to be here so badly but you know how things get." She said.

"Wow Aunt Alice is that an accent I hear?" I asked.

She nodded. "Once you’ve been in this bloody place for so long you get one. Did you know that." She said taking one of my suit cases.

"No I did not." I replied.

She laughed. "Well lets get you home. We have a lot of catching up to do."

"Will do." I said taking my other suit case.

We both walked and talked as we walked to her car. We loaded the car and she drove. I felt really uneasy when she started driving on the left side of the road.

"So how is school? Any boys I should know about." She asked.

I didn’t reply but my face went bright red.

"Miranda!" She squealed. "Whats his name?"

"Uh…you remember our neighbor? The Roberts and they had a son my age." I said.

"OH yeah I remember them. You mean that cute little boy you used to go to school with who used to pull your hair?" She asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, that's Austin."

"Oh I’m so happy for you," She said. "Do you happen to have a picture?"

"I think so." I said digging through my purse for my phone. I pulled it out and flipped it open. I hit contacts and pulled up Austin’s. I clicked on his picture on handed the phone to Alice.

She took one hand off the steering wheel and looked.

She was looking at the picture I took of Austin when he wasn’t looking. A couple days ago when I was hanging with him in his room one night. He was reading from a text book. Looking adorable as usual.

"He’s a keeper." Aunt Alice said giving me my phone back.

"He is." I said putting my phone back in my purse.

"Do you miss him?" She asks.

"Yeah I do. A lot. He was all I had back home." I said my voice choking a bit.

"I’m sorry sweat pea." Alice replied taking my hand and giving it a squeeze.

"It’s just so hard sometimes. I mean I really do like him. I think I might love him." I said.

"Have you told him this?"

"No. I didn’t have time. We’ve only been an actual item for a few days now."

"That must be hard."

"Yeah. And didn’t want to say that I love him so soon. I didn’t want to freak him out." I said staring at the window.

"Fair enough." Aunt Alice said.

Wow England is really pretty. If I ever leave this place to go home I might actually come back.

"We’re almost there." Aunt Alice announced.

I smiled at her and went back to looking out the window.

As long as I’m here I mind as well try to make the best of it.
♠ ♠ ♠
OH gosh two chapter updates in one day!! I'm on a roll! :P

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Thanks to all who have! Love you to bits!

I know it was a little short but i wanted to introduce her Aunt Alice. Go to characters to see her pic!


P.S- Sorry for any spelling errors!