Status: Complete

You Belong With Me...I Think

Chapter Twelve


"Okay and this is going to be your room." Aunt Alice said opening the last door in the narrow hallway.

She stepped aside and let me through the door.

I gasped.

It was beautiful.

There was a large bed in the middle of the room.The baby blue sheets were hidden underneath all the pillows. There was a closet in the corner of the room and a dresser/vanity next to it. The whole room had a blue and white theme. It looked like a blue sky and clouds. There was a large window on the opposite side of the closet. It looked over the backyard. The afternoon sun was pouring into the room, brightening everything.

"Do you like it?" Aunt Alice asked.

I nodded and hugged her tightly. "I love it."

"Well that’s good. I still know a thing or two about teenagers." She said laughing.

I laughed along with her.

We both walked back down the hallway to retrieve my bags. I looked into the other rooms on my way. There was the bathroom next to my room and a office next to that. I was guessing the only door on the other side of the hallway was Alice’s and Adam's bedroom.

We reached the bottom of the staircase and hauled my bags back up.

"I’ll give you some time to settle in then," She said putting my suit case on top of the fluffy bed. "I’ll make some tea downstairs and we can talk."

"Thanks. For everything." I said.

"Your very welcome. It’s nice to have some youth in this house for once." She said.

"Your not that old."

"Well, I’m getting there." She laughed and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

I sighed and sat on the bed.

This is where I guess I’ll be spending most of my time I guess…

I jumped up and opened my first suit case.

Shoving all my clothes into the closet. They all managed to fit in the small closet. I took my shoes and dusted them off before putting them on the shoe rack that was helpfully there.

I shoved my ‘other’ clothing into the dresser’s drawers. I threw my now empty suit case on the floor and opened the next. I took out all my prize possessions out and shoved them in any place available.

I took all my make-up supplies and set them on top of the vanity.

I set the now empty other suit case on top of the other.

My purse was the only thing left sitting on my bed. I opened it and checked my cell phone.

No New Messages

No Missed Calls

I sighed and threw my phone over my shoulder onto the bed.

I looked down at what I was wearing and gasped. There was the biggest stain possible dead center of my favorite baby doll top.

I opened the closet and pulled on another top.

After re-gaining myself I set off down stairs. I slowly descended down the stairs and tried to find my way to the kitchen.

I walked directly right at the bottom of the stairs and found the dining room.

Well that’s not it…

I turned around and went the other way.

Another office…


Oh kitchen.

Aunt Alice was at the stove making a pot of tea.

She turned around when she heard me walk in. "Oh good you found me."

"Yeah. It was easy peasy." I said.

"Take a seat. I’m just making some tea."

I sit down at the small wooden circle shaped table with four chairs.

"So how are you settling in?" She asked pouring hot water into a cup.

"Good. I love the room."

"That’s good." She replied putting the tea bag into the cup and bringing it over to the table.

"Thanks." I said taking the cup.

"I’m sorry I have to leave you so soon and you just got here. But I’ve been so busy with your room that this house has no food in it." Aunt Alice said.

"That’s okay. It gives me some time to get used to the area." I say taking the tea bag out of my cup.

"Oh yeah. There is a cute park behind the church across the street. It’s so peaceful over there. A good place for thinking. Which I’m guessing you need to do a lot of." She said picking up her car keys and purse.

I nodded and drank a bit of tea.

"Oh I almost forgot," She said and walked out of the room and quickly back. Holding a notebook in her hand. "One of the girls I go to the gym with said the best way to get over something is to write it down. So I thought you should have a journal or something to vent to."

I took the book. "Not a bad idea actually."

"Good. Well I’m off I have to be back before Adam is." She said kissing my forehead. "See you later. And don’t get lost out there."

I nodded. "Will do."

She waved and walked out of the room. I heard the front door slam.

Well seeing as I have nothing else to do.

I ran upstairs and grabbed my converse and a pen.

I went back downstairs and out the front door.

The afternoon sun hitting my face.

I breathed in the nice England air.

I could get used to this.
♠ ♠ ♠
*yawn* i know i know this is sooo boring. The good part is coming up!! *wink wink*

This is just a filler to get to the good part.

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P.S- Sorry for any spelling errors!!