Status: Complete

You Belong With Me...I Think

Chapter Fifteen


"Where in the world have you been!"

I spun around and saw Aunt Alice coming straight at me.

"I come home and start freaking out when I can’t find you. You’ve been here for less then 24 hours and I already lost you." She said.

"Sorry Aunt Alice. I went to the park for a walk and I ran into Thomas." I said pointing to Thomas who stood awkwardly next to me.

"Oh hello Thomas. Didn’t see you. How is your mother? I heard she was sick?" Aunt said.

"Hello, it’s nothing big just the flu." He replied.

"Good as long as it’s nothing big. Tell her to call me if she needs anything."

"Will do. I better get going." Thomas said then turning to me. "See you later?"

I nodded. "Sure."

"Are you applying to school?" He asked stopping to pick up his skateboard.

I looked at Aunt Alice. "Actually I already enrolled you into the private school down the road."

"Cool!" Thomas said. "That’s where I go. On Monday meet at the bus stop at eight I’ll show you around."

I nodded. "Cool."

Thomas smiled and waved before walking across the street to his house.

"So you like him huh?" Aunt Alice said after Thomas disappeared and we were walking back in the house.

"No, it’s not like that," I said. "I want Austin and only him."

Aunt Alice raised an eyebrow at me.

I smiled and blushed.

"Go change and I’ll you can help me with dinner."

I nodded and head upstairs.

I switched my jeans for a new cleaner pair.

I pulled out my journal and pen out of the back pocket and set it down.

I decided I should actually write in it. I was about to write but I forgot the date.

Where is my phone?


I opened my carry on and pulled out my phone. Turning it on. I jumped up and down swearing at it to hurry up.

"Yes." I said as it turned on.

5 missed calls and 10 new messages.

All from Austin. Most of them asked how I was, he missed me and over time they asked if I died on the plane or something because I wasn’t replying.

I quickly texted back, writing a thousand I’m sorrys.

I put my phone down after a detailed message that I was a live and settling in lowly. That I missed him and wished he was here.

Reopening I my journal I started writing.


Sunday, March 23rd

I’m finally here, I still can’t believe it. I miss home. My warm bed, my comforting room smell, and knowing Austin was a few meters away. I missed him the most. The feeling of his arms around me. I wasn’t going to forget him, no matter what he thought. I still can’t believe Aunt Alice thought something was going on with me and Thomas. I don’t like him like that, only as a friend. I barley know him.
England is nice. Peaceful. The weather isn’t the greatest and I don’t think these people have seen the sun…
I’m kinda excited to go to school. It’s been a while since I’ve had a new start where no one knows who I am. I might actually make a friend or two. And I have Thomas too. I going to make the best of right now. Even though I miss home way too much.
I appreciate what Aunt Alice is doing for me. I really needed to get away from my parents, their arguing was really starting to bug me.


"Miranda! Are you done yet I need help!" Aunt Alice yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"Yeah coming." I yelled back.

I tucked the journal and pen under one of the many pillows on my bed.


The next morning I got up extra early, not really sleeping Sunday night. I was like a little girl getting ready for her first day of school.

My smile faded when I looked in my reflection.

Aunt Alice was already way ahead of me and already had my uniform ready.

I groaned and turned so my back was facing the mirror.

"This is so unflattering." I complained.

I was wearing what must be the most ugly outfit ever made. There was a long plaid skirt, a white blouse that went way up the neck, a black blazer, a girls tie, black high knee socks and the ugliest pair of shoes.

There is got to be a way to fix this…

I gave up after a few minutes…

No hope.

I better make myself look even better to out do the outift.

I applied my make-up and straightened my hair.

I went downstairs when I was done and saw Aunt Alice and Uncle Adam eating pancakes at the table.

They both looked up when I walked into the room.

"Miranda!" Uncle Adam said getting up and squishing me into a hug.

"Can’t breath." I squeaked.

Aunt Alice laughed from the table. "Don’t break her Adam."

Uncle Adam let me go and smiled. "Sorry."

I smiled. "It’s okay."

"Would you like some pancakes. Freshly made." Adam said eyeing the plate of pancakes on the table as he sat down.

"Please." I said sitting in a chair and taking a plate. I put two pancakes on, buttered them and soaked them in syrup.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry i didnt update! I have this huge essay to write and i well yeah!
This chapter sucks yeah i know. The next couple are going to awesome promise!


Eight stars already!!! I love you all!! You are the best!


P.S. Sorry for any spelling errors!