Status: Complete

You Belong With Me...I Think

Chapter Seventeen


"Okay so the science hallway is just down there, oh the best water fountain is right over there." Thomas said explaining as he led me towards the office. Will, Max and Ellen following behind us.

"Make sure you don’t pass by the hallway after labs, it reeks. Nobody knows why, it’s weird." Will said making a sour face.

We laughed and Thomas suddenly stopped walking. Making Will bump into his back, making an ‘oof’ sound before backing up.

"Dude?!" He yelled. "At least make an announcement if you stop walking."

"Dude, get a life and pay more attention to things." Ellen, who was standing next to Will, said flicking Will’s ear.

Will flinched and stuck his tongue out at Ellen.

"Oh that’s mature." Max commented standing on the other side of Will.

"Ignore them, their freaks." Thomas whispered to me.

I laughed and shook my head.

"Okay so the office is just around the corner. They’ll help you out with any other questions you have," Thomas said and I nodded. "We on the other hand we have to get to our lockers. See you later?"

"Sure." I smiled and looked behind Thomas’ shoulder. "Bye guys."

They all stopped bickering and flicking each other for a second to say good-bye.

I smiled again and rolled my eyes at them.

Thomas laughed and put Max into a head lock before they all walked off.

I turned around and headed in the direction Thomas pointed to.

Everyone seemed to be staring at me. Like I was trespassing on their land or something. Well technically I was. But I went here now so they should probably stop staring.

I turned a corner and found a large sign over a door that read ‘office’.

I walked through the doorway and saw a large lady sitting at the main desk. She had a small computer and many file folders surrounding her.

"Hi." I said walking up to her desk.

She looked up from her computer and smiled. "Can I help you?"

"Yes, I’m new and I need my schedule and locker." I replied.

"Oh yes, Miss. Brooks?" She asked flipping through one of her many stacks of files.

I nodded and she handed me a small file. I opened it up and found a schedule, locker number, combo for the locker and a map.

"Anything else I can help with you with?" She asked.

"No, thank you." I said smiling one last time before following the map to my locker.

I found it easily, I was actually quite good at reading maps. The locker wasn’t in a bad location. No smelly bathroom near or big jocks that always lean on your locker. Their weren’t any beefy jocks from what I saw.

I looked at my piece of paper and slowly put the four digit combo into the lock. It snapped open and I smiled in satisfaction.

Things were going well.

I shoved my school bag in and set up my books.

I took one binder out, a pen and extra paper. I looked at my schedule and sighed, biology.

After that I had gym, math and a free block.

At least I get a free block. The other subjects I wasn’t so thrilled about.

The warning bell rung and I jumped slightly.

I grabbed my things and shut my locker. Carrying my binder and the small folder from the office.

I looked at the room number and back at the map.

Oh great, it’s on the other side of the school.

I sighed and started walking. Tracing my steps on the map and walking swiftly.

I tried to ignore the constant stares as I walked to my class.

I can do this, I can do this…


I blinked a couple of times and snapped out of it. I wasn’t going to freak out…no…coarse not.

I took a deep breath and walked quickly, keeping my head down as I walked down the hall.

I looked up for a moment and checked the room numbers. I was looking for room 2715.






Ha, 2715!

"Ooooofff!" I suddenly said running into a hard figure.

I regained my balance and looked up to apologize.

"I’m so sorry." I said quickly looking up to see a tall guy with black hair and a lean frame.

"That’s okay baby, you don’t have to throw yourself at me. I know I’m irresistible." He said and winked.

I mentally gagged.

Was everyone in this country so CREEPY!

First Will now this moron…

Oh gosh…Save me now.

I gave him a small smile and walked hastily around him.

I dove into my bio class before the creeper could talk to me again.

Everyone in the class had already sat down and were staring at me.

"Hello, can I help you?" A lady asked who was standing at the front of the room.

She had on yoga pants, a white T-shirt and a lime green vest. My guess that she was also a gym teacher. She also had bleach blonde hair that was tied back.

"Yes, I’m a transfer student." I said giving her the small slip from my small folder that confirmed so.

"Oh okay. Well welcome Miranda," She said reading my name off the slip before handing it back. "I’m Ms. Salt. I think there is a spare desk open at the back. Why don’t you take that one?"

I smiled and put my slip back into my folder. "Thanks."

"Oh and here is a textbook. Just follow along if you can. You’ll soon get caught up." Ms. Salt said giving me this neat blue text book.

I turned away from here and walked to the back of the class, I swear I could feel the eyes on me. Creeping on my back.

I sat down in the desk and sighed.

This is going to be a long day…
♠ ♠ ♠
I dont know if i should continue or not
Yes or No???

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P.S.- Sorry for any spelling errors!