Status: Complete

You Belong With Me...I Think

Chapter Eighteen


I quickly bolted out of gym class when the bell rang.

Thank god that was over…

I wasn’t the best at sports, everyone knew that at my old school so they avoided passing to me. Here it was different. It took a while for people to catch on. In the mean time I got hit about five million times all over my body because of my bad reflexes.

I hurried down the hall to my locker, it being the easiest thing to find. I opened it and put my gym strip in.

I wiped the sweat off my forehead and sighed.

"BOO!" A voice said from behind me.

I jumped and swiveled around.

I put my hand to my chest and glared at Will.

"Not funny." I said turning back to my locker.

"Oh chill out." He said smiling at me.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my lunch money. I shut my locker and walked around Will.

"Hey! Come back." He said and caught up to me.


"I was asked to retrieve you and ask you to sit with Thomas, Ellen, Max and me." Will said.

"We’re you now?"

"Yeah we’re meeting them in the lunch line." He said as we entered the cafeteria.

I nodded and walked through the crowded cafeteria towards the lunch line. Most of the stares had stopped and people seemed to get used to seeing my face. Some people stared but I just ignored them.

I smiled when I reached Thomas, Ellen and Max in the lunch line. Will coming up behind me as well. "Hey guys."

They stopped their conversation and smiled when they saw me. "Hey Miranda." Thomas and Max said at once.

Ellen laughed. "So how do you like the school so far?"

"Its nice." I replied simply.

"Yeah, this school is kinda boring." Max said sighing at the end for emphasis.

"What was your school life like at school?" Ellen asked.

"Uh well… lets just say I wasn’t the most popular girl in school," Ellen raised her eyebrows in confusion. "My best friend was the school’s heartthrob and also the basketball captain."

"So how does that make you unpopular?" Ellen asked.

"His girlfriend, Megan, hated me for being friends with him and she had a lot of power at the school. So she made everyone hate and ignore me."

"That’s so stupid." Ellen replied.

"Yup, but Austin was my best friend and I wasn’t going to leave him because of her."

"Aww that’s sweet."

I smiled and nodded.

"Are you guys still friends even though your gone?" Ellen asked as we moved a couple steps in the lunch line. Max, Thomas and Will were having their own little conversation behind us.
"Actually…" I started and blushed a little.

"No way, you guys are together?" Ellen exclaimed.

I nodded. "What about the other girl, Megan?" She asked.

"She dumped him and he moved on. Apparently he was in love with me for a long time. And well so was i."

"Aww that’s cute. Like a fairy tail or something."

"Yeah that’s what I thought till I moved."

"Oh right, how are things with you guys now?"

"We’re trying the long distance thing. But its hard with the time differences and school. We text and send emails but I’m scared he’s going to lose interest."

"He won’t." She replied.

I smiled as we go the front of the lunch line. I looked at the menu and ordered a slice of pizza and carbonated water.

"You drink that stuff?" Ellen asked as we waited for the boys, food in hands.

"Yeah, I always have. I’m lucky they have it here."

"That stuff gives me a head rush, sometimes I think it has drugs in it." Ellen said.

"Yes, I drink drug water." I said and laughed.

"Lets find a table ladies." Will said coming up behind us and walking in between us to the tables.

He found an empty table and sat down. The rest of us quickly followed. I quickly sat down in between Thomas and Ellen.

I smiled to myself.

I think I’m going to like it here…
♠ ♠ ♠
This is soooo boring.
This chaptre was basically about the growing friendship between Miranda and Ellen
I'm slowly breaking through my writers block, FINALLYYYYY!!
Next chapters are going to rock, especially those Austin fans.... ;)
Comment and Subscribe please I'll love you forever!


P.S- Sorry for any spelling errors