Status: Complete

You Belong With Me...I Think

Chapter Twenty


Still Austin's POV

I don’t know how long I can take of this. I’ve only been sitting in the plane for ten minutes and I was already getting impatient. I don’t know if I can last an eight hour flight.

I stared out the window of the plane and started bouncing my knee.

A hand quickly stopped it. "Austin, calm down. We’ll be there soon enough." Mom said smiling at me before taking her hand off my knee and going back to her magazine.

She’s right. I can do this. Eight hours isn’t that long. It’s going to be worth the wait.

Just breath and distract yourself.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my ipod. I put the earphones in my ear and switched to ‘Miranda’s Playlist for Austin’.

I leaned my head back on the seat and closed my eyes.

"Please fasten your seat belts please, we will be taking off shortly." The voice on the plane says.


Miranda’s POV

The Next Day, Morning

There was a soft knock on my door and my eyes popped open.

"Time to get up Miranda, school." I heard Aunt Alice say and then her soft footsteps walking away.

I groaned loudly and rolled out of bed. It was way to early to be out of bed but Aunt Alice knew I took my time getting ready.

I sat down at my makeup counter and brushed out my tangled hair. I used an old elastic and tied it back into a high ponytail. I applied my usually light make-up; the school only allowed so much make-up on a student or so it says in the rule book.

After applying and fixing my hair; I took out my newly washed and pressed school uniform. I was starting to get over the fact that it wasn’t the most stylish thing in the world.

When I was done I grabbed my school books and ran downstairs. I dropped my bags by the front door and walked into the kitchen. Where Aunt Alice was reading the paper and drinking her tea. I grabbed my blueberry muffin and sat down across from her.

"Where is Adam?" I asked biting into my muffin.

Aunt Alice froze for a second before quickly recovering. "He went to work early, you know him, always so into his work."

"Oh I see."

"You better hurry, your going to miss the bus." She replied smiling at me.

I smirked and finished off my muffin. I hugged my Aunt before running back upstairs to brush my teeth.

When I got back downstairs I yelled bye back into the kitchen before grabbing my bags and running to the bus stop.

It wasn’t hard to find Thomas, Ellen, Max and Will because they were standing in the same place they were yesterday.

I pushed through people before tripping on someone’s foot and I went flying into Will’s chest.

He automatically grabbed my elbows and steadied me. When he looked down and saw me his smirk grew. "You don’t have to throw yourself at me Miranda, I know you like me."

I sneered and yanked my arms free of his grasp.

"Someone’s grumpy this morning." Will said making cat claws with his hands.

"Back off Will, your getting her wound up." Max said putting his hand on Will’s shoulder.

"If anyone can get somebody pissed off before the first bell it’s Will." Ellen said appearing behind Max’s shoulder walking over to me.

I smiled at her before Ellen and Will started bickering at each other.

"Aren’t they such a cute couple." Thomas said coming up from behind me.

I smiled and nodded.

"I wish they would just admit they like each other. Things would be a lot easier." Max said standing on the other side of me.

"Things would be. Less bickering." I said just as the bus arrived.

Everyone started to file on slowly.

"Yo, lovebirds, shut up and get on the bus." Max yelled at Ellen and Will.

They both stopped bickering and sent Max death glares.

We got the last seats in the back of the bus again and it was silent the whole ride. Not awkward silence, it was just to loud to get a word in.

When we got to the school everyone quickly got up and out. We got out of the bus last and made our way into the school.

"See you guys later." I said waving off to my new friends and head to the direction of my locker.

"Bye!" They yelled back.

I stared weaving in and out of people on my way to my locker. People seemed to stop staring, but only a little.

I reached my locker and put in the combo, snapping the lock open. I shoved my last night’s homework/books in and grabbed my English binder.

The loud bell rang through the halls and everyone started to shuffle. I memorized where all my classes were for today so I didn’t look like a loser walking the halls with a map.

I made my way to my English on time and with a few minutes to introduce myself to my teacher.

My teacher, Mrs. Hall, sat my down in the last seat available in the back. I liked English in my old school, mostly because the school was big on poetry and I loved poetry.

English flew by and the bell rang loudly snapping me out of my trance.

I got up and smiled at Mrs. Hall before leaving and heading to my locker. I threw my English binder in and grabbed my history books.

I closed my locker and made my way to the class. I introduced myself to the teacher and he sat me down.

The bell rang and everyone sat down in their seats.

"Today class we will be starting the Industrial Revolution," Mr. Manning, the history teacher said perching himself on the side of his desk. "I want you to pull out a piece of paper and start writing down what you already know."

I smiled to myself and took out my pen and a paper. I already studied to Industrial Rev. so I knew basically everything.

I quickly wrote down a long list and handed it in.

I sat in my seat and waited for everyone to finish. Then Mr. Manning’s phone rang.

"Keep writing class while I take this call." He said picking up the phone.

He talked for a second then put the phone down. He turned his gaze on me. "Miranda they would like to see you in the office."

I nodded, picked up my books and got up. I headed for the door and walked down the empty hallway.

I wonder what they wanted? Did I do something wrong already? Maybe they just wanted to welcome me? It’s a little delayed; but their probably busy.

I rounded the corner to the office hallway and stopped dead in my tracks.

There was a boy leaning up against a hall staring at the roof.

My heart leaped when he pushed himself off the wall and I saw his face.


I giggled and sprinted down the hallway while dropping my books. Not caring about the rules of no running in the halls.

I jumped up, wrapped my legs around his torso and hugged him. His arms went around my waist and he laughed.

I breathed in his sent and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! *wipes tears of happiness off face*
I had piles of homework and a big English essay.
Plus there was a little writers block i had to get through to start this chapter.
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P.S- Sorry for any spelling errors.

P.S- Omg i almost reached a hundred pages on Microsoft word! Thought i'd mention that!