Status: Complete

You Belong With Me...I Think

Chapter Three


After my first two classes of the day I already felt sluggish. Now I had to deal with lunch time.

I joined the food line and looked around the cafeteria.

I felt a jolt of excitement when Austin came into the cafeteria…without Megan.

He smiled and walked over to me.

"Where did you run off to this morning?" he asks ruffling my hair when we got to me.

"Sorry I can’t be within five meters of Megan for more than thirty seconds before my brain turns to mush." I reply straightening my hair.

"Ha your so funny," Austin replies sarcastically and smirks. "Did you hear about the school dance coming up?"

"Not yet. When is it?" I ask.

"This Friday. The day after the big game."

"Oh that’s soon." I say and then turn to the lunch lady. "Chicken salad and a sparkling water please."

She hands me my food and I wait for Austin to order. After he gets his food we both pay and walk out of the line.

"So your coming to my game right?" he ask raising his eye brow as we walk to an empty table with our food.

"Yeah I just love spending my Thursday afternoons watching sweaty boys throw around a ball all day." I reply and open my water.

"Oh come on you have to come. Your my lucky charm." He says and his eyes pleading.

"Okay fine. But you know my rule about Megan." I demand.

"Yes yes all rules will be followed." He replies and bites into his pizza.

"Okay then I’ll come." I say and take a bite of my salad.

"Good. You better." He says mouth still half full.

I smile and roll my eyes before turning my attention to my salad. And right on cue…Megan shows up.

"Hey Baby!" she squeals and sits on Austin’s lap.

"Oh hi Megan." Austin replies.

"So did you hear about the dance? It’s gonna be so fun! The theme is under the sea! But I don’t know how were suppose to have a dance under water…" her voice trails off.

I laugh under my breath and shake my head.

What an airhead!

"Yeah sure." Austin says looking confused.

"So obviously were going together right? So I’m getting this one red dress so make sure your suit matches." She says picking at her nails.

"Yeah okay."

"This is so great not to worry about going to the dance alone. I feel sorry for those losers…" Megan says and then looks at me "Oh sorry Miranda I didn’t mean to offend you."

"That’s okay" I say and fake smile.

"You have a date?" she asks.

"No, I’m not going." I reply and stab my salad with my fork, thinking it’s Megan’s head.

"Oh that’s so sad," Megan says getting off Austin’s lap. "See you guys later."

As she walks off and heads to a table with her fellow cheerleaders, I turn to Austin.

"But I don’t know how were suppose to have a dance under water?" I say and laugh.

Austin snickers. "Yeah that was pretty funny."

"Sometimes she can be such an airhead."

"Yeah but sometimes she can be really sweet and nice."

I burst out laughing, "Seriously? You know you just used Megan and nice in the same sentence. It’s never been done." I say.

"Okay no need to be mean." He replies finishing his pizza and throwing the plate in the trash can behind him.

"Not being mean Austin. I’m stating the facts." I say to him.

He smiles at me and my heart drops. I quickly look down at my almost finished salad.

Austin looks at his watch then back at me. "Got to go. Coach called a meeting before third period." He says gathering up his things.

"Okay see you later." I say and smile as he waves and walks out of the cafeteria.

I watch him go and see that Megan got up from her table and is walking towards me.

Oh great…where we go.

"So…what’s up with you and Austin?" she asks putting her hands on her hips and glares at me.

"Nothing. He’s my friend and anyway he’s going out with you." I reply getting up and throwing the rest of my salad away. I’d suddenly lost my appetite.

"Yeah sure. That’s what you say but that is so not how you feel. And I’ve got one word for you…" she says. "Back off."

"Megan, that’s two words." I say and laugh.

"Whatever, math isn’t my best subject…" her voice trails off again. "Anyway, just stay away from Austin, okay?"

"Sure, whatever." I say and walk past her and out of the cafeteria.

Like that’s going to happen…
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Three!

Oh gosh i love Megan, it's so fun to make up the things she says!

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