Status: Complete

You Belong With Me...I Think

Chapter Four


It was the day of the big game. Us against our rival team, The Blue Jays. Everyone was supper pumped and excited like we already won.

I shuffled through the halls in-between all the hollering kids on my way to the gym, trying not to get trampled.

It was after school on Thursday and I was on my way of keeping my promise. To go to the game and be Austin’s good luck charm. But now that I was there, I was really regretting coming.

When I got to the gym, the bleachers were almost filled and everyone was dived in two. Blue on one side and red on the other. I scurried over to the red side and sat down next to some random girl in my grade. She was one of few that weren’t hollering.

I let out a sigh and looked at the court. Both teams were warming up and doing drills before the game. I spotted Austin right away. Considering he was half an inch taller than most of his team mates and also that he looks the cutest in his basketball uniform. The air caught in my throat for a second when I saw him.

He stopped bouncing his ball and held it under his arm as he scanned the bleachers. He stopped when his eyes landed on mine. Austin smiled widely and lifted up his hand, waving. I smiled and lifted my own hand a little.

He smiled once more before returning to his drill.

I looked away from Austin when I felt daggers being shot at me. My gaze turned to the side lines, where the cheerleaders were warming up as well, and Megan had her arms crossed over her chest glaring at me.

She, like all of the other cheerleaders, was in her red uniform. But the skirt in her uniform was cut half an inch shorter than the others. And the neckline of her shirt was cut down way lower

I fake smiled and waved to her.

She let out a big huff as she stomped her foot and walked back to her squad.

I laughed under my breath and watched as the guys put the basketballs away and went to the side lines.

Megan pranced over to Austin, who was talking to his team, and gave him kiss. Pressing her lips hard against his. The guys on his team hollered when they saw it. After Megan let him go, she looked over at me and smiled. I rolled my eyes as Austin turned his attention back to his team, still a bit dazed.

God, can she seriously get over herself? I thought

The coach came up to the team and they gathered in a circle.

"ONE, TWO, THREE, GO KNIGHTS!!!" they all yelled unison and broke onto the court.

"Welcome to the most exciting game of the season everyone." The announcer yelled as red set up on the court.

"ONE, TWO, THREE GO BLUE JAYS!!" Blue yelled and joined red on the court.

Austin shook hands with the blue captain and stared each other down till the ref broke it up.

It turns out we lost and Austin missed the basket that would have got us the win. He looked so disappointed in himself when he missed and so did his team mates. They patted him on the back and smiled at him. Making sure he knew it was okay.

I stayed seated on the bleachers as everyone filed out of the gym. I saw Austin walk over to Megan who was still chatting with her cheerleaders.

I could barley hear the conversation from where I was sitting. "Hey Megan." He said to her when he walked up to her.

"Sorry, do you hear something girls?" Megan sneered at him.

They giggled and shook their heads.

"My number one rule is…hmm what was it again? Oh yeah. Don’t talk to losers." She said crossing her arms over her chest. "Now your a loser…sorry Austin. Bye."

Austin stared at her, eyes wide open.

"Oh Hey Johnny! Great game. You were great!" Megan yelled walking around Austin and over to Johnny who was the team’s co-captain.

Austin turned around and watched her throw her arm around his waist as they both walked away.

I closed my mouth that was hung open. I stepped off the bleachers and went over to Austin.

"You okay?" I asked putting my hand on his arm.

"Yeah, I guess. I sort of saw that coming…" his voice trailed off.

"Me too…" I said and smiled.

"You wanna hang out?" he asks.

"Sure. As long as you change out of that sweaty jersey." I reply pointing to his uniform.

He rolls his eyes and smiles as he starts walking towards the change room. "Give me ten minutes."

"I’ll even give you fifteen." I said sitting back down on the bleachers. I wait for Austin, and time passes slowly. But thank god none of the cheerleaders came back, especially Megan. That was the last thing I needed.

But wait…

Does Austin want to hang out as friends, like always, or something else. My hands become clammy and sweat forms on my eyebrows.

Oh gosh…what now?

My thoughts are broken off by the opening door of the changing room. Austin comes out, hair still wet from his shower, in his worn out jeans and graphic tee.

"Ready?" he asks walking over to me as I stand up from the bleachers.

"Where are you going exactly?" I ask as we both walk out of the gym.

"Lets go to the park." He suggest when we walk out of the side doors of the gym and to the streets.

I smile and shake my head. "What?" he asks looking at me.

"Nothing, nothing. Why the park?" I say.

He shrugs. "I don’t know. I like the park. It’s nice and peaceful. And they have the best ice-cream I’ve ever tasted."

I laugh. "Of coarse it’s all about your stomach."

He shrugs again and smiles.


When we get to the park there are lots of kids and parents there. Most of the kids were on the playground with their folks chatting with the other parents. Austin seemed fine and acted completely normal, considering. I didn’t want to bring up the break up so I kept quite and let him talk.

We both got ice-cream from the cart that was near the playground.

"Mint Chocolate Chip please." I say to the ice-cream man.

"Oh gross. How can you eat that?" Austin asks looking disgusted.

I shrug as the man scoops my ice-cream into a waffle cone and hands it to me.

"Thanks you." I say and smile as I hand him my money.

He nods and turns to Austin. "And you sir?"

"Just a Vanilla please." He replies and leaves his money on the cart.

"Wow your so plain…" I say licking my ice-cream.

"That’s just how I roll." He says and takes his ice-cream.

We walk over to a park bench near the playground and eat our ice-cream.

"So…how are you feeling?" I ask.

"Uh…fine." Austin replies looking confused.

"I meant about the break up." I say to him.

"Oh that. Still trying to let it sink in." he replies. "Nothing ice-cream can’t fix."

I laugh and notice he’s not ready to talk about it.

I reach into my pocket and pull out my IPod. I worked for over half a year to get it. It was terrible busting tables for six months. But it was worth it.

I put one ear phone in my ear and the other in Austin’s before I turn it on. I flip to ‘Austin’s Playlist’ and press play.

Austin bobs his head up in down when Green Day comes on.

I laugh as I watch him jam out.


I finished my ice-cream way after Austin did. He didn’t want to wait for me to finish before we left. So we started walking with me still eating.

"Your so slow. You could never win in an eating contest." Austin says.

"I like to actually taste what I’m eating and not just put it all in at once." I say and eye him. "And I was never planning on entering an eating contest. Not even if it was chocolate"

"Oh that would be so awesome to get a chocolate one." Austin says as we walk down our block.

"I’d like to see you do that." I reply and laugh.

"Are you still not going to the dance?" he asks me.

" Yeah, I have a big test to study for. I have to pass it so…"

"Oh…I guess I’ll still go. Even though I don’t have a date." Austin says as we stop in front of our houses.

My mother’s car and father’s car are both gone. I sigh and turn back to Austin.

"See you tomorrow?" I ask.

"Yeah, see you." He says and stares at me.

Oh gosh…what is that look? His he going to kiss me? what should I do? Oh gosh I’m freaking out over nothing.

Austin smiles then walks onto his lawn and heads towards his front door.

After he closes the door I let out the breath that I realized I was holding in.

All I can do is dream…
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Four!

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