Status: Complete

You Belong With Me...I Think

Chapter Five


As I walk through the crowded halls the next day, everyone excited for the dance tonight, I ask myself if I’m making a mistake not going. I mean, Austin’s going to be there so I wasn’t going to be alone.

I sigh and push threw everyone on my way to my locker. There are the guys talking about how lame the dance is going to be and the girls talking about their dresses.

When I get to my locker I enter the combo and I see Austin walking towards me.

"Hey M." He says leaning up against the locker next to me.

I open my locker and put my books in. "Hey."

"Still not going to the dance?" he asks.

"Nope, you?"

"Still going even though I’m dateless…"

"Is that even a word?"

He shrugs and smiles. "What are you going to do all night then?"

"Not sure. Study I guess." I reply closing my locker and start down the hallway.

"Wow lame." Austin says falling into step with me.

I smack his arm.

"OW!" he whines rubbing his arm. "Sorry."

"Has Megan tried to talk to you." I ask.

"Actually no, not yet. Her mouth is somehow occupied." He replies.

"Gross. Are you worried?"

"Nope, I think it’s over for good," He says opening the doors to go outside. "I think she’s now going out with Johnny. Poor guy."

"I’m sorry."

He smiles. "Don’t be. It’s not anyone’s fault. I saw it coming." Austin mutters.

I quickly change the subject as we leave the school grounds.


"See you tomorrow." Austin says waving his hand and walks towards his front door.

"Bye." I reply and smile watching him go through his front door.

I sigh and head inside my own house. I put my books down on the stairs and walk into t he living room.

No one there.

And in the kitchen.


I jump when there’s a knock at the door.

I go the front door and open it.

There is a large guy with a box in one hand and a clip board in the other.

"Are you Miss Miranda?" He asks.

I nod. "Then this is for you. Sign here please." He says holding out the clip board.

I signed and handed it back to him. Then took the package. "Thanks." I smile and head back into the house.

I closed the front door and I ripped the box open.

I smiled and took my new contacts out.

"Yay!!!" I squeal to myself.

I walk into the bathroom and put the box down. I take out the one right eyes and a left. Peeling back the cup with the contact in it.

I smile as I wash my hands and put the contacts in.

I blinked a couple of times to focus them but I could see clearly through my new contacts. I looked in the mirror and gasped in shock. I kind of looked…..pretty…

I put my glasses in their case and walked out of the bathroom to my parents bedroom.

My mother loved clothes. She always wore the latest thing when she goes out drinking with her friends. It’s mostly to attract men but still.

I walked straight to the walk in closet and opened the doors. There were rows and rows of shirts, pants, skirts, purses and dresses. There was a whole wall of shoes. flats, wedges, heels, boots and sandals.

I flipped through the dresses. I saw famous labels, like Chanel Dior, BCBG, D&G, everything. In every color possible.

Where did my mother get these things??

I kept flipping till that one dress caught my eye. I smiled at it and took it off the rack. Slipping my own clothes off I put it on.

Perfect fit.

I walked over to the full length mirror in the closet and laughed with happiness.

There I was in a baby blue bubble dress. That hugged my chest then gracefully flowed down the rest of my body. I smiled and turned back to the closet.

Shoe time.

I picked these strappy silver heels that probably went with everything. I put those on and stood up. My ankles wobbled a bit as I stood up. I got my balance and smiled

Leaving the closet, I walked to my mother’s make-up table.


I applied some mascara and lip-gloss then looked in the mirror.

I dug out my mother’s hair straighter from one of her draws and plugged it in.

I straightened it then curled the ends. Then using one of my mom’s old elastics I tied it in a high ponytail.

I looked in the mirror again and gasped at what I saw.

I laughed and jumped up and down. Like a child on Christmas morning.

"This will so win over Austin's heart." I say out loud and twirl around the room.

I look at the clock on the bedside table. It reads 5:36.

Wow that late already.

On cue my stomach grumbles.

I fixed myself a small sandwich in the kitchen and ran back up to my bedroom.

I peaked my head in and looked out the window.

The air caught in my throat.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Five :)

Miranda's Outfit: /

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