Status: Complete

You Belong With Me...I Think

Chapter Six



He was there in his, probably tailored, black suit.

He was fixing the cuffs on his sit jacket. Then surprisingly he looked over to my bedroom window.

I quickly pulled my head back out of view. Put just far enough that I could see him but he couldn't see me.

He looked sad and sighed before he looked away and walked out of the room.

I was confused.

What was that look about?

Does he wish that I was going?

To be there to see him off?

I shook my head and walked back to mother’s room. I sat at the desk and looked in the mirror. Fiddling with my hair.

I quickly reapplied my lip-gloss and decided to add eye-shadow to brighten my eyes.

I sighed and stood up, walking towards the closet. I looked at the racks of purses and tried to pick one that would go with my dress and shoes. I stared at all of them.






Oh silver goes. I picked up a silver clutch and looked at it. I smiled and walked out of the closet.

I put my lip-gloss, some money and my phone in the clutch before looking in the mirror one last time and head out the door.

My nerves kicked in when I reached the doors of the gym. My palms become damp and sweat started to form on my brow.

I took and deep breath and pushed the doors open.

The first thing I saw was the large disco ball on the roof. Several lights shining on it making reflections on the walls.

There were balloons and streamers everywhere. Everyone was dancing, gossiping and taking small amounts of food from the food table.

The first people I recognized in the dark gym was…gag…Megan. And surprisingly she was with Johnny and…double gag…they were dancing in a way that I’m sure was breaking some of the school/dance rules.

I pulled my eyes away from the disgusting sight of Megan and scanned through the crowds. Looking for the shaggy brown haired head I knew so well.

My throat caught when I spotted him. By the food table. He had a glass of punch of his hand and he was staring at it. Looking miserable but trying so hard not to.

For a second I debated with myself if I should leave now with my dignity intact or just walk over there.

It’s now or never I tell myself.

I take a deep breath and walk towards him

I focused on my steps and remembering to breath.

When I reached him he looked up and his jaw dropped to the floor.

"Hey." I say and smile.

He didn’t reply for a second before shaking his head and smiling back. "Hey you. You actually came?"

"Yeah…well I had nothing else to do so I said why not?"

"Good. I was having a terrible time before you showed up."

"Oh really now…" I said teasing him. "Did you at least see the show over there?" Pointing over my shoulder and Megan.

"I really don’t want to think about that." Austin replies just as the DJ changes to the next song.

Oh gosh…slow song.

"Do you want to dance?" he asks eyeing the dance floor.

I smile and nod.

Austin reaches for my hand and I let him take it as he leads my to the center of the dance floor.

He stops and winds his arms around my waist as I loop my arms around his neck. The ends of his hair tickling my arm. But I couldn’t feel it, I was too numb with happiness.

"So what do you think for your first dance experience so far?" Austin asked.

"This isn’t my first dance. There was one in grade eight. That was terrible but still." I demanded.

"Oh right." He chuckles remembering the past.

"But it is really nice."

"It’s nicer now that your here. Now I can focus on something else besides that." Austin says nodding his head towards Megan and her dance partner.

I laugh. "That’s why I’m here."

"I really did want you here you know."

I blush creeps up my neck and reaches my cheeks.

Before Austin can say anything else another couple collides with us.

Sending me flying into Austin’s chest.

"Oh my gosh, we’re so sorry." The couple said and quickly shuffled off.

I lifted my head from his chest and gasped.

I was nose to nose with Austin and he wasn’t moving away.

He smiled again. My heart sank and I blushed more than I was before.

Before I knew what was happening Austin was leaning towards me.

I was so shocked that I was frozen in that spot.

Okay dream over. I can wake up now.

But I didn’t.

Was this really happening? Do I want to kiss him?

Oh shut up Miranda and kiss him! A voice in the back of my head screamed at me.

By the time I broke out of thought Austin was just a small inch away from me.

"Hi." He said, his breath tickling my face and sending goose bumps up my arm.

I smiled. "Hi." I managed to reply.

Austin smiled wider and presses his soft lips to mine.

I was on top of the world.

I soared through the sky and landed back down in my shoes.

I smiled through our kiss.

I didn’t count how long we stayed like that before Austin pulled away.

He leaned his forehead against mine.

"You don’t know how long I wanted to do that." He said smiling.

"Really?" I asked surprised.

Had he liked me all along?

"Yeah. I guess I hid it very well."

"Very. I didn’t even know. I hoped though." I said.

He pecked my lips one last time before taking my hand and leading me to the food table.

"Punch?" He asked grabbing a cup and offering it to me.

"Sure." I say and watch him pour me a glass.

He was about to hand it to me when Megan cut in front of his reach and took the cup. Drinking it all in one sip.

"Thanks Austy. That was so kind of you to get me a glass." Megan said putting a hand on his shoulder and leaning into him.

Austin looked at me for a second. He grabbed Megan’s hand and put it down to her side. "Megan, what do you want?"

"I just want to dance with you. You weren’t doing anything important." She said smiling sweetly batting her eyelashes.

I crossed my arms over my chest and rolled my eyes.

"We need to talk Megan." He said grabbing her arm and leading her outside through the back doors without Megan saying another word.

I used this time to re-gain myself.

Had that just happened?

Did Austin just kiss me and tell me that he actually liked me all that time?

I pinched my arm and waited…nope I was awake.

I rubbed my arm and grabbed myself my own glass of punch.

I drank it quickly and threw away the cup.

Ugh…where was Austin. I feel stupid standing her alone.

Two arms wound around my waist and I felt a kiss on the back of my neck.

I turned around quickly and found Austin’s smiling face in front of me.

"What happened with Megan?" I asked quickly.

"Nothing really. I talked to her and well…lets just say she won’t be bother m-… us again." He said and kissing my lips again.

I smiled and pressed my lips against his.

He was all mine…I still couldn’t believe it.

"Okay people one last song before we turn in," The DJ announced and there was a lot of ‘awwww’s and groans. "So lets make this dance the best okay?"

The crowd cheered and ran back on the dance floor.

Ke$ha’s Tik Tok filled the gym and everyone whooped and hollered at the sound of the song starting.

"Lets go dance" I said in Austin’s ear. The music was so loud that I bet he could barley hear me.

He nodded and grabbed my hand pulling me towards the dance floor.

I smiled and looked around as I dance with Austin.

Taking it all in.

Could this night get any better?
♠ ♠ ♠
After all the amazing comments that made my day (seriously) i decided to make this chapter extra long!

Comment and Subscribe please!

~Ashley :) :)