Status: Complete

You Belong With Me...I Think

Chapter Seven



I groaned loudly as I gained conciseness.


My eyes flew open and looked around.


I quickly found my glasses and reached beside them for my phone, looking at the ID.


My heart jumped and I picked it up quickly.

"Hello?" I said groggily.

"Are you ready for an fun packed day Miss. Miranda?" Austin said through the phone, obviously very excited.

I sat up and ran my hand through my hair and sighing. "Well…maybe."

"Did I wake you?" He asked.

"No, I’m up now." I said throwing my comforter off me.

I checked my appearance in the mirror and re-adjusted myself. I opened my bedroom curtain and smiled.

He was sitting right there in his own window seat with his feat up.

I smiled brightly and tapped on the window.

He jumped and fell off his seat.

"Ooooff." I heard on his end of the line.

I literally burst out laughing.

Austin quickly picked himself up and smiled as he saw me cracking up.

"So not funny." He said still smiling.

"It actually is." I replied whipping the tears away from my eyes.

"Anyway, are you done laughing at me, because I thought we could maybe hang out today and go to the mall or something?" He said running his own hand through his hair. Making it stick out everywhere.

"Sure I guess. I didn’t have anything planned." I said.


"Just give me ten minutes." I said closing my curtain again.

"I’ll even give you fifteen."

"See you outside." I said and hung up.

I threw my phone on my bed and laughed.

Opening my closet I looked through my options.

I groaned in frustration and just put on a strapless purple top and black denim shorts with white sandals.

I put in my contacts and quickly did my make-up. I brushed out my hair and straightened it. I brushed my teeth and put some necklaces around my neck.

Before heading out the door I grabbed my purse and shoving all my things into it.

I ran downstairs and wrote a note to my parents, telling them where I was and who I was with.

I grabbed a quick uncooked pop-tart and shoved it into my mouth. It tasted disgusting, considering the fact that I just brushed my teeth.

I whipped my mouth and looked into the hallway mirror.

Okay breath I told myself and sighed.

Austin was already waiting for me at the end of my driveway, staring at his shoes.

I smiled as I locked my front door and walked over to him.

"Hey," He said looking up as I approached. "You look lovely this morning."

I smiled and blushed slightly. "Thanks, not bad considering I just got up."

"Sorry ‘bout that. Forgive me?" He replied and threw his arm around my shoulder bringing me in for a hug.

I smiled. "It’s alright. I forgive you."

"Good because I have a great plan for us. And it involves way to much sugar and way too much fun."

"My two favorites things in the world." I said as Austin led us to his house’s driveway.

"Haha," He said. "My parents were nice enough to let us borrow their car."

"That’s nice of them." I said climbing in the passenger side.

"They we’re happy when they found out about us." Austin said getting in the driver side, pulling out the keys and starting it up.


"Yeah totally, they always loved you. Way better then Megan." He said pulling out of the driveway and taking my hand that was rested beside my on the seat.

I smiled and looked down at our hands.

We stayed like that before Austin parked the car in the park’s parking lot.

"What are doing here?" I asked looking around.

"It’s a surprise." He replied simply, letting go of my hand to get out of the car.

I quickly followed as he went to the trunk of the car and pulled out a picnic basket.

"We’re having a picnic?" I asked raising my eye-brow.

"Yeah, I thought we’d have a nice relaxing picnic in the park. Do you not want to?" He asked.
"No, I love the idea."

"Good." He said taking my hand again and leading me up the path.

Austin picked the spot next to small pond.

He set down the large basket and kneeled down to open it.

He pulled out a large checked blanket and spread it out over the dry green grass.

I sat down and crossed my legs and he quickly followed.

"Lets see what we have in here…," Austin said putting his head in the basket. "Oh we have some sandwiches, made by yours truly…okay well my mom helped too."

I raised an eyebrow and laughed. "Wow."

"Hey, I’m not the best chef." He said placing down the sandwiches.

He pulled out a lot of food. I still don’t know how he got it all in that small basket.

"There’s a lot of food so eat up." Austin said and smiled.

I picked up one of the sandwiches and took a bite.

"Do you like it?" He asked nervously.

"Yeah it’s great." I said taking another bite.


I smiled and went back to eating my sandwich.

I didn’t count how long we sat there next to the pond.

It was a while I guess.

We talked mostly. And laughed, a lot.

The best part was when a pigeon landed on Austin’s head and started peaking him.

I laughed as he started to freak out.

It finally gave up and flew away.

I was still laughing ten minutes later.

"You can stop now." He said smiling as my face was red from laughing so hard.

"Sorry…that was just…so funny" I said laughing in between words.

"Glad I entertained you." He said putting his arm around my shoulders.

I whipped my eyes and calmed down. "Sorry." I said leaning my head against his shoulder.

He laughed. "If that pigeon comes back, he is so dead."

I burst into another fit of laughter.

I never knew a person could laugh so much in their lives.

It felt nice to finally let go and smile.
♠ ♠ ♠
I decided to add this chaper bc everyone hated the ending in the last chapter :)

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