Status: Complete

You Belong With Me...I Think

Chapter Eight


I smiled and waved at Austin before I closed my front door.

I laughed and jumped up and down.

Stopping myself quickly before anyone saw what I was doing.

Before heading to my room I checked to see if anyone was home.

The living room was empty so I went into the kitchen.

Surprisingly both my parents were sitting at the dining table. Both had serious facial expressions.

"Hi mom, dad. How come your home?" I asked grabbing a bottle of water out of the fridge.

"We need to talk to you Miranda." Dad said seriously.

"Is this about where I was all night? Because I left a note on the table." I replied.

"No. We knew where you were. There’s something else. Come sit." Mom said gesturing to the seat across from her and Dad.

I sat down and stared at both of them. "What is it?"

"Well…your father and I are having some problems involving our relationship as you might have guessed. None of it’s your fault, so don’t go blaming yourself."

"So what does that have to do with me?"

"We both decided that it wasn’t right to have you here while we try and figure things out." Dad said looking at the table.

"Where am I staying then if I’m not allowed here?" I asked curiously.

"We thought long and hard about this and…your going to live with your aunt, my sister, for a while." Mom.

"Wait, but doesn’t she live in England?" I asked.


"Your making me leave…to England… for a while?" I stuttered.

"Yes, we think that’s what is best. We called your aunt already and she is more than happy to have you." Dad replied still staring at the table, unable to look me in the eye.

"Your joking right?" I asked standing up. "Just when my life is at it’s highest you make it come crashing down."

"Honey, please calm down." Mom said.

"No I will not calm down! Austin and I finally get together and you ruin it in less than 24 hours!" I yell at both of them.

"We’re happy for you Miranda. But we just can’t have you here when we have things to sort out. You are going to England and that’s final." Mom said sternly.

"I am not going anywhere" I screech and run out of the room. Taking two steps at a time I run to my bedroom. I slam the door shut and lay down on my bed.

I know that probably looked really bratty but how could this be happening?

I change out of my date clothes and exchange them for my soft pajamas and camisole.

How will Austin take the news? Will he dump me for Megan? Still be with me even though I’m not there?


There was a sudden knock on my door and I bolted up from my bed.

"What?" I ask rudely.

The doors opens and mom steps in.

"You better start packing. Your leaving the day after tomorrow." She said simply handing me my plane ticket.

I just stare at it as she leaves the room.

I don’t know how long I stayed like that. I’m sure it was a long time considering it was light outside when I got home and now it was dark.

I threw the plane ticket on my vanity and walked into my bathroom.

I removed all my make-up and brushed my teeth.

Feeling a bit down when I walk out of the bathroom, I turn on my stereo and plugged my IPod in. I switch the song to Boys Like Girls, Love Drunk.

The beat fills my room and I feel my pulse beat along to the rhythm.

I start dancing around my room. Not really caring if my parents came in or complained about the noise.

I danced for a while before I heard a tapping on my window.

My heart stopped

I didn’t close my curtain.

I was too scared to turn around but I did.

I saw Austin’s face. Pure red from laughing so hard.

He held up his pad of paper and smiled.

‘Nice moves J’ he wrote.

I sat on my window seat and grabbed my own pad of paper.

‘Thanks. Y are you watching me?’

‘Entertainment. There was nothing on TV’

I rolled my eyes and laughed.

‘Something important to tell you tomorrow. Don’t know how you will take it’ I wrote.

His faced turned serious. ‘Your not breaking up with me are you?’

I laughed. ‘No, I’ll tell you tomorrow.’

‘K’ He said.

I stood up and smiled one last time before closing my curtain.

Why couldn't i just tell him?
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Eight :)
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Short but shocking chapter :)
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Special Thanks To:
I'm Dead!..