Status: Complete

You Belong With Me...I Think

Chapter Nine


I don’t know what do to! I thought mentally screaming at myself.

There is no right way to tell your new boyfriend your moving away.

I paced back and forth in my bedroom, waiting for Austin to open his curtain.

It’s been an hour of back and forth.

I sighed and grabbed my pad of paper.

‘Meet me out back by pool xoxo’

I grabbed some taped and stuck the paper on my window. I grabbed my coat and ran downstairs.

Mom was still sleeping in the bedroom and Dad was on the couch.

I tip toed past him into the kitchen. I grabbed an apple before slipping out the back door to the patio. The door automatically locking as I closed it behind me.

My parents got me a pool when I was ten for my birthday. They thought I should take up a sport. Since I was totally uncoordinated they thought I could be a swimmer.

I used the pool for the first year or so before I gave up.

Yeah, I was a quitter.

My parents never noticed anyway.

So now the pool just kind of sits there.

The pool guy comes and cleans it every once in a while even though nobody uses it.

I walked down the patio steps hitting the pool deck in my flip flops.

I pulled my coat closer to me and sat down on one of the lawn chairs. A breeze sending chills down my neck.

What if he doesn’t come?

Well of coarse he comes.

But what if he doesn’t wake up.

Then I heard someone open a gate and then it shut loudly.

Oh right…I forgot about the gate that connects Austin’s yard to mine.

I heard light foot steps cross the patio.

I looked up and smiled when I saw Austin coming towards me.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey." He replied putting his arms around my waist. Leaning his forehead against mine.

"When did you just get up?" I asked.

"Couple of minutes ago."

"Sorry." I said smiling.

"Not your fault, mom wanted me up anyway." Austin said pressing his lips to mine.

I smiled for a moment then it fanished knowing what I was about to do.

I guess Austin elt my smile disapear because he pulled away. His eyebrows pulled together.

"Are you okay? You seem upset." He said pushing my hair out of my face.

"I have to tell you something and…I don’t know how you’ll take it." I said.

He frowned again.

"I’m-" I started to say but got cut off my Austin pushing is lips against mine.

With so much force I lost my balance and fell forwards, making Austin lose his footing.

We both didn’t realize how close we were to the pool until we both feel into it.

This is just perfect…. I thought to myself.

But good thing it was the shallow end.

I thought for a second that I shouldn’t come up out of the water.

Maybe if I die I won’t have to tell him I’m leaving…

Screw it…

I pushed up and my head popped out of the water.

I coughed and rubbed my eyes.

I looked down at my outfit and groaned. It was ruined.

Austin was beside me. soaking wet too, and watching my ever move.

I looked over to him and smiled. "You okay?" I asked.

He nodded. "Just a little wet."

I laughed and looked down.

I don’t think either of us notice that we were in a freezing cold pool fully clothed. I just couldn’t take my eyes off him. How is T-shirt clung to his chest and how his hair was out of shape. I loved it.

A cool breeze came along and I shivered.

"I think it’s time top get out." He said smiling and grabbing my hand under water. Pulling me to the side of the pool to pull himself out. He lowered his hands and helped me out too.

I crossed my arms and hugged myself, trying to keep warm.

"We should change I don’t think we cant to catch anything." Austin said putting his arm around me.

We walked up to the patio door and I pulled on it.

Oh crap…I forgot it has an automatic lock.

"It’s locked…" I said.

"Try the front door." He said pulling me to the side of the house and around to the front door.

I twisted the knob and oddly enough, it was locked too.

I groaned loudly. "Peachy."

"Come to my house. Your parents won’t be up for a while. You can borrow some of my clothes for now." He said smiling.

I nodded and we both walked into his house.

The nice warm air hitting me. It felt so nice.

Austin led me upstairs and into his room.

I sat on the bed as I watched him open his closet. "Where’s your mum?" I asked playing with his bed sheets.

"She and Dad went out to buy some things for the kitchen. They think it so boring in there now or something," He replied coming back to me with a pair of jeans and a red T-shirt. "Try these on. Their my smallest jeans. And the shirt is from a couple of years ago."

I nodded and got up. I awkwardly walked into his bathroom and shut the door.

I gasped when I saw my refection.

My hair was a mess and all tangled. My make-up was all off and my clothes clung to me in a weird way.

I combed my hair with my fingers and tried to make it look decent. My washed off all the remaining make-up and decided to go bare face.

I whipped off my wet clothes and put on the dry.

The jeans fit okay but the shirt was a bit big on me.

I grabbed my wet clothes and opened the bathroom door.

Austin was already changed and was texting on his phone.

"Who you texting?" I asked smiling.

He jumped and looked up. "Oh hey, my mom. She was asking if I wanted anything new for my room." He threw his phone down on his bed. "Those jeans look amazing on you."

I blushed and looked down at them. "Their alright."

He smiled and walked over to me. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close. My whole body was pressed against his.

"Their more than alright." He whispered.

He smiled one of his famous smiles that I loved before kissing me softly and passionately.

I twisted my arms around his waist and pressed my lips harder against his.

He smiled wider through the kiss and put his hands on my lowers hip.

His mouth moved from mouth the mouth to my neck.

I let out a small giggle.

Whoa….did I just giggle. Miranda never giggles.

I smiled when Austin trailed kisses up and down my neck.

"Stop," I said giggling again. "That tickles."

He chuckled and brought his eyes to my level.

"Your beautiful." He said kissing my again.

I blushed harder than ever.

He called me beautiful…Nobody has ever said that to me.

No one.

Then I remembered why I was here. I had to do it. It was the right thing to do. I couldn’t wait till the day I was leaving.

Just do it Miranda, just do it.

I pulled my lips away and looked at Austin seriously.

He looked confused as I drew in a deep breath and spoke.

"I’mmoving." I said quickly.

I looked up into his eyes.

They slowly drained of color once he realized what I’d said. I’d just broke his heart right there.

"Austin?" I said still staring into his eyes. "Say something. Please."

He still didn’t speak. He just stood there and stared.

It was like he was frozen…

I grabbed his arm and shook it.

"Austin, snap out of it. Please talk to me."

He shook his head. But not to say ‘no’. He looked like he just woken up.

"Sorry. I thought you said you were moving." He said smiling a little.

"I did say that and I am."

"What?" Where? How? Why?" He asked all at once.

"Well…I’m moving to England. Probably by plane and because my parents are having troubles."

"What in the world does that have to do with you?" He asked.

"I don’t know but they don’t want me there when they figure things out. Which probably means my dad is moving out and they don’t want me to be there to see it."

"How long are you staying there?"

"I don’t know. ‘Till things settle down with my mom and she gets her life back on track."

"Well how long does that take?"

"I don’t know. I just found out about this the other day."

Austin’s face was still pure white and lifeless. Like he was a child who was just told Christmas was canceled.

"You won’t forget me while your away right?" He asked.

I smiled and put my hands on both sides of his face. "Of coarse not."

"Good." He smiled.

"When I get back I’ll still be there for you."

"And when you get back I’ll be waiting at your front door." He said and I smiled wider.

"Really?" I asked.

"Of coarse." He said kissing me again.

Then my phone vibrated in my pocket.

I pulled away form Austin and picked it up.


"Hi honey. It’s mom. You need to come home and pack." She said on the other line.

"’Kay. Be there in a minute." I said and hung up.

"Your mom?" He asked and I nodded. "What does she want?"

"She needs me to start packing." I said.

"When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow…" I replied.

"TOMORROW?" He exclaimed.

I nodded again and he looked…



Like I took his heart out and stomped on it, hard.

"Can I see you in the morning?" He asked.

"Of coarse. The flight is at noon. We’re leaving my house at nine. Beat the traffic and everything." I said whipping my eyes when I realized the tears falling from them.

"Okay, you better be off. I’ll see you in the morning." He said.

"Yeah." I said and headed out the door.




♠ ♠ ♠
:P i love the ending there ^^^^

I don't know why this chapter took so long to write! I just can't write mushy scenes with the kissing and crap soooooo yeah. I know it sucks :P
Sorry i didn't update sooner.
Homework in piles and i had to help my mom get the Christmas things together blah blah blah

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P,S Sorry for any spelling error. I'm not that good at proof reading etc