Status: Completed; Sequel Active.

A Beautiful Catastrophe


Taking one last deep breath, the wooden doors opened as I meekly stepped in. My eyes scanned the signs above my head, finding Main Office written in bold black letters. Fighting my way through the crowd, I finally had reached my destination. Knocking on the door lightly, a women opened the door with a bright smile on her face.

“Hello Dear! Your Madison I presume?” she asked as I nodded following her into the office space with 4 neat desks in a square.

“Let me just get your things together, and I’ll have your roommate come down to help you out.” she smiled, sending me once again a warm and bright smile.

Standing rather stiffly in the room full of busy adults, I scanned the kids in the hallway from the front glass wall separating the two.

“Ah here we are! Sarah is on her way as we speak.” she grinned handing me a handful of papers.

“Your things are in the Dorm already, you just need to do a little unpacking.” she told me, sorting out the papers.

“This is your schedule, don’t worry if your late; the teachers will be lenient for a week or so.” she chuckled lightly as I nodded, even cracking a small grin.

“This sheet needs to be signed by your teachers, just want to make sure you go to the right rooms. I think that’s it, Sarah will fill you in on the school and such.” she murmured making sure she got everything.

“Ms. June?” A rather short curly haired girl peered in the door as the women I now knew as Ms. June, smiled widely enfolding the girl in a hug

“Sarah, this is Madison, your new roommate.” she smiled gesturing me.

“Sweet. I’m Sarah Short, no comment on the last name.” she smiled as I grinned back, already liking her.

I was over 10’ inches taller than her, probably making me seem like a monster to her.

“Well hurry off to class now, don’t want you being late.” she smiled as I thanked her gathering my papers together.

We entered the now empty hallway, her worn converse squeaking on the polished floor.

“Cool, you have Mr. Pearson first for Biology, my first class.” she muffled looking over my newly printed schedule.

As we entered a courtyard, we crossed the grassy lunch area to a large building reading Science And Technology.

Opening the large glass doors, I entered following her like a lost puppy. We climbed a couple sets of stairs before stopping in front of a door reading the numbers 438.

Knocking on the door, the chatters in the room hushed as a man in his mid 40’s opened the door smiling at us.

Sarah quickly took a seat next to a boy as I stood in the front of the room, most likely looking lost.

“Class we have a new student.” Mr. Pearson noted as I scanned the room. Over 30 faces were staring right at me, making me feel very uncomfortable.

“Madison Cole correct?” he asked me pulling out a pair of glasses opening some sort of a grade book.

“Yes.” I murmured quietly biting my lip nervously.

“New York huh? Pretty far away from California.” he said as I nodded, gripping the papers in my hands tightly.

“Lets see…. Amanda? Do you have a lab partner?” he asked as I scanned the room and met the eyes of a shirt haired girl.

“No.” she said Smiling over at me. Swiftly walking through the isles, I slipped in next to Amanda taking out my notebook and a blue ballpoint pen. Deeply engaged in the cells on the board, I scribbled down notes, along with the rest of the class.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, new;)

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