Status: Completed; Sequel Active.

A Beautiful Catastrophe


“And this, is our dorm.” Sarah smiled brightly opening the door to reveal the large room. Almost shocked at its largeness, I put down my purse as she locked the door walking into a decent sized kitchen.

“You know, your real quite. Do you ever talk?” Sarah asked me as I laughed slightly sitting down at the table with her.

“In New York I practically kept to myself, not taking to anyone, I guess I’m just adjusting to the new environment.” I shrugged as she nodded offering me some of the snacks she’d just gotten.

Looking around the rooms I’d seen so far, it was almost a condo. A large Flat screen along with a living room decorated in my favorite colors; Brown and Pink. The kitchen was decent, enough teenagers would need to cook in.

“So there’s a big football game tonight, are you coming? Everyone who is an anyone will be there.” she said snapping me out of my thoughts, getting some type of a sports bag out of the closet.

“Sure… hey your on Color Guard?” I asked reading the bag as she nodded, her cheeks shading the lightest hint of Pink.

“Yeah, I play softball too, just in the spring.” she informed me as she gathered her things together as I did as well.

“Sorry for the rush Madison, I’ll help you unpack tonight.” she offered generously before locking the door, heading down the long staircase.

{ & - & }

Sitting on the cold metal bleachers, football players did drills as Amanda sat by my side smiling keeping her eyes glued on #21.

Admiring her naturally beauty, her deep brown hair flowed in the light wind amongst the air. She has deep brown eyes, much different then my blue ones.

Looking on the field once again, I curly head doing push-ups caught my eye. Watching his every move, his curls moved along his head, shining from the sun peaking through the Smokey clouds.

“That’s Nick Jonas, Quarterback of the team. He’s the big man around campus.” Amanda murmured in my ear, obviously noticing my observation.

“He’s almost beautiful.” I muttered back as a grin laid upon her face.

“He’s a freaking Greek God.” she exclaimed as we erupted in giggles like little school girls.

“What’s so funny ladies?” a smooth voice came from behind, kissing Amanda on the cheek in a swift way.

Noticing the number on his jersey, he was the boy she’d been gawking earlier.

“Derek, meet Maddie.” she smiled as he took my hand firmly shaking it lightly. Grinning at my nickname she just given me.

“Maddie, it’s a pleasure. Now babe, I gotta get back to practice, love you.” he murmured to her, pressing his lips upon hers lightly.

Waving to him goodbye, Amanda’s eyes almost popped out of her eyes.

“Maddie, Nick freaking Jonas is looking at you!” she squealed as I froze, my eyes locking with his brown ones for only moments.

Looking down turning red, she just grinned probably looking at him.

The bleachers began to fill, the game’s time approaching quickly. Looking over at #34 once more, I swear he send a full teethed grin my way.
♠ ♠ ♠

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