Status: Completed; Sequel Active.

A Beautiful Catastrophe


Curling up on the warm leather couch, E! News started as Ryan Secrest opened the show. Gossip about Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer was one of the top stories, not really that interesting.

As I was about to change the channel, as a sight of one girl made my jaw drop. Turning up the volume louder I tuned into the segment.

Hollywood’s Hip Hop princess, Addison Cole landed at LAX with an Unknown male. She was all smiles, sighing autographs and smiling for the Paparazzi. Originally from New York, the young 17 year old hit it big after being signed at a sweet 16 a year ago. Why would she be in LA, When she lives all the way in Miami?

Practically falling off the couch, I quickly shut off the TV, quickly walking to my room. I passed Sarah’s room, as she was writing an essay for English.

Finally finding my Iphone on my bureau, I dialed her number, to find it was disconnected again.

Sighing, the doorbell rang as I silently cursed under my breath, Sarah answering the door.

“Holy Shiz.” Sarah said breathlessly, looking between Addison and I.

“Madison, were is my hug?” Joe asked as I laughed running into his arms. He twirled me around, kissing me on the cheek.

“How’ve you been Joey-bear?” I grinned as he smiled back at me.

“Good good, haven’t seen you since Camp, you’ve grown so much! He said looking up, for I was a little over 2 inches taller.

“Yeah, Addsion and I haven’t been as close throughout the last year.” I mumbled sighing slightly.

“Mind explaining what’s going on here?” Sarah asked, clearly confused. Huffing, I fell onto the couch, looking up at her.

“Addison’s my Twin. She is a hip hop artist.” I confessed as Addison introduced herself. We’d been identical twins our whole life, that was until Fame got to her head. She died her hair Brown, getting a nose job and liposuction.

There were some differences, but you could clearly tell we were related.

“Mad, how you been?” Addison asked holding on to her purse, which was very expensive I might add.

“Um. Good, May I ask why you’re here?” I asked, trying to seem not as rude as possible.

“Oh Joe came to see his brother, is it ok if he comes here?” she asked as I looked over at Sarah, who was feeling as uncomfortable as I was at the moment.

“Sure I guess,” I told her, playing with the hem of my shirt.

Moments later there was a knock on the door as I yelled come on to the person opposite of the door.

I was soon faced by my least favorite person at the moment, Nicholas.
♠ ♠ ♠

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