A Beautiful Disgrace


John pushed Mae back into a corner while their lips were attached. She giggled and playfully pushed him back.
“John!” She giggled.
“Mmhm?” He mumbled while pushing his mouth to hers harder.
“Garrett and Pat are right there!” She said quietly.
“So?” John asked.
Mae’s back hit the wall. John’s hands slipped to Mae’s hips. Mae tightened her arms around John’s neck and he pulled her hips into his tighter. He turned to kiss into a heavy make out. His tongue slid against her teeth and then against her tongue. She liked where the kiss was going and pushed against him.
Garrett and Pat were sitting on the couch trying their best to ignore Mae and John. They’d been that way for about an hour. At least they’re not flirting with each other anymore. Pat thought to himself. They’d been dating for two months and they were only concerned with each other. What they didn’t know was that Mae had been messing around with Tim for a month
Now it was getting slightly hard to ignore them. Mae’s constant giggles and John’s responses were getting to them. Garrett was about ready to leave the room and Pat wanted to do something to break them up.
Jared came back from the kitchen with a drink. He sighed when he saw John and Mae in the corner. It’s gotten worse since I left. How long was I gone for? Five minutes tops. He sipped his drink and looked at the couple for a little bit longer.
“Dude! Stop watching them you creep.” Kennedy said walking into the room and noticing Jared.
“It’s like a train wreck. I can’t help it.” Jared said loud enough to make sure John and Mae heard him.
One of Mae’s hands was tightly knotted into the back of John’s hair. With the other she held up her middle finger in the general direction of the other boys and kissed John harder. He pushed her into the wall again and tugged on the waistband to her jeans.
Mae pushed off the wall and was able to back John up against it since they were in the corner. He liked that she was the one controlling now. An audible groan came from the rest of the guys. John held up his middle finger but Mae caught it and pulled his hand back in.
They looked away from what was going on when John’s hand slipped to Mae’s backside and held firmly.
“I am a child!” Garrett shouted knowing that would mean nothing.
Mae was younger than he was. Garrett was the baby of the band but Mae was one year younger than him so that would have no affect on John what so ever.
“Should we leave? I mean he’s about to get laid.” Pat sighed not wanting to watch anymore.
“Nah, if we do leave they will do something. If we stay they wont.” Jared said.
“They could easily go into another room.” Garrett said. “This is John’s house. It’s not like his parents are home right now.”
“So we just sit here then?” Kennedy asked miserably.
Before anyone could say anything the doorbell rang. John was too caught up with Mae to notice and the same went with her. Kennedy sprang up from the couch and went for the door. I’ll take any excuse to get out of here. He unlocked the door.
On the other side was Tim. Kennedy was glad to see him and let him in. Tim had said he was coming to watch band practice today.
Kennedy and Tim got into a conversation easily and Kennedy used that to stall going back into the room with everyone else. He’d really had enough of Mae and John’s public display of affection.
“Is everyone else here yet? Where’s John?” Tim asked.
“They’re in the other room.” Kennedy said.
“Let’s go then.” Tim said walking deeper into the house.
John and Mae were still in the corner of the room. Neither of them was pushing the other so much as they were just making out now. They didn’t notice the addition of Tim in the room. Pat looked behind him to see John and Mae still kissing and then threw a sympathetic look at Tim.
For a moment Tim thought that Pat knew something. Then he realized that it was nothing. Pat was always sympathetic towards someone walking in on an awkward moment. Tim tried not to look at John and Mae for to long.
He couldn’t help but feel his heart sink when he did look at them. She’s so into him it’s insane. I’ll probably just be waiting for her forever. He sighed and Jared nodded as if her were agreeing. Jared had only interpreted Tim’s sigh as being impatient.
“Hey? Are we going to have band practice or are you going to suck John’s vocal cords out of his face by the end of today?” Kennedy asked when he’d had enough.
Mae pulled back from John and looked him in the eyes. John was looking at her like she was the only thing that mattered to him. His eyes were soft and full of love.
“How about it Mae?” Tim asked.
Mae’s eyes shot towards Tim. She hadn’t known he was there. Her face colored. They all took it as her being embarrassed for kissing John and being stopped. Tim knew better. She was blushing because of him.
John gave Mae one more kiss and then took her hand as he walked out of the corner of the room.
“Good, now that you’re not like the horny band kids in high school we can have practice.” Jared said with a smile.
Jared led the way into John’s garage where Pat’s drums had been set up before. John sat on the floor and Mae sat in his lap. They exchanged a few more kisses while everyone else tuned their instruments up.
Eric, Justin, and Max walked up the driveway just in time to make it for practice. They sat on the left of Tim and started up a conversation with him while waiting for practice to start.
John got up and Mae moved to sit on Tim’s right. He smiled at her briefly but she could see through it. He was upset. Mae bit her lip and looked down. I don’t want him to be upset. Maybe if I could just talk to him. But how? She looked around the garage and then her eyes found John. He was looking at her. They both smiled and giggled.
Tim inwardly groaned and looked to Eric who was rambling about his dog. Justin was listening to Eric but watching everyone get ready for band practice. Max was picking at his shoe.
It was hot in the garage and as soon as a few songs had been played the small space heated up more. Mae got up to get some water between songs. Tim got up as well and followed her into the house.
He grabbed Mae around the waist and pulled her into the bathroom with him. He locked the door and pushed his lips to Mae’s. She melted into him and put her arms around his neck. Tim pushed the kiss into a make out and Mae let him.
He pulled back after a while and smiled.
“Hi.” Mae said slightly out of breath.
“Sorry, I had to do that. I saw you and John and I…”
“It’s okay.” She said kissing him.
Tim pulled Mae into him and they launched straight into a make out. His tongue slid past her lips and his hands went into her back pockets. Mae shivered and pushed against Tim. He knew this was more than John had been getting out of her and he was pleased.
“We can’t do this much longer. They’ll be wondering.” Mae said when they pulled back for air.
“Can I see you tonight?” Tim asked.
“I have a date with John.”
Tim looked into Mae’s eyes. She wanted to see him so bad.
“I’ll come over after.” She said kissing him quickly.
“Promise?” He asked letting his lips touch hers while he spoke.
“Swear.” Her lips brushed his.
Tim kissed Mae and then left the bathroom. He went into the kitchen and got himself some water. Mae leaned against the wall and tried to get her breath back. She looked at herself in the mirror and saw she was smiling like an idiot.
Mae left the bathroom and went to the kitchen to get water. Tim wasn’t there anymore. She heard the garage door open and close. There were footsteps and she knew someone had come in.
A pair of arms wrapped around her waist and she knew it was John.
“Where have you been?” He asked.
“I had to use the bathroom.” She said taking a sip of her water.
“Oh, I missed you.” He kissed her shoulder.
“Sorry.” She said turning in his arms and putting the glass on the counter.
“Ready for tonight?”
“I can’t wait.” Mae said thinking more of Tim than John.
“I’m picking you up at six.”
“I know.” She kissed his nose.
“We better get back out there before they come looking for us.”
Mae and John went hand in hand out into the garage with water for everyone in bottles. Band practice happened for a few more songs until they gave up because of the heat and opted to go acoustic in the house.
John and Mae curled up together on the couch. She put her head on his shoulder and laced her fingers with his. Tim shot her a glance and she smiled at him. He smiled back and that was all they both needed. Jared started playing and Kennedy joined in. John sang and Pat beat against anything that was near him as if they were his drum set.
Practice was over in another hour when John’s mom came home. She wanted quiet so they had to stop. Mae closed her eyes and rested against John’s bony chest. She felt herself falling asleep and she didn’t mind it. John was comfortable enough and his voice vibrating in his chest was more than enough to lull her to sleep.
“She asleep?” Tim asked nodding towards the girl on John’s chest.
“I think so.” John said running his fingers through Mae’s hair once.
“That’s cute.” John’s mom said walking by.
John blushed slightly embarrassed that his mom saw this. The guys all let out little laughs when they saw John blushing.
“What are you going to do when we leave for tour in a month?” Jared asked.
“I don’t know. I want to take her, but she’s got college to get ready for and all that.”
“She’s going to be all alone.” Pat said.
“Not for that long.” Tim said. “She’ll have me to hang out with if she gets that bored. I’m not going to be on all of Warped and I’m not going with Rocket on their other tour. I’m coming home.”
“Well at least she’ll have one of her friends.” John said quietly.
He didn’t really like that Tim was going to be the only one for her to go to. He knew that Mae at least liked Tim before. He didn’t know how she felt about him now and he was scared to ask. I don’t want to know if my girlfriend likes another guy. Especially if that guy is going to be home with her while I’m on tour. John kissed the top of Mae’s head.
When Mae woke up it was just she and John. She smiled at him and kissed his lips.
“How long was I out?” She asked.
“About three hours. Everyone is gone now.”
“Oh, I wish you’d woken me up. I would have said goodbye.”
“It’s fine. It’s not like you won’t ever seen them again.”
Mae snuggled her face back into John’s chest and gave him a kiss.
“Is it date time yet?” She asked.
“In about an hour.”
“I’m going to go home and get ready then.” Mae said standing up.
“Okay, I’ll walk you to your car.”
Mae went home and took a shower. John went back into his house and took a shower as well. They both dressed so they would look nice but still be casual. John made sure he smelled good and Mae did the same.
John picked Mae up at six just like he said he was going to. Mae had been texting Tim while she was waiting. They were talking about what they wanted to do later when she came over. As soon as she heard the doorbell ring she tapped out a message telling Tim that John was there and he had to stop. She got nothing back from Tim and slid her phone into her pocket.
Mae and John went out for dinner. He took her to a little place in the out door mall they had been in a little while back.
After dinner John and Mae walked around for a few hours just killing time. Every chance John got he pulled Mae somewhere where they wouldn’t be seen by other people and fell to kissing her. She was just as happy to pull him into corners and dark places so they could lock lips.
In the back of her mind she was hoping for just one text from Tim but scared of getting one as well. She didn’t want John to pick up on what was going on, but at the same time she wished he did so they would have a real reason to break up.
John and Mae were out until ten. He brought her home and she went to her room. When she was sure that her parents thought she was in bed asleep she got up and changed. She slipped into a pair of skinny jeans and a low cut tank top. She went out the front door knowing that her parents wouldn’t hear her at all.
It was too risky to get her car because that could have woken her parents up so she started walking. She made it to the park and then called Tim.
“Hello Mae.” He said warmly.
“Tim.” She smiled into the receiver. “Come pick me up. I’m near the park walking in the general direction of your house.”
“On my way, Sweetie.” He said hanging up.
Mae liked that he called her sweetie. It made he feel different from when John called her something like baby. She walked on and waited for the headlights of Tim’s car.
He pulled up beside her and stopped the car. Mae jumped in the passenger seat and leaned over to kiss Tim on the cheek. He put the car back in gear and she put her seat belt on while Tim pulled a u-turn so he could head back to his house. They drove for three minutes until they reached his home.
Inside they went to his room and Mae got on his bed. Tim crawled up to her and pulled her near. She kissed his lips once and then just stared into his eyes.
“Did you have a lot of trouble getting out?” Tim asked.
“No, I just wish that my car wasn’t so loud or I could have been here sooner.”
“You’re here now.” Tim said kissing Mae’s cheek. “That’s all that matters.
Mae put her hand on Tim’s cheek and let her fingers trace patterns on his skin. Tim smiled and kissed the palm of her hand. Mae moved closer to Tim and pressed her lips to his gently. She pulled back after a few seconds and Tim smiled.
“I like it when we kiss like that. It seems innocent.” Tim mused.
“Yea, but it’s not very innocent.” Mae said taking her hand from Tim’s face and rolling onto her back.
She felt the guilt washing over her. It was strange that a simple sentence could ruin something for them both. This is so wrong, so why don’t I leave? I can’t. I’ve waited for so long. Mae looked back at Tim. He was looking at his ceiling.
“I feel bad.” Mae said to him.
Tim rolled so he was on his side and put his arm over Mae. He leaned down and kissed her on the lips like she had done before. That probably wasn’t the best thing for this moment. She looked up into his bright green eyes and smiled.
“You should tell John if you feel bad.” Tim said stroking her cheek.
“No, I don’t feel bad about this or about John. I feel bad about you. You’re with me and you’re being so understanding and patient but I feel like I’m being inconsiderate.”
“Mae,” Tim cooed softly, “I told you I can wait for as long as I have to before you will be all mine. You’ve done quite a bit of waiting for me.”
“Timothy, stop being so self sacrificing. I know that it’s got to be hard to watch John and I.”
“It’s incredibly hard, but I know that we have something here between us.”
“I just wish I never gave in to John like I did.” Mae sighed looking down.
“What do you mean gave in like you did?” Tim questioned slightly worried.
“Not what you’re thinking. I haven’t done that with him. I meant I wish that I had told him no when he begged for a chance. It was wrong.”
“You were only trying to make him happy. That’s you. You do your best to make everyone happy and think about yourself last.”
“When I want something for myself I can’t ever have it. Something else gets in the way.”
“Like what?” Tim asked curious.
“I want you.” She said looking into his eyes and letting him see just how bad she wanted him.
“You have me.”
“But John is in the way. Don’t you see?”
“I do.” Tim sighed sadly.
“Can we not talk about this? It’s bringing me down and I wanted a nice couple of hours with you.”
“Yea. What do you want to talk about?”
“Nothing. I want to kiss you.” Mae said looping her arms around Tim’s neck.
She didn’t give him a chance to respond. She caught him off guard in the kiss but he regained himself and took dominance.
Mae stayed with Tim until three in the morning. It was much longer than she had planned on staying but time flew by so quickly. Tim drove her home and she got into bed for the three hours of sleep she could have before going to school the next day.
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