Across the Universe

Chapter 1

It was a bright, warm day, as I loaded the rest of my luggage into the back of my car. I took my time, adjusting and readjusting the assortment of bags I had, containing everything from clothing to toiletries.

“Oh, sweetie!” My mother called from the front porch, as she struggled her way down the path to my car, with an assortment of homemade lunches in coolers. Only my mother insisted on packing every last thing in the kitchen for me to eat, “All of those bags are not going to fit inside that trunk! You’ll have to put some in the back seat!”
rolled my eyes as I moved the last bag into its perfect spot, and rested my hands on my hips to admire my handiwork, with a smug smile on my face.

“Sure it will.” I replied. My mother piled all the coolers into the back seat of my car, and closed the door carefully. She smoothed her hands down the front of her shirt, and turned to look at me.

“Well, then….okay…” She trailed off. She looked me up and down, with a sad look on her face, and I knew what must have been doing through her mind. She didn’t want to let me go alone.

Of course, when I mad mentioned this trip a few weeks earlier, with the advice of my therapist, my mother had immediately rejected the idea, claiming, “You are just too young to be going to Vegas by yourself.” And honestly I wanted to point out to her that I had turned 18 several months back, and graduated high school two weeks ago and, therefore, had the right to go on this trip whether she liked it or not. But, of course, I wasn’t that kind of daughter. All through high school I had been the one to seek my parents’ approval in everything I did, and that still applied in this new chapter of my life. So, with some reasoning, they finally relented and agreed to let me go, but under certain conditions; first, I had to stay with my brother, Nick, and second, I had to be back home by August so that I could move off to college.

I could see the thoughts of apprehension in my mother’s eyes, and I quickly acted before she could put up another fight.

“I promise I’ll call every hour, on the hour, until I’m safe at Nick’s apartment.” I offered. She seemed slightly relieved by this and nodded. She extended her arms out for a hug, and I fell into her embrace. I closed my eyes, and tried to take in as many memories of my mother, as possible.

“Be safe.” She murmured into my ear. I nodded and she released me.

“Mary Ann! Just let the girl go on her trip!” My dad shouted as he walked out of the house, onto the porch. My mom took a step back, and I waved to my dad.

“Bye dad!” I shouted.

He smiled, “Have a safe trip, princess.” Yeah, so I’m kind of a daddy’s girl. There’s never been anything wrong with that.

I got into my car and felt the roar of the engine bringing the car to life. I carefully back out of the driveway, and took one last look at my parents standing together through the rearview mirror as I drove away. My mom’s arm was wrapped around my dad’s waist, his arm around her shoulder. Both were waving a final goodbye.
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So, Im writing this story based off of my real experiences of the past year.
I hope it turns out well...