Across the Universe

Chapter 3

The first thing I noticed upon walking into Nick’s house was the overly clean surroundings. I must have looked surprised because Nick laughed lightly, “Yeah. I’ve changed a lot since high school, haven’t I?”

I nodded faintly still awe struck, and observing the room around me. But I soon snapped out of my daze as I noticed Nick starting to pull the rest of my luggage in. He closed the front door.

“So let me give you the grand tour.” He opened his arms wide in grandeur. “To start things off, this is the living room, as you may already know…” and then we were off. He showed me the rest of the first floor which mainly consisted of a kitchen, a small bathroom, and his office (he promised to explain the purpose of that to me later) and then the upstairs which included, yet, another bathroom, his room, the room I would be staying in, “…and to conclude, Brendon’s room.” Nick motioned to a closed door at the end of the hall.

“Who’s Brendon?” I asked. Nick shrugged.

“My roommate.” He said nonchalantly, “It was simple. We met through Craig’s list.”

“Craig’s List?!” My eyes practically bugged out of my head. My tone successfully rose to accurately portray the feeling that was pulsing through me. Doesn’t my brother know not to trust those things? Is he stupid?

“Abby.” My brother held his hands up, palms facing me; a defensive posture, “He is a really good guy, I promise. He’s been living here for a few months, actually.”

Was that supposed to make me feel better?

“That doesn’t mean anything!” I shrieked. But Nick was shaking his head before I finished.

“Trust me on this. I checked him out before I let him move in. He’s clean. He’s 18, just like you, and he just graduated high school. He’s in a band, and because of conflicting opinions between him and his parents, he was kicked out. He just needed a place to live, to he put an ad out.” I huffed in disagreement, crossing my arms over my chest. How did Nick know that this all wasn’t a lie?

“Anyway,” Nick continued when I didn’t respond, “You’ll meet him later. He’s at some band practice thing, right now. Trust me, “ He said again. Then he pulled me into one of those family hugs, but I still had my arms crossed over my chest, making the ‘hug’ a little difficult, “I think you’ll really like him, Abby.”

I shrugged and pulled away. Nick just rolled his eyes and got an annoyed look, but he was quick to change the subject before I could protest anymore.

“Let’s get your stuff into your room.” And, with that, he was quickly descending the stairs.
♠ ♠ ♠
Brendon is guaranteed in the next chapter! :)