Our Fears and Regrets

Hospital Bed

We made our way to the hospital in under a minute, slipping in without even a single person lifting their eyes to stare. For us, everything looked slightly gray, and ever-so cloudy. For them, it was a normal hospital lobby, with normal people. We weren't even in the room, in their eyes.

No, we were in our world. It was probably considered the afterlife, to most people, but really, it was more like we opened a door, and had to walk down a long hallway, then open another door. Then we'd be in their afterlife. Our parade. The sound of footsteps rushing down the corridor was the next thing to echo off the bleached tiles, along with nurses and doctors talking loudly to one another. The sound of a long 'beep' echoed through the thickening air, as we silently slipped behind the group of white-coated men and women, who were around a single room.

Taking a glance at Regret, I could see a faint smirk on her lips, twitching occasionally to hide a sinister smile. A smile that would have revealed her rows of pearly, slightly sharpened teeth. Something that could give little Annie a heartattack, if she weren't already dead. Being fear, I had sharper 'canines' than my sister, but it was only noticable when I dug my teeth into something, which hadn't happened, to a creature that could feel the pain, for several years. Soon, silence echoed from the doctors, and the only sound was the whimpering and sobs of the girl's distraught mother, with her face buried into her husband's slightly beaten up shirt.

We easily slipped past each person, soon finding ourselves standing beside the white bed, where a pale, dark haired girl lay. It wasn't the same, however, as the same girl sat on the bedside, staring up into the sobbing woman's eyes.

I could easily make out her nearly inaudible words, just from how I worked. Regret looked rather emotionless. It was probably pissing her off that she sensed little regret from the girl. She couldn't cause much regret, or relieve much from her when she entered the parade, however, the fears of the monster in her closet, bed bugs, and the creature under the bed seemed to scream out to me. It was something that bothered me about young children. They were a little crazy, usually, so they didn't have many regrets, yet their fears would pool up until it could give me a killing headache. Luckily, she didn't seem to be afraid of too much.

"Mommy? Why's she crying? She said she and Daddy were never afraid! Why aren't they looking at me? I'm scared!" echoed into my mind, and Regret shot me a glance, knowing that I was hearing more current fears. They won't talk to me. Do they hate me? Did I do something wrong? Where am I? What did the white coat man say? Dead? ...Like what happened to my puppy?" that's when Regret seemed to fly to the girl's side, just as the child in the gown began to shake.

"Annie?" Regret gave her most gentle smile, "we're here to take care of you..." she made a quick motion to me, as light colored eyes fluttered to stare at me. "I'm Regret, and that's my twin, Fear... we're going to take you to your new home... with the Black Parade, okay?"

Instantly, the child jumped up, "no! What about Mommy and Daddy? No! I won't go!"

At this, I had to give a warning to the child. My lips curved into a grin, revealing each of my teeth, and my eyes narrowed, "you don't want the monsters to get you, do you? Stay here, and they'll eat your mommy and daddy too," I warned. It wasn't the truth. The demons would only drag her away.

Annie began to shiver again, and Regret grabbed the girl's hand quickly, not letting the oportunity slip away. "Come on, then," my sister smiled gently, before my lips pressed shut, and I blinked a few times, "it's a little walk..."

Now, it seemed like the walls were beginning to melt, and I could hear the dark haired girl whimpering, as the white flooded the ground, before fading into it. Now, there was only a black and white area, with a single pathway, and several destroyed buildings.

"Well, it's a good thing we got an opening to the road, hn?" I pointed out, "if we hadn't, demons would be more eager to try to find us..." Hearing those words, Regret flashed me a quick smile. I knew she would have loved to rip demons to bits. However, I was slightly glad we didn't have to deal with it. Not with a little coward scampering around our feet.

"Let's be on our way, then," Regret pressed, taking the lead, as little Annie followed, her hand still encased by Regret's, me walking behind the two.