Fire! The Chronicles of a Pyromaniac

It is human nature to be fascinated by Fire! The old saying is "If you play with fire - you will be burnt with fire". These are the Chronicles of a Pyromaniac. Kayla is the new kid on the block - she moved to Julian with her parents recently. Julian is a small country town that has a population of 3000. Most of the people live out in the rural areas - very few actually live inside of the small town. This area has one county school called Southeast Guilford - Elementary, Jr. High and Sr. High. Kayla and family reside on a small farm about 10 miles from the school. Kayla is 16 and has a younger sister - Lisa - she is 13. Kayla is starting High School this year and is very nervous - especially with the fact that she is new to the school. Making trustworthy friends will be her first priority - but this will not be easy - she will find this out - note: trustworthy. Kayla will attempt to make friends in many ways - she will have to do this because she will find out quick that the school has many clicks. Kayla is a simple girl - she does not smoke, drink or have sex, yet! She would not fathom participating in any sort of crime. But she will find out quickly that to be in the popular click - she would have to witness all kinds of weird things - including smoking, drinking, sex and even crime. There are many people who belong to secret societies - Kayla is fixing to meet one - or should I say many. These are the Chronicles of a Pyromaniac.
  1. Secret Societies
    There are many people that are in Secret Societies - Kayla is fixing to meet one - or should I say many.
  2. New Member
    Kayla is now a new member of the secret society - but she must finish her initiation.
  3. Diversion
    Pyro's have their own way to create a diversion.