Status: somewhat active. Quizilla Rewrite.

The One That Moves Me

Boy You Got Me Goin' Crazy

At 11:45, Kelsey and I were lined up with many other girls in front of Theatre 8 at the movies. They would let us in five minutes and no sign of the Jonas Brothers. I had on my outfit made just for tonight.I had Joe's name airbrushed on a pair of all high top white vans, Joe on one and Jonas on the other. And I made a tee shirt with him on it. In glittery blue words across the bottom it read 'The One That Moves Me'. Kelsey said I did too much, but I think she's jealous just like that girl two people down staring at my shirt.

"Where are they?" I said softly tapping my foot. My hands were shaking from nervousness as time got closer.

The usher came to open the theatre doors, and all of the sudden a huge jumble of screams erupted, but not from the doors opening. I whipped my head around to see a bunch of girls running to a group of security guards. But not just any security. I saw Big Rob picking a girl up to remove her from his head!

"Jase you were right!" Kelsey smiled at me. But I was frozen. My hands continued to shake and my knees wobbled. I just continued to stare, my stomach dropping when I caught sight of them.

"Jasey are you okay?" Kelsey shook my arm.

"Ohh God" I breathed falling into her. I fought the urge to faint and watched in awe.

"Hey ummm Jasey? I think they're coming."

"Of course! They're here!"

"No. I mean towards us."

I looked and sure enough they were heading in our direction.
"Kels I'm gonna spaz out!" I harshly whispered, because the next moment they were in front of us.

"How long did you have to wait to be first in line?" Kevin asked with a smile.

"S-s-since 10:40" I managed to say. And shakily laughed.

"Wow.Down right dedicated." Joe commented with a wonderful smile. "Well since your first in line, would you do us the honor of watching the movie with us?" He grabbed my hand. And being me, my legs gave out and I fell into him.

"Is that a yes?" He chuckled. I nodded my head, feeling completely pathetic and smiled.

A security guard came and told us we would be seated at the top row after they performed.

"Ohmigod" Kelsey said as everyone rushed in to get front row for their performance.

"I know! Talk about amazing! I'm gonna frickin' piss my pants of excitement!" I squealed, laughing. My shock had wondered away and I was now hyped.

"You guys ready to get this started?!" Joe yelled into the microphone.
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I couldn't keep the smile off my face. I was sitting right next to Joe, watching the movie. But the sight of Taylor Swift sure wiped it off. Blagh, I hate her. Can't lie though, she has nice music.

"Not a fan?" Joe whispered seeing my expression.

"Ehh not so much." I scrunched my face. How she did Joe was so dirty, I feel like kicking her in the throat.

"Me neither. Too scrawny" Now that made me spit out my drink, laughing, causing Joe, Nick, and Kevin to laugh and make everyone look at us. The boys got admiration, but girls threw us daggers. Death threats in those eyes, and I don't blame them. I was sitting next to Joe Jonas, mocking Taylor Swift. That’s glare-worthy.

Then there came the scene where Joe was taking his shirt off. Do you know how hard it is to stay quiet for that? When your dream crush is sitting right next to you and watching him take his shirt off!? Almsot his pants too!? I didn't friggin’ think so! It didn’t help that every other girl was screaming ‘til their lungs gave out around me. I bit down on my lip as my mouth quivered with the need to shout.
"Its okay to scream" He smirked. Cocky much?

Shit, he has a reason.
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Since we were right there with the guys, we also had to get escorted out the theatre from clawing fans.
"I would hate to have your life" I muttered, examining a bruise forming from some stupid blonde.

"That's funny" Nick chuckled. "You'd think we'd get tired of it, but it's really great to live your dream."

"I believe you." I nodded. Then my phone began to ring. The Spice Girls cried out from the device as I dug into my pocket for it.

"Hey mommy" I said once I retrieved it.

"You know your supposed to be home by three right?" She told me. I checked Kelsey's phone and it was 2:50.

Home was at least 20 minutes away.

"Yeah mommy we're leaving now! Bye" I hung up hastily, panicking. How the hell was I supposed to reduce a drive by ten minutes? Life just took a 360 when she said that!

"We gotta go," I said. "You have no idea how great it was tom meet you."

Somebody else's phone rang, and Joe fished through his pockets retrieving it. He read a text, I'm guessing and laughed.

"Well it was good to watch the movie with you two" He went to hug me, but some crazy girl ran into us screaming "Oh my god Joe I love you!"

I don't have the time, I thought as I picked myself up off the ground and felt for my phone in the dark.

"Sorry we have to leave!" I waved and Kelsey and I ran to her car, jumping in and making our way back to my house. If I wasn't there by 3:00 on the dot, my midnight movie privileges were gone. Oh well, what a way to loose them.
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comment? as it progresses it gets better. I promise!