Status: somewhat active. Quizilla Rewrite.

The One That Moves Me

See You Again

I decided to finally get out of my bed at 10 something, figuring I'd maybe go into work today. Yes I know, so sad I have nothing else to do on a Saturday. My mom had an emergency call (being a doctor) and I was here at home alone.

In the middle of munching on some Cinnamon Crunch Toast, I heard a phone ringing. Okay, ‘I Kissed A Girl’ may have been a good ringtone, but it surely wasn't mine. Annndd...I was the only one home.
Holy shit what if someone broke in?! And they forgot to put their phone on vibrate. Oh gosh how stupid are they,I began to laugh. I ran upstairs to see it was coming from my phone, so I dug under my covers to retrieve it.

I found it and got confused. But I don't have an i-Phone. Someone had sent a text to it.

your dad told me 2 tell u that we have rehearsal at 3.
Be there dude
-John Taylor

"Hol-ee Shit." I gasped. I think this isn't just some random coincidence. I have Joe Jonas' phone.

So where the hell is my 'LX?! If someone took my phone they're getting a converse in their backside. I paid $300 dollars for that phone! I raced down the hall to get my house and call my cell. I don't think It'd be polite to use Joe's phone. Oh, God I have Joe’s phone.


I woke up to someone rapping in my ear. Can you say inconsiderate?.
After a few seconds I realized it was a phone. But not mine. I squinted my eye open to see a Sidekick dancing on my carpet.

"Hello?" I answered confused. Whoever its was, they'd probably appreciate me giving them the message.

"Who the hell are you and why are you answering my phone?!" A girl screamed out. Okay maybe they
wouldn'tappreciate it.

"I-i-i just woke up. And your really sorta loud" I said.

"I don't give a rat's hat! Why do you have my phone? I swear if any harm is done I will hunt you down and cut off your pinky."

"But I like my-" I tried to say holding my pinky dearly to my chest.

"I don't wanna know what you like!I want my phone!" She started to sound hysteric. What is with this girl?

"Well my bad! And I don't know how I got your phone! I-wait a minute. Then where's my phone?" I scratched my head. This isn't how I liked to wake up.

"I don't know, Sir. And unless your Joe Jonas, which I highly doubt because I met the guy last night and he is really nice, I don't have your phone."

Okayyy. So must be that pretty girl from the movie last night. Who else? How did our phones get switched?

"Ummm. I am Joe Jonas,though.” I said slowly, “ You have my i-Phone?"


"Holy shit" Yet, again. I stayed quiet, thinking about how rude I'd just been.

"You still there?" He even sounds like Joe, Oh duh, because he is!

"Y-eah. You know, I am so sorry. I was just nervous about my phone. Didn't mean to wake you like that. It was just that I was sort of freaked out when I saw someone else’s phone and really I’m not that mean. I didn’t mean to threaten your pinky because it must mean a lot to you and I-"

"S'okay" I heard him laugh a little. I sighed, realizing I’d been rambling. Gosh, I’m such a dork.

"Well umm' John Taylor texted you saying your rehearsal's at 4. Is there anything on mine?"

"Uhh....Derrick texted asking if you still had pink panties?" He held back laughter. How embarrassing. What does that make me seem like? Some sexy pink panty wearing hooker? Aghhh.

"Ohh God. You could've spared me." I muttered, my face turning red without him even being here. Joe Jonas knows I have sexy pink panties now.

"It's okay. You’re the girl from last night right? I didn't get your name."
"Yeah, sorry. It’s Jasey."


"Thanks" I giggled.

We began to talk about random things, not even minding our phone mix up. At least two hours later, his phone started blaring 'Single Ladies'.

"Uhhmm Joe?" I laughed. "Your phone's playing Beyonce.

"Yeahh. I uhh..didn't do that." I could almost see him rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's your alarm. You wake up at 12:30?"
"I hate mornings. Especially when I have to stay out ‘til 3 a.m."

"The Glamorous Life" I teased.

"Hey umm. where do you live. Since we have to give each other's phones back and all, I figured you could watch our rehearsal... you know if" He began to ramble. Is Joe Jonas asking me out? Ohh I think yes! Score!

"Sure. I live on Los Cabos. I'll text you the directions." I told him, feeling butterflies at the idea of seeing him again.

"Sure. Talk to you later, Jasey" He said and I smiled.

"Bye Joe." I hung up and breathed heavily. Talk about living in a dream.
♠ ♠ ♠
I only just realized I hadn't updated this story.
