Status: somewhat active. Quizilla Rewrite.

The One That Moves Me

Who Let The Dogs Out

At 3:00, I was on my front balcony with one of two of my Siberian Huskies, Gypsy. We sat on the cushioned wicker chair, waiting for Joe as he'd asked. Since he had to find my house and pick me up before going to the rehearsal, getting me at three guaranteed us to be on time.

"Hey Gypsy, you think Joe's hot?" I asked, petting her as she lay halfway on my lap since she was as tall as me, almost, standing up. She sat lazily, enjoying my massage and didn't bother to answer. Whatever. Then something hit me. All this time, I have had Joe friggin' Jonas' phone and haven't went through it once. How un-Jasey of me. Yeah, that whole 'privacy' thing has never been key to me. Nobody knows, no harm done.

I quickly went to text messages first. Ehh, mostly from the band and crap. Howw
What I came across...was a Jonas fan heaven. At least twenty shirtless photos, some with water dripping down his chest, a towel around his hips. My God!

I quickly selected my favorites pictures out his album and sent them to my phone. It wasn't but five minutes later how incredibly stupidthat act was. Dumbshit.He has your phone smart one I thought. I smacked myself in the face causing Gypsy to stare at me with her head cocked to the side.

"I'm a dummy, Gyps." I sighed. She turned her head back towards the orange-ish sky. It was a nice March day, pretty sunny, but right now that was irrelevant. I just showed Joe Jonas how much of a creeper I am. Which is sorta funny, but still serious!

And he just hasto call me. The caller ID on his iPhone read Big Rob.

"Um, hello?" I answered sheepishly, afraid he might be calling to rant about my freakshowness.

"Jasey? Um. This is Joe. we're about to turn onto your street and I was calling to tell you your phone is dead."

"Oh okay. Thank you. And I'll be right out. Bye!" I quickly hung up happy that my phone's death saved my butt. And pride.

I ran into my room, Gypsy right behind me to grab my charger.

"Gyps you have to stay here, ‘kay? I'll be back soon,Hun. Go play with Jaide in the back." I opened the glass door but remembered I had to check the mail before I went. I grabbed the keys and left my front door open while I ran outside. The Black Expedition that came onto my driveway creeped me out until I noticed it was Joe. I exhaled and went to go greet him as he stepped out, but Gypsy and Jaide ran out the front door.
"You guys!" I yelled as they ran around in circles like they were slow. But Jaide spotted Joe and quickly ran his way. Shit. Joe let out a girly scream seeing an almost full grown dog coming at him and began to run. Not good. I dropped my mail and ran after the dog and the boy. Thanks to my stupifying speed, I caught Jaide on Delgado Drive.

"You shouldn't have run." I said breathlessy to Joe once I got to him. Unfortunately, hedidn’t stop when I caught Jaide. We got him on the next block.

"It's scary." He shuddered. His face was flushed, as I suspected mine was.

"C'mon, let's go back." I said holding Jaide by the collar.

"Wonder how Big Rob's holding up." He said as we made our way back.

"He's a big guy. He handles crazy girls everyday."
"Yeah, all that big is nothing when it comes to dogs. Especially scary dogs." Joe snagged a side glance at Jaide and made her bark. The thought of a guy Big Rob’s size being afraid of a Chihuahua or something made me snigger.

We came to my house and saw Big Rob trying to keep Gypsy away with a bat. Not that she was all too interested in him; She was lying on the grass, digging at the Earth.

"I caught her!" I yelled to him, but his focus was on Gyps. It made me laugh the way he heard my voice, but kept staring at the dog like she would attack at any moment.

"You guys, they aren't vicious. Joe, you just egged her on when you ran."

"Nuh-uh. She hates me." He looked from me to Jaide.

"Watch." I let her go. Joe prepared to take off again before I advised him not to move. She quickly went over to him and licked his hand, keeping her jumping to a minimum.

"See?" I smiled as he warmed up to her. "Now I can put them back." I clapped my hands and had the two follow me into the back. "You can come in." I called to Joe and Big Rob. It wasn't that great to have your crush be chased around your neighborhood by your dog. I really hoped no one saw the whole thing.

"Thanks you guys." I glared at the two dogs before me. They both tried to lick my face but I pushed them back and sat up straight. "You're staying. Maybe I'll forgive you when I get back home." I closed the glass door and went into the living room where Joe was laughing at my mom's scrawny Chihuahua in its cage.

"It's ugly huh?" I laughed, looking at Jose. Just because she had some Latin boyfriend, she had purchased the thing. Poor guy was scared of his own shadow.

"Why's he all shaky?" He asked. I shrugged. "Nervous?"

"Is that why he's in the cage?" Joe squatted and Jose backed himself to the back of the cage.

"Nah. When my mom's not home she makes me have him in there or the backyard when Jaide and Gypsy are in here. He's extremely jumpy and he doesn't like me. I guess I frighten him and when he's frazzled he pees."

"I dunno. I don't act any different around him." I got on my knees and looked Jose in his bugged out eyes a minute before barking.
That sent Joe reeling.

"It's 4:30. We gotta go." Big Rob told us. But Jaide and Gypsy began pawing and bumping on the glass door, making Jose's eyes go wide and he wet himself.
"If I leave like this he’ll piss a wet spot through the cage." I sighed.

"Big Rob can we bring them?" Joe asked.
"Who?" He raised his eyebrows, "I know you ain't talkin’ about those big ole dogs."

"They're scaring Chi-chi-huahua." He pleaded. Big Rob sighed and nodded, hurrying to the car so he wouldn't have to deal with them. We grabbed the dogs and leashes and put the in the back seat with me.

"Please keep them still as much as you can." Big Rob sighed. I laughed and nodded. Joe plugged my phone into the car to charge and asked me to call Kevin and say we were on our way.

"Hopefully we get there just in time, or Nick'll freak on me."
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