Status: somewhat active. Quizilla Rewrite.

The One That Moves Me

But you know you got a mean streak

"What time is it Joe?" Nick asked from the stage, Joe right in front of him on the ground.

"Uhh. 4:19-"

"And what time where you supposed to be here" He snapped quickly.

I sunk lower in the seat I was in. Me, Gypsy and Jaide were slouched in the last row, not yet seen by the pissed off younger Jonas. Thankfully, Jaide and Gypsy looked intimated by his anger enough not to cause a scene.

"4:00?" Joe question, shrinking back a little. I didn’t blame him. Nick was younger than me too, but he looked intimidating.

"Exactly." He snapped again. "4:00. Not 4:15, not 4:30, not even 4:05."

"Well I had to-" Joe tried but was cut off.

"Get off your butt? Yeah I think so too." He sighed rolling his eyes. Then his gaze landed on me. I could've cried, for a different reason than most when meeting Nick Jonas.

"Security is lacking too now. Big Rob!"

"She's with me. I had to pick her up and that’s why we're late." Joe rushed to say.

"So now you pick up groupies as an excuse!"

My draw dropped . Ouch. Pounded by Nicholas Jonas himself. Right in front of you.

"Okay ,Dude. That's uncalled for. I'm gonna leave and come back when you get your panties out a bunch." Joe turned away from his brother and made his way to me.

"I'm sorry." He seemed uncomfortable.

"S'okay. He's upset. No biggie" I smiled, trying to get him to believe me. In all reality, my feelings were sort of hurt. I may act crazy and everything, but I’m just a big cry baby. A really sensitive cry baby.

"Since Nick's pissing everyone off" He nodded toward the stage where Garbo was now leaving a screaming Nick, "Wanna go for some ice cream?"

"You don't have to-" I began, thinking he was feeling sorry for me after his brother just embarrassed me. I wasn’t some charity case though.

"I'm not trying to be nice. I wanna go get some ice cream with you." His eyes bore into mine and my breath hitched as he smiled at me.

Talk about sweet.

"Okay" I said softly. "What will we do with these guys?" I motioned to my huskies.

"Sick 'em on Nick's backside." He smirked and dropped the leashes from my hand. I tried to object, but he grabbed hold of my shoulders and hurried me across the street, laughing. We walked towards an ice cream parlor, laughing about last night's incident.

"So how long have you lived out here?" He asked me once we had purchased our ice cream and were walking down the street again.

"L.A? Forever." I scooped some of my Cookie Dough into my mouth.

"Like it?"

"Love it. " I smiled. "What about you?''

"I mean its great, gave me my dream. But I miss home sometimes, ya know? My normal life."

"Wish I could relate." I chuckled. Then I started to notice the cameras snapping pictures of us.
"Joe did you,uh-"

"No I noticed them since we walked out the ice cream place." He smiled. I hid mine and ate some more ice cream.

When we got back to the stadium, Kevin was sitting on the hood of a car. I'm guessing was his.
"No rehearsal. Dad said Nick's over reacting,” He told us.

I laughed but stopped myself.

"So when are we eating?" Joe asked finishing off his Vanilla. He threw his cup at a trashcan and made it.

"You just had ice cream!" Kevin said.

"I'm hungry though." Joe's brow furrowed.

"Fine. Get Nick- Oh I almost forgot. You know those dogs you let loose? Well you just made his pissy meter hit a high."

"Almost forgot. Hehe,” Joe laughed, making it harder for me to be a humble person and be quiet. “ What happened?"

"I'll let Nick tell you when I get him." He winked and unlocked the car for us to get in. I didn’t like that wink, it made me uneasy. He jogged off to find Nick and Joe and I exchanged glances.

"We should let Nick have the front" We both slid into the back. I guess spending time with him released the awkard dorkiness I had last night. It was like going to an All Time Low concert and being the ones to chill with them. Of course with the Jonas', there was no crude sex jokes. I could deal with that.

"So where you wanna eat?" He asked me.

"I'm going?" I asked dumbly.

"Duhhh" He flicked my nose playfully. It made me blush, but I didn’t acknowledge it.

"I dunno. Applebee's?"

"Ohh they have good smoothies." I smiled but it quickly faded seeing Nick and Kevin approaching. Yeah call me scared of someone two years younger than me, but his look could put me out cold.

"Where's Jaide and Gypsy?" Joe asked once the two were in the car.

"Oh you know their names." I got a goofy smile on my face. He remembered my dog’s names! Which may seem totally not important.

"Nick made Big Rob lock them in the a back room after they attacked him." Kevin suppressed his laughter. I looked at Nick closely. He had dirt prints on his shirt front and part of his jeans were torn. And leaves were in his hair.

"Umm Nick?" I all but whispered in my smallest voice.

"What?" He snapped. He's very snappy today. I grimaced before speaking again.

"You have a little something in your--- Here I'll get it." I attempted to get the leaves but his abrupt shout made me jump damn near out of my skin.


"Well you're gonna go out with tree in your hair! You're lucky I'm trying to help you after that butthead remark from earlier." I yelled back. Really, I was sick of his crankiness. He sighed. “Hurry up."

"Fer sure. Tilt you noggin this way." He did so and I grabbed the twigs and crunched leaves, chucking them out the window.

"So..uhhmm. What's gonna happen to my puppies?' I asked once we were driving.

"Puppies!” Nick scoffed, “ My dog is a puppy! Those we're beastly!" Nick threw his hands up.

"Whatever. They aren't even full grown." I objected. Huskies were just big dogs. Excuse nature for not making everything Nick acceptable.

"Well Big Rob's taking them back to your house. He said he'll throw them over the fence." Kevin said


"Not like that! Like he'll put them back there safely." I sighed. I don't want my babies hurt.

"Where are we eating Joe?"

"Jasey said Applebee's and I agree!"

"They have good smoothies." Kevin remarked.

"I know right!" Me and Joe both yelled at the same time.

"Jinx you owe me a Blow Pop" I beat him to it.

"Not fair." He shoved my arm.

"Yes fair." I shoved him back. This started a battle. Which resulted in Joe's head hitting Nick's in some way.

"Cut it out!" He smacked Joe.

"It was her fault!" he hit him back. Then Nick's hand came down on my head.

"Owie! What that for!?" I hit him back. We had just parked in the Applebee's parking lot and it was easy to see the car was shaking as we fought. Not that we noticed. Hands were flying and words were yelled. We grunted and hit like mad.

"You guys! C'mon! Cut it out I'll tell Dad!" Kevin kept trying to stop us. Nice try. No use. Our spat lasted a full minutes. Stepping out the car it looked like we were mauled by a bear. But hey, we were going drink some bomb smoothies. It was worth it.
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I laughed when I was going over this. Nick, you're a jerkk!